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IGN: Royred
Server: Alexina
Anima, Ch.62: A Dark Deal
Author: Shaeli
Server: Mari
Meara is attacked by a mysterious blue implacable humanoid with a singleminded determination. It shrugs off ordinary magic like nothing. She's forced to resort to...somewhat more extraordinary magic, remembered from her life in another world, as another person; spells she'd vowed to never use except as a last resort. She manages to stop the juggernaut, then the Prophet who sicced it on her makes an appearance and an introduction...
Intrigued by an otherworldly being with command over mysterious and powerful magic, Brilluen reaches out to Meara, thinking an enemy of the Knights could be an ally. However, Meara sees an opportunity to use her to get to the very source of the corruption, and offers the Prophet a somewhat literal deal with the devil.
IGN: Royred
Server: Alexina
IGN: Royred
Server: Alexina
Anima, Ch.63: The Die Is Cast
Author: Shaeli
Server: Mari
Meara makes a dangerous gambit—pretending to help the Prophets, and hoping they lead her to Ladeca, so she can put an end to everything threatening Erinn at all once. But she'll have to keep up the act, and the first test of her resolve comes when she runs into an old friend who has a good reason to despise her...
Now that she's presented herself as having taken the side of the Prophets, there is no going back.
Anima, Ch.64: Elved's Seal
Author: Shaeli
Server: Mari
Meara had decided to go all in on her risky venture to help the Prophets, in order to use them to get at Ladeca. She realizes she knows where the seals the Prophets are looking for just happen to be located, and leads the Prophets to them (before the Alban Knights even have the notion to go looking for them too.)
However, she knows full well that this alliance of convenience will end the moment they step through Avalon Gate, and steels herself for the inevitable betrayal...
IGN: Royred
Server: Alexina
Anima, Ch.65: To Belvast
Author: Shaeli
Server: Mari
Stowing away on a ship, Meara heads to Belvast, and beyond. A confrontation at Avalon Gate lies ahead...but her thoughts are turned more towards what lies beyond that. After all, today may be her final day in Erinn, after almost nine years. After Meara leaves, after she overcomes the shadowy goddess menacing Erinn, what will she do next...? Spend eternity wandering the endless worlds of the multiverse...or shut herself away in self-imposed exile and never bother another living thing again?
Perhaps the decision can wait until Erinn is safe...
IGN: Royred
Server: Alexina
My family gave me a one month reprieve from...the crisis I've been contending with the last couple of months. There's still a chance to turn things around, but if things don't work out I'll just have dug myself into a deeper hole. Regardless, it means this tale will have its proper conclusion.
Anima, Ch.66: Avalon Gate
Author: Shaeli
Server: Mari
The Prophets, and Meara with them, make their strike on Avalon Gate, aiming to open it and seize what lies beyond for themselves. The Alban Knights are taken somewhat by surprise, thinking that their stronghold was still hidden and safe. Playing her part to the fullest, Meara strikes down the Knights with a powerful spell while they're distracted by the other Prophets, crippling their fighting prowess before the battle even begins.
However, among the Knights is Meara's former friend Vivian, hell bent on revenge for the accidental death of her brother at Meara's hands seven years earlier. If Meara is to have any chance of getting through the gate, to reach the world of the Prophets and destroy the threats to Erinn at their source, she will have to cross weapons with her old friend one last time, and Vivian was always better in a fight...
Anima, Ch.67: Unforgiven
Author: Shaeli
Server: Mari
As the battered Alban Knights fight a losing battle with the Prophets at Avalon Gate, Meara faces down her old former friend Vivian, who had always been faster and stronger than her, and now even more so. At their last confrontation seven years ago, as the Dark Knights had begun their war on Uladh, Meara had been overwhelmed, run through and left to bleed out. This time, things go very different: Meara manages to immobilize Vivian and blast her full force with a Lightning Rod spell.
Unable to forgive Meara, a defeated Vivian swears she'll never forgive Meara for the death of her brother, unintentional as it was, and demands to know why she's helping the Prophets. Having to keep up an act, Meara subtly hints to Vivian that she doesn't intend for the Prophets to get what they're looking for, then expresses her remorse over how things ended up between them and says her final goodbyes, expecting to never be forgiven...
With the Knights defeated, the Prophets and Meara use the four seals to open the gate, and pass through.
Only one task remains for Meara. The time for it is imminent. She simply has to wait for the right moment...
IGN: Royred
Server: Alexina
Anima, Ch.68: Ascendance
Author: Shaeli
Server: Mari
Beyond the Gate, the Prophets find the objects of their search: the entombed body of the Elder, and his sword—more than just a sword, wrought into being by Aton Cimeni, it still contains a divine power... The Prophets use the power of the sacred sword to open a portal back to their world of origin, in order to take the Elder back with them to convert his corpse into an unstoppable Apostle.
But first, the Prophets see fit to attempt to dispose of Meara, as they never had any intention of taking her with them. Of course, Meara was fully anticipating this, and turns the tables on them. Drawing upon her past life experience as a prodigal sorceress, she takes in all the Mana she can handle and unleashes it in one colossal blast of pure magical power...vaporizing the Prophets, the Elder's corpse, and his sword, all in one fell swoop.
The portal remains.
It beckons.
Beyond it is Ladeca's world, the source of all the ills currently plaging Erinn. Vowing to take the struggles of the people of Erinn to Ladeca's very throne, to do to the sinister goddess what Meara had just done to her Prophets, to rage against the heavens to protect this world she had come to love, she steps through the portal...and is gone, never to return.
IGN: Royred
Server: Alexina
Anima, Epilogue: Letting Go
Author: Shaeli
Server: Mari
Months have passed since that fateful day at Avalon Gate when Meara left Erinn through the portal, vowing to vanquish Ladeca herself. An uneasy peace has returned to the world; the mutant crystal-infested creatures have disappeared, and the Apostle attacks have ceased. Perhaps she succeeded...but none will ever know for sure.
The two people who's lives Meara touched the most reflect on what they've lost, and what the future has in store for them. One of them has seen enough horrors for two lifetimes, and just wants to put it all behind them and move on. The other, though, can't let go of the past...and can't let go of their anger.
Well, this is it. Didn't think things would be the way they are when I started, and I'm lucky I managed to finish. I doubt I'll ever do another big story like this, mostly because I'm not going to have the free time to do it anymore. Thanks to all three of you who've been reading since the start.
I have the whole thing up and public on my Pastebin account now, but nobody looks at that either.
Oh well. Your thread now, Roy.
Hey congratz on finishing on your story about like 69 chapters,no puns intended;so I will wait on your next Mabi-story someday.
IGN: Royred
Server: Alexina
IGN: Royred
Server: Alexina