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nah you first antagonize some people while doing it and make sure to call them names
Good start for some mudslinging
I think I would consider myself to be an average player. I'm only 12k ttl and I could have 1400 dex w/o buffs and being lvl 100/25. Well I actually maxed all dex skills at 10k, I spread my ap around on other stats so it might be possible even earlier; it's not that hard if you just focus on one stat.
Also I nearly maxed every skill(exept alchemy ofc)right now
jeez you were doing so well but then just flopped on yourself but whatever you say
PS you didnt make me feel bad,I was just pointing out how that kind of tone makes you look to some people
Good ideas, bad optics
i love u, plz tell these small fish in small pond that is easy to have high dex and i forgot myself i have echo stone +100dex
he hit +2k damage by support shot
2.7k-3k by normal hit chainslash
please tell me how to get that high. what formular u use
Things you're probably missing, Death marker + reforge + chain slasher outfit effect, Bhafel huntress +15% damage increase, a 47% overture buff, bone chip, 74% crit from being step 7, a penetration level because of bhafel hunter, probably a few hundred max damage from a lack of enchants and or titles, pet summon debuffs, and whatever other buffs/reforges they might have.
If your stats are like THAT, then I think even if Chain Blades can't get elemental reforges, then they'll be fine when you're using them.
If your stats are like THAT, then ANYTHING should be fine when you're using it, ha!
chianwhip sux
WD heart isn't super expensive... and I can see this won't go anywhere regardless of what's said. Enjoy your ele lance in Sidhe/Phantasm.
but ele doesnt work in either.... lol
They were arguing chains are gonna suck because they can't get ele, and proceeded to talk about ele smash, I was being sarcastic
And they refuse to understand elemental reforge is useless for end game. All of end game mobs are immune to elementals. So really, you'll be doing normal damage than usual. If only they seen few videos of elves solo runs with level 20 magnum shot/crash shot with bohemain set.