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Steampunk is going to be...
Because screw outfit bags.
I know I know... I was just hoping for outfit bags for something like this for once. We've wanted something like this for YEARS. And now...all I can do is sigh and shake my head.
What is crazy is that I am still hoping for some kind of miracle. Like they still do shopping bags for the outfits and gacha the rest of the stuff. I mean there's still a chance right? Sigh...
Gather around everyone. Let us pray to the goddess.
And the forum reacts the same as it always does.
I honestly won't care in the slightest as the only way I see myself paying for more than Pon for Style Tab in this game is if they update VIP.
Currently its just a more expensive style tab with gestures.
You're right about that VIP needs to be updated. Also we need to be compensated for all the remote Administration coupons.
It's because people buy them anyway. It makes them money, so they have no incentive to do otherwise.
Vote with your wallets and don't buy the gachas if you don't support this nonsense.
No words describe how ticked off I am from this.
You really think we don't already do this?
It's getting us nowhere, no matter who brings the idea up.
It gets us nowhere because people are buying into it anyway. Talk them out of it, just do... something about it if it matters that much to you. Sitting around and whining about it on a forum won't help anyone.
I am doing something about it though..?
I'm not 'whining' on the forums, considering the fact that gacha spenders stop by and read threads..? 「(゚ペ) ?
Yeah we have stopped. I stopped because I realized I spent a significant fortune this year. While I am still financially sound, it makes me ill to think how much I spent for NOTHING. I don't care what other people think what gacha - it, is, gambling. Period. You use real money in hopes of getting something good. It does NOT matter if you get money back for what you purchased. You are gambling for a commodity.
Governments are starting to take notice of this kind of spending. You know why? Because that is not money being taxed and not going towards the markets. It's only a matter of time before this becomes heavily regulated or taxed.
My hopes is that one day when and if this happens, it will force gaming companies to drop gacha.
Actually it does help because they do read our complaints and suggestions.
Dare I say loot box?
And a house that you have to go to every day, and that can't fit more gold than a shop in belvast. And that has 5 times the fees of belvast. and that you have to change channels to get to. And that no one really uses anymore.
I do hope they do read this and consider releasing an outfit bag for this.
/People say we are whining about gacha on forums.
/Forums are for voicing concerns about the game.
I agree with both of you that VIP needs something more, and totally agree with compensation on admin coupons... but, a little off topic with an honest question, why does no one mention the extra inventory tab when discussing the benefits of VIP? Thats probably the only reason I haven't got rid of VIP yet... lol. Is it just under VIP, or is that also included in the lower price premium package and thats why no one mentions it?
Also, as annoying and dreadful as it is that everything is released gacha nowadays, wouldnt it be weird to have like hundreds of people running around wearing the exact same outfit as everyone if it were released in an outfit bag, or am I misunderstanding what an outfit bag is?
You get the VIP inventory tab with the lower premium service. You only miss out on the extra daily missions, unlimited cont warp, decreased durability loss, and 'free' style tab.
Thanks! I couldnt find the info in the description of either service...