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Luck will add damage for Chain skills but won't add damage for Melee, Fighter, etc. Meanwhile if you enchant for damage, it adds damage to all the non-magic skillsets, which is one of the reasons damage enchants are preferred over stat enchants in most cases.
The only special material needed for crafting chain weapons is for the celtic one, and that one needs drops that we don't even have in NA yet, so lots of people will be scrambling for them when the update hits, one way or another.
The other two chainblades that are smithable just use ingots/leathers/braids.
Really? If it does do giants get the full 15% boost?
Yes, but they dex they lack makes it only okay with this skill.
The lack of dex on the giant means missing out on more than 15% base damage without other damage sources.
Even assuming R1 skills and things like...
+20 max from Chain Blade Mastery, +101 max from an upgraded cutthroat chain blade, and +75 from enchants...
You'd need a lot of various flat bonuses on the giant to make up for the differences.
I would really like to know how the damage is calculated overall with DEX and LUCK stat. If shifting to DEX would be better vs shifting to LUCK instead. Is there an equalibrium of the two stat if one is less or more.
he does 2k damage form support shot alone
can u guess how much normal atk he has?
with that damage any weapon is overkill
I think you just disproved your first point if super high damage makes any weapon overkill then "if it doesnt have ele it sux" is not valid hey even having HALF that guys damage is still pretty good. Looks like he used overture and probably an attack pot or bone chip so that may be why thier ss is strong but like I said just half that damage is still very good
Unless u have double or triple ele reforges single ele reforges can actually output less if the mob ur hitting is the same/resistant element as ur weapon's reforge. It works like the elemental enchants boost but w/ scaled percentages.
I don't reccomend ele reforges on lances unless ur lucky 2 roll capped double/triple ele &/Or smash/wm. Plus ele reforges...they become useless in newer meta contents.
I'm not sure what stage of the game you're at but this just isn't true at all. You're not very endgame because you're assuming ele reforge is the best when it doesn't even work on the harder content. Shadow wizard isn't endgame. Also 740 max damage with bone chip and a 50% overture is very low, I don't even have any archery skills ranked and naked with an un upgraded highlander long bow I have 500 max. I don't think you understand how the damage formula works, and I'm not trying to be rude here either but assuming he had master of support shot that crit would still be for ~200k.
i havnt done any buff song or bone or title or whateva but i could assume the average. true is i am prefer doing crafting thing more than kill
i am not really care what end game is but if someone with good analysis skill watch that clip there some thing out of the curve, maybe there new buff or that acc for more music buff idk and idc, i just have fun with game i have, but whip sux XD
2.5k normal hit with whip i couldnt say it normal.
Is your support shot rank F? How are you only hitting 500 with support shot with 1400 dex? On the community stream, with a horrible weapon the GM crit 15k with chain impale at 1100 dex, and I think 150 luck. Just adding on chain burst and death marker you're looking at ~23k crit. Find me a lance that can smash 23k, with no other skills used outside of melee with a basic npc wooden lance, at 1100 str. I'm honestly not sure why you're saying chains are going to suck, they're close to beating out magnum spam and final hit in terms of damage.
therefore 2000damage by actual ss that mean 2500 normal shot and possibly 2750-3000max bow damage that could possible make. Could u possibly get that high? and i really see some one smash over 150k after ss and i dont want to talk about it coz it might lead to something misunderstanding. friend, 2500-3000 normal damage make every thing is deadly, dont u see the point?
Why would there ever be a nerf when it's been like that for years and is literally nothing new