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Mabinogi Book Club

Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
Posts: 162
edited December 15, 2016 in General Chat
Hey everyone,this post will all about making novels in Mabinogi;I did like a lot of works from the past 3 months so,if you really want to share your work here,then this post is the one!Feel free to post your story with everything you got!Also don't forget to type your IGN,your story title and your server your on so,other players from your server can look at your story.


  • StagedNoteStagedNote
    Mabinogi Rep: 860
    Posts: 32
    Looks like RoyRed beat me to it xD I was just thinking about this thread @_@ Let us do our best and make awesome works that'll inspire others to write~

    Author Name: Twinearth
    Server Name: Mari

    I a link of my expired works as I release my next book~
  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    edited January 1, 2017
    Meet the new thread, same as the old thread; just the three of us bumping it every weekend.
    Oh well, let's kick this off.

    Anima, Ch.13: The Crossroads
    Author: Shaeli
    Server: Mari

    ( direct link until/if images return: )

    Meara is forced to confront the void between worlds once again in the Crossroads—and has to be literally carried out after suffering a major panic attack. Then the 'Unwelcoming World' gives her and her companions a harsh greeting.

    [And now some grumbling from atop the fourth wall. Figures that Another World Tir/Bangor aren't in the available backdrops. Limitations! *shakes fist* Fine, we'll play it your way, game. With a wave of my magic author wand, I have recast TNN as a death world in another sense—savage and feral, abandoned, with all the works of man rotting, rusting, and decaying away. Everything that moves is trying to kill you, and everything that can't move is giving it its best effort.]
  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    The volume 11 of "Knight's War" is now out,the next volume will be out on Dec.31 since i'm going to Las Vegas next weekend!I'll see you there!
    IGN: Royred
    Server: Alexina
  • BerryswirlBerryswirl
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,140
    Posts: 797
    RoyRed said:

    The volume 11 of "Knight's War" is now out,the next volume will be out on Dec.31 since i'm going to Las Vegas next weekend!I'll see you there!
    IGN: Royred
    Server: Alexina
    Ermagawd I'm going to Vegas in Feb xD! Enjoy~

    This seems like an interesting thread, I'll try to remember to post here if I make a Mabi VN.

  • StagedNoteStagedNote
    Mabinogi Rep: 860
    Posts: 32
    edited March 31, 2017
    -gasp- a new Potential Book Club Member?! xD
    ...Music writing is nice and all, but writing can be fun, too~
    For those who follow it, I have just released "Story Writing, 14." Look forward to the next one~

    Author Name: Twinearth
    Server Name: Mari

    List of expired works
    Story Writing
  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    edited December 25, 2016
    So why did we "upgrade" the forums again if we lost images, text formatting, and even proper quotations? -_-x

    Anima, Ch.14: False Paradise
    Author: Shaeli
    Server: Mari

    ( direct link until images come back: )

    The world beyond the gate is no paradise at all—no people, no shelter, no food, no potable water, and the night is dark and full of terrors. Time is running out, both for the companions and for Erinn itself...
  • StagedNoteStagedNote
    Mabinogi Rep: 860
    Posts: 32
    edited March 31, 2017
    Huh, I looked around the other forum posts before, it seemed okay? But uh...I haven't checked forums recently xD;
    (Darn, was hoping to publish this during Christmas, saying Merry Christmas and all, but oh well. Merry Christmas, anyways~)
    Well, my next part of my "Story Writing." series, "Story Writing, 15." is out now~ Look forward to next week's chapter~

    List of expired works
    Story Writing
  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    The volume 12 of "Knight's War" is now out,the next volume will be out next weekend.See you there!
    IGN: Royred
    Server: Alexina
    P.S-I am back from Vegas last weekend.
  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    edited January 1, 2017
    Anima, Ch.15: The Black Orb
    Author: Shaeli
    Server: Mari

    ( direct link until/if images return: )

    After decades without the presence of people, the 'Unwelcoming World' has gone feral, and is decaying into fetid ruins, unfit for life. With no supplies left, and nothing to be found in this hostile world, the three friends have no choice but to press on into the depths, and rescue Morrighan before their strength gives out. But first, they need the key to her prison...

    [Fuming from atop the fourth wall resumes. Once again I was painfully reminded that the MabiNovel system was halfassed in execution, and found that Albey Dungeon is not in the available backdrops. Vexation and a regrettable substitution ensued.]
  • StagedNoteStagedNote
    Mabinogi Rep: 860
    Posts: 32
    edited March 31, 2017
    Happy New Year, everyone! Well, the next chapter of my series, "Story Writing.", titled, "Story Writing, 16." has been released~

    Server Name: Mari
    Author Name: Twinearth

    List of expired works

    ...I feel your pain, Shaeli--I don't particularly have a background to represent sea travel, so most of this chapter has no background ._.
  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    edited January 7, 2017
    The 13th volume of "Knight's War" is now out,the next volume will be out on the next weekend! See you there!
    IGN: Royred
    Server: Alexina
  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    Another week, another chapter...that maybe ten people will read.

    Anima, Ch.16: Salvation
    Author: Shaeli
    Server: Mari

    ( direct link until/if images return: )

    Isn't it usually the gods that end up saving humans? Everything's been wrong about this world from the moment they arrived in it. After a grueling struggle to reach the dark core of Albey, the Goddess is freed—but it may already be too late.
  • StagedNoteStagedNote
    Mabinogi Rep: 860
    Posts: 32
    edited March 31, 2017
    -catches up on MabiNovels- There you go Shae and Roy, +1 count xD

    Well, I have just released "Story Writing, 17." Until next time~

    Author name: Twinearth
    Server: Mari

    Expired works
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,195
    Posts: 9,188
    I have to say some of these are pretty interesting. Good work guys. ^_^
  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    The 14th volume of "Knight's War" is now out,the next volume will be out next weekend!See you there!
    IGN: Royred
    Server: Alexina
  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    edited January 15, 2017
    Another week, another bump in this thread nobody else uses, another chapter with a cliffhanger ending, because that's what you do when you're building to a DRAMATIC CLIMAX. *thunder*

    Anima, Ch.17: The Dark God
    Author: Shaeli
    Server: Mari

    ( direct link until/if images return: )

    It is too late to stop the resurrection of Glas Ghaibhleann, but perhaps not too late to stop its creator from sending it to Erinn to begin its onslaught. Once more, into the depths....

    [grumble grumble missing backdrop, grumble grumble substitution. Two plot arcs written, four to go.]
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    I made my own book too! I hope you all like it! :D

    The Dungeon Boy
    Author: Mizuli
    Server: Mari
  • StagedNoteStagedNote
    Mabinogi Rep: 860
    Posts: 32
    edited March 31, 2017
    Oh hey =o New poster, welcome~ See @Shaeli? It isn't that nobody uses this thread xD -reads books while drinking tea-
    Ahem. Anyways~
    The latest chapter, "Story Writing, 18." has just been posted~ Until next time!
    Author Name: Twinearth
    Server Name: Mari

  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    Lengthy fight scenes are hard. And I've got three more of them to do before it's over. -_-;

    Anima, Ch.18: The Final Stand
    Author: Shaeli
    Server: Mari

    ( direct link until/if images return: )

    The unstoppable juggernaut is unleashed! Can Meara and her friends defeat Glas Ghaibleann, or will they become its first victims?

    [It's not just the amount of backdrops that's lacking, but sound effects too. -_-x Oh well, just have to work with what's there, as I suspect MabiNovels are another abandonware as-is-as-will-be black box system that never gets expanded upon.]

  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    edited January 30, 2017
    The 15th volume of "Knight's War" is now out,the next volume will be out next weekend!See you soon!
    IGN: Royred
    Server: Alexina

    -Removed, Controversial Topics are not allowed on the forums.-