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chain does pretty good damage with okay dex.
I also have a lot of LUCK enchanted items, if that would accumulate into anything good.
It's a dual stat weapon, like Guns, Shurikens, or Control Bars.
It uses Luck and Dex.
All of those I have a small gathering of and some I have successfully enchanted ranging near the highest stat to the maximum stat bonus.
There are also other enchants that are higher in rank and are even rarer still. The Diligent enchant is so far the best in my collection although I still need to get other enchants before it since it is rank 5.
So far my favorite title to equip is Wonderland which gives +30 LUCK along with the enchants, I can reach around ~100 to ~230 LUCK all in all, depending on the level also.
Not to burst your bubble on the luck set up, but 200 luck gives you like... 55 extra max damage. While yes that is a pretty big amount a solo backbreaking set of gloves gives almost that by itself. I guess this also means solo enchant is BiS for chain because it gives 25 luck and 10 max.
66 max damage actually. Damage rates from stats are 2.5 dex and 3 luck from what I know.
Although, going for a luck or pure damage boost really depends on one's funding and overall desires.
But as far as Chain Slash titles go, Sniper Title is one of the best ones. 50 Dex translates to 25 max attack.
The weapons also reach really high damage amounts despite being dual stat, with Celtic going above 100 max.
Combine such with the rather high damage rates of the skills, and you have a heavy hitting talent.
on a more serious note I barely made it as soon as I heard about the KR release I slowly started being conservative with my AP on my elf and I barely have over the amount needed to rank 1 every skill
Also I dont think giants will be too far off I heard that chain blade could get boosted by might of ladeca
The data dump says 3/4 luck for one max, so I used 3.5 just for arguments sake. But sniper will be best in terms of damage for chains by a large margin.
Except the fact elemental reforge sucks too. You better off go for chains set up reforges. Most of new content mobs (which is after G12 I believer) are immune to elementals. So there is no point going for that, lol.
Im sure you were joking but just in case anyone thinks otherwise
chain can be pretty strong on its own
You can buy a basic chain blade from smiths I think.
Heck, the 2nd best kind is actually surprisingly easy to make.
Its the Celtic one that requires a ton of effort.
As for myself, I held on to both Nao Equip Boxes from potential so...
I guess I'll see how that turns out after the update.