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Judgement Blade Damage -20%??? WHAT THE ACTUAL &$#*@#%!?!?!? THIS IS WORST!
What Chain Blade Mastery has to do with Judgement Blade skill????? I don't understand....???
Guess i won't be ranking Chain talent then.
If for some bizarre reason it applies when equipped with anything else, you'd better never equip a Chain Blade as the nerf is 20% for all ranks, including Novice (which you get by equipping the weapon).
i think its cause the chain skills them self's involve using dark demonic magic. wich is what he actual crusader skills actually are made to fight agenst.
im sure the 20% damage reduction only applys when u have a chain in your hand anyway
i my self quite like the idea. makes the game feel more alive like back in the day
It's quite easy actually. I have 1300 dex now naked with +15 dex title, lvl 74/22 on adventurer talent, also no echostone since mine expired
Just be on archer talent, get to decent levels, have echostone on, have sniper title and that's enough for 1400
Also there's always pet divine link
Sounds believable, but Ena's claim appeared to be "natural" 1400 dex.
As in nonboosted, claiming to not even have grandmaster archer yet.
Along with suspiciously low damage output for such high dex.
Thats why I had such a desire for proof. Without proof, such discussion was going nowhere.
Also not sure about others, but I've never counted Divine Link when figuring stats.
I guess I just prefer to see how stats can go before such boosts.
Since just about anyone at mid to endgame these days seems to have a level 200 link.
When people tell me they have 1400 dex I'm assuming they didn't go all out and buff themselves especially when saying they're naked. 1400 natural dex I'm pretty sure isn't possible, getting there isn't too hard but still... Claiming to have 1400 dex, then saying your support shot only hits 500 on foxes that's a bit "out there". I only have 800 dex and my support shot at rank f almost hits that
Neato, I totally missed that part during the stream.
Oh well, just means you should stick to other weapons when using Judgment Blade.
Right now I'm 87/22 naked, no titles, nearly maxed out dex (missing 5 dex from gm) and dex is 1297. That's with adventurer talent which gives no dex at all.
Talent Title: Archer
Base Stat Bonus:
+5 Health
+5 Stamina
+10 Dexterity
Leveling Stat Bonus:
+0.5 Dexterity
Aging Stat Bonus:
+1 Stamina
+2 Dexterity
Archery talent gives like 50+ dex at lvl 100
My echostone(expired) has 51 dex
Easily 1300+50+50 ~ 1400 natural dex
Did some testing with r1 support shot w/ clean llb
Stats: 399-612, 1297 dex
Ends up doing ~450 damage on foxes, 489 was my highest
That would explain it. And I'm fully open to being wrong too. But when the person in debate is basically just covering their ears and going BLAH BLAH BLAH and even being insulting it's hard to take anything they say at face value. Assuming I am wrong about the dex/ support shot debate, trying to base chain blade damage off support shot is pretty silly. A lot of the KR player base uses chains, if it was worse than an ele lance no one would use them.
Not sure if this is serious or not, just switch weapons?
With that being said I hope the following screenshots can demystify people's doubts and help prevent the spread of false information about the game's mechanics.
Now this is going to sound pedantic on my part, and it is mostly due to my poor choice of words. But I'm very aware you can hit the cap on every stat by my definition of "natural" I'm thinking more along the lines of the average player not 20k+ level 200/50. My lack of belief in what @Ena said comes from them stating a very high stat number, then not knowing rather common knowledge in terms of late game mechanics.
Smash damage during a mission this high is pretty rare if not unheard of, but in terms of a damage test on barrier spikes etc it isn't that high just doing a quick youtube search. Which doesn't make me think they have knowledge of game mechanics/ damage formula.
First off, even if it was just cut in 4 that would still be ~100k crits which is amazing. Second the damage calc for support shot is entirely different from chain impale, and smash even. This is something that's fairly basic knowledge.
I don't really even know what this means, as lance charge damage is well known to be some of the highest in the game.
And instead of instantly proving me wrong, and discrediting everything I've said so far they proceed to just call me unimaginative and dumb.
That's why I debated it, something just isn't adding up with what they've claimed.
Anyways should really get back to chains and not about peoples stats