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Hope the option to use Spirit Liquer still exists. I'd love to stick some of those x5 and x10 repair fee enchants on it and just bypass the repair cost.
An on Mainpage Auction House!? That's content we didn't even know we wanted!
Wow, Nexon KR is really stepping up the development game!
- Own up to 3 ego weapons
- Ego spirits are not restricted by weapon type
Say whaaaaaaat?
- Easier to level up, the level cap increased to 100, and you can spend level up points to increase their performance
-Can be normally repaired
- Ego UI and visual effect update
Just wondering if those will have any influence or if it's similar to current and it just takes item base stats ^^;;
Honestly, if we're able to make any type of spirit out of one of those Baby Bunny/Kitty Dolls, I'm all for making a second spirit weapon.
I want an ego skirt for men.
Considering Kirana in Peria Chronicles
(And in all honestly, both Nao and the Squires can have their costumes changed so it's likely plausible to be updated if we ask for it.)
Oh, you meant PC costumes based off the NPC spirits.
I think since we already have the wings, developing the costumes shouldn't be too much to ask KR for.
(Long as they can afford the time on redesigning for different character models.)
In before tons of players name theirs Yato.
i'm going to wait until i got the perfect upgrade and erg done for my little precious C:
Hype for website auction house. Hype for new dungeon difficulty, but also thinkin' about harder dungeons = gear repair fees making my bank cry...
But I don't see any new Spirit portraits.
Then again it seems like you can put any of those Spirits into whatever weapon now?
Well, if we can have up to 3 Egos per character, I'mma have to come up with a few more names for them.
But wow, if Egos can be enchanted and special upgraded... this sounds like it'd be possible to destroy your Spirit Weapon! (Or horribly damage its durability)
It's dead.
Of course, just check this out : https://wiki.mabinogiworld.com/view/Spirit_Weapon
That list is only for NA current ego weapons. They were asking for a list for G24 as a bunch of new weapons became ego-able like staffs.