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You think from perspective of long time player that knows the game well , now try to put yourself in mind-frame of completely new player that has no idea about this game.How he or she will feel about Mabinogi if they start playing this game with such "advanced" class? the first impression they will get will be bad and as result they will end up dropping the game most likely
If anything, they should make some classes available only at a specific cumulative level. Stuff like Mercantile, Construct Alchemist, Dual Guns, Puppetry and Chain Slash seem like they shouldn't be available for beginners.
Now. I made a whole new character to get back into mabi with. Building it from 0 with no help from anything. I've personally had a fun time with chain slash, it's not a hard talent to use and does decent damage. I can't get half the skills, yeah, but it gives me something else to work towards at least.
In the end moving the talent just seems unnecessary at this point, it doesn't make the game unplayable, nor take the fun away from it. The only reason I say to move it is because I'd prefer the beginner talent page to be just basic classes (Archer, mage, close combat, maybe fighter) To me the beauty of mabi was always that you can choose whatever you want, and you worked with it.
The thing is chain IS BETTER than archery and fighter. The high skill % and OP AOE and single target is insane. Also cutthroat is 100+ max damage.
The only bad thing about chain is that newbs play it and then switch to other talents and wonder why they're all so weak
Why bother playing the Warrior talent when you can get better (and faster) results playing as a Chain Slasher?
Fix your game DEV.
I see warriors and mages all the time. Archers and alchemists, however... they're extinct
They don't need to fix their game because having chain slash as a beginning talent isn't breaking the game.
@Thread - What if a new player just wants to try out chainslash for 24 hours before using their daily rebirth to go into another class? Removing this option is completely stupid and locks the player into not being able to try out every class. That is one thing that sets Mabi apart from ALL MMO's, there is no class lock, there is no "get to lv 100 and you can now access this class" You have the options to do what you want and when you want. Limiting the player to what they can and can't do would make a player feel sided and might make them second doubt continuing to play.
Obviously, chain is better than a lot of older talents. No one was saying its not. I'm just pointing out that by labeling it a beginner talent, they're claiming its significantly easier than other talents (which it obviously isn't since there are plenty of vets that don't have the skill yet). They're also comparing it to Ninja and CC, which are both super easy.
Also, mage isn't listed as a beginner talent. I agree with what you say but that kind of further proves my point.
I recently became grandmaster archer and Im weak when it comes to surviving. And alchemy is ruined, on a different character I am unable to advance past alchemy mastery rank D due to being unable to make crystals, so thats why you dont see alchemists.
(How long has it been since they made making crystals impossible?)
They honestly need to fix old talents before releasing new ones. That being said, I enjoy chain slash skills, but I will be stuck without some due to my choice in starting as an archer and having no str and defense.
Either way there aren't that many new players after all.....
Why are you so fixated on having all the skills?
It's recommended for beginners because it requires no skill to play since it's so powerful even without getting all the skills. Also it's cool
If anything, having the rest of the skills locked gives the character progression and something to work towards besides stat grinding.
Me: Warrior/Alchemist/Chainslasher
That's because Archery and Alchemy needs revamp really bad. Like seriously, you still get requirements to make crystals, which most of them are useless now and other very irrelevant skills. Archery is weak/broke talent as well...
I have surveyed the general newbie populace and found that they generally think the talent is fun. But, this is not the point I want to make...
There are a couple of problems here:
1. You can attempt g19 (and thus g20 by extension upon completing g19) starting from lvl 20, according to this source: "You may start Generation 19 after reaching level 20, but it is suggested to do the other Mainstream Quests to understand the story more."
2. The Baltane missions seem to also have a similar setup to the "Shadow Mission" layout in that they also seem to scale in accordance with a player's cumulative level. I could be wrong here, but I am going by what I read from players above 1000 and compared their experiences to my own as a player under 1000.
I am going to guess that you are making this point on basis of an assumption, which seems to be that all beginners lack the power to either pass Coill Abyss or the savvy/marketing abilities to eventually acquire enough gold to buy those particular crystal (respectively selling at 1,000,000 and ~650,000 gold on Tarlach server, at least -- by the way, I was able to get through Coill Abyss and I know some people more than double my level that still cannot complete it). Some of this just boils down to actual skill and savviness as a player rather than just levels.
I will agree that there are some beginners that cannot do either of these things, but those particular beginners usually are the ones that never took the time to train their skills, gather enough AP for the skills they plan to use, or do any of the previous mainstream quests that ultimately help them fight tougher enemies.
I have no idea where your worry comes from, but your concerns seem based upon a subjective interpretation of what you see as difficult. As previous players here have stated, some people that find the talent difficult to use will simply avoid using it (temporarily, maybe) until they figure themselves ready to attempt the talent once more. Being able to rebirth into a new active talent on the daily basis fixes this problem.
Long story short: if a player gets discouraged overall because one out of twenty talents proves too difficult for them to either acquire skills within or train, then they probably should stop playing this game entirely and move on.
A decent portion of Chain Slash Talent skills do not require completion of anything except the side-story and equipping a Chain blade.
Placing a few select skills behind certain challenges seems to be a strategy used by the developers to give these newer players incentive to get stronger and pursue a few goals.
In any case, labeling something a "beginner" talent does not necessarily equate to something being "easier." The word "begin" means "to start" and they are simply saying that Chain Blade is a great place to start as a talent considering its usability as a Dex/Luck focused talent (not like archery as it goes without the complications of missing shots and needing backup strategies/talents/weapons for when enemies get too close).
I agree with them, if this is the case.
Nexon may move it to another tab after the hype starts to go down but new skills will always be flaunted.
Also Im a giant main and the only thing I have found good about getting this skill set unlocked is the full recovery that happens no matter fighting style can make game slightly easier maybe.