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Server Merge


  • Slash12Slash12
    Mabinogi Rep: 710
    Posts: 2
    edited August 21, 2017
    i feel like with how much the population of each server has died down a ton over the last few years, it would be good to merge the servers together, so atleast it would feel like the game has a big enough community again. obviously there would be some issues, such as some bad lag initialy, but if you invested in one better server rather than the 4 we have it would fix it. i just hate looking at how low the population for the game is in general, the game used to have sooooo many people running around. finding a party was never difficult, but now i see people begging for help just with a g9 final because theres nobody on the busiest channel at the alter, or they're all afk. its 3:30 am here so i dont have the best thought process and im sure i could think this out better later but i wanted to throw this idea out there
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited August 21, 2017
    gre wrote: »
    This whole thread is just
    " People who put a lot of time and money into the game Vs People who just want to see other people with a merge because the game is dying.
    I have characters on all servers but Mari
    Alexina is fine within its own right. most toxic people, much traffic, its fine as is. it doesn't need to be pushed with someone.

    I could say the same for Ruairi it has some sort of balance to it. I still see new players come in and stay in for the most part, old players just come in, and leave back out for another year

    Tarlach is often the best for new players in my opinion, hell some people gave me a starter kit axe,armor and a few other things. most kindness anyone has shown me in-game.

    I don't have knowledge on Mari to tell you about.

    i think if anyone has to merge its Mari and Tarlach-- We don't need a mega server just 2 servers that need a pick-me-up. Mari needs to merge with someone

    I can see where people are coming from when they wanna keep everything they have, i get that-- i also get that people want to see some new faces instead of old. Im not tec savy and seeing how it would work-- I want to say yes on a server merge -- No to a mega they just need to do something about peoples items and the name and blah blah.

    I'd say that i'm For servers merge but i think the game doesn't need it now, I mean it does. They'll need to tell us whats going to happen if we ever had one first then go by what the community thinks
    No on merge and no on Mega
    I remember back in 08 when i could barely log in sometimes because events crazy times.

    Thanks for the insight! As for the argumentative posts, I'll bring this to a Vmod for derailing my comment separation forum if it continues.
    I look forward to a more technical viewpoint on this popular topic!
    FableAura wrote: »
    I like the idea of merging servers - but I voted against it.

    The reason being, the game isn't optimized, and everytime they add new stuff they don't take the time to make sure it is cohesive with old content. The problem becomes, them doubling a server's population without any underlying groundwork being done.

    They are going through content renewals, which is nice, but the base of Mabi needs a facelift. I don't see a server merge fixing any problems, but I definitely see it adding some.
    I would love to see Mabi be more active, but I don't want the game to be crippled in the attempt. There is also the consideration that the server side of Mabi may not even be compatible with newer server technologies, and the load required to get it there might as well result in some form of Mabi2, instead.

    Also, as a former Combat Arms player - I can attest to the success or failure of Nexon related server merges - in that regard, I would absolutely avoid it if at all possible. Server merges, unfortunately, chase away more players than it retains.

    I believe that many would be upset to see mabinogi shutting down permanently for a Mabi2, but I'm not entirely sure that all the content can be revamped for a facelift.
    Maplestory in KR was never shut down for Maplestory 2, so I wouldn't worry too much.
    There really hasn't been any talk from Nexon on Mabinogi compatibility with other technology, maybe it's to prevent hackers or modders.
    I think if Nexon gave players emails ahead of server merges a year or even months in advance, there won't be much of a problem.
    Although I'm not entirely sure that the Dragon Nest community got the notice on time, as the servers at the time seemed pretty empty.
    There will always be people who forget or don't get the notice, but I've been seeing lots of feedback on the idea of megaserver or just a server merge.
    Hopefully Nexon KR has been communicating with NA properly, and they're aware of the low server population.
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited August 22, 2017
    Comment that can be deleted, was originally in a merged thread.
    [Deleted User]
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    If we are forced to merge with another server I would like to be able to choose which server I end up joining to avoid same problems I am having now in the current server. Not sure if this is in the works to be approved, but server merge will make game lag more so hopefully there is a measure in place to fix that (not sure if upgrading server hardware/software would help). Honestly I would like to pick a more friendly server to run dungeons with and do events ^^
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited August 22, 2017
    How can you choose which server you want to merge with? Lol. Server merge is server merge, you can't choose what gets merged with who.
    I still support the idea of all 4 servers to be merged into 1 Mega Server. No stupid ship merging and excuses like "I don't wanna merge with THAT server... EWWWW..". Like what...?

  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    Just because you don't mind where you end up doesn't mean others might not want option to pick where they go. What if they have more friends on one server and want to go to be with them for example. Nothing wrong with giving people a choice rather than throwing them all into one place where it will be really laggy and highly competitive. Imagine the bidding wars trying to sell things if every single person is trying to buy it like new outfits or limited hair coupons. I would rather be able to pick which server I want to go on so I have a better chance of making nice and supportive friends.

    I know people on other servers who have told me they have a much better time where they are and have even invited me to make a new character and join them but then Id lose all the items and hard work I have on my current character who is ttl 13k and finished all the generations. Dont want to lose my skill ranks either which would take a very long time to obtain and retrain. Let us have a choice where we end up so we can be with our friends and have a great time in Mabi.
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    Maybe there is just more negatively towards it instead of looking at the benefits it can have for others. If people are given the choice to move they can stay were they are if they are happy there, but those who want to move have the option to do so. If servers are merged players should be given the option to pick where they go so they can stay with their friends. After all game is a lot more enjoyable with supportive people helping you which the subject of inactivity on certain servers was brought up as a reason for this merger so people can make friends and enjoy the game together. Hopefully there is more positive feedback on this to help it be considered since I believe it will benefit the game to have more active servers and more people doing things together as a result.
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    A lot of people are butt hurt for the same reasons.

    1. I'll loose my levels.
    2. I'll loose my items.
    3. I'll loose my pets.
    4. I'll loose my AP and skills.
    5. Etc.

    Benefits include the servers would be much more occupied with people that are actually playing that game rather than afk selling for OP gear that they never really use because of the same things.

    Items prices will probably go up a little or go down depending on who's perspective you're looking at. Someone from Mari will watch it decline, as we have the worst economy. Someone from Alexina will see the prices go up because of the higher demand.

    Have you ever questioned what this would be for you? What your reality is? Or have you not considered the amount of money and time Nexon would have to put into this massive project? Nexon America just doesn't bring in the dough to do it, so there is your answer. Nor do we have the population to bring in the money nessisary to complete a merge.

    In Macroeconomics, everything is perspective. Have you considered looking past yourselves and looking at what the truth behind this really is? From the business and economic perspective, it's not possible, while your personal opinion will differ from the reality; the should or should not happen and why.

    Well I'm telling you why this won't happen.

    Nexon KR brings in plenty, excess money in fact. They bring in enough to cover the costs of their merge, much more than our Nexon NA.

    There isn't anything wrong with what we have now. Not saying I do not support a merge, because this will benefit people much more than myself, but I simply do not believe it's possible, not at this point.
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited August 22, 2017
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    I've already got a popular thread with ongoing discussions here.
    It's there to create a discussion separation for the most popular feedback topics as shown in the Most Desired Revamp Poll.
    It's the same thread (or they've been merged). ~ You don't have the power to dictate who can reply to your threads. ~ Vmod that. :D

    I left that comment there for a Vmod to decide to merge a thread, looks like they did. I'll leave a note in my old comment so they can delete it.
    Sometimes creating duplicate threads with the same title causes confusion, so I just wanted the thread OP to know.
    [Deleted User]
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    In my thread I offered a way to transfer to another server while keeping inventory pets and characters as is but change the target server which the things are associated with and while I got some support there was a lot of backlash over it too. I would prefer to keep everything as it is just change which server Im on. If the servers are merged Id like to be able to select which server I am merged into along with my friends so we can play together and still have our guild open and recruiting more people. Merging servers should not cause us to lose any items or progress. If people wanted to start over in a new server why not just make a new character there? Starting completely over would discourage a lot of veteran players from playing. If server merge can be done with keeping characters, pets, and items as is I would be happy to do it under the condition we can all pick which of the merged servers we join kinda like when you first make a character and decide where you want to be you can have a prompt stating that servers are now joined and ask which you want to be a part of.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    edited August 22, 2017
    Samuelalex wrote: »
    Just because you don't mind where you end up doesn't mean others might not want option to pick where they go. What if they have more friends on one server and want to go to be with them for example. Nothing wrong with giving people a choice rather than throwing them all into one place where it will be really laggy and highly competitive. Imagine the bidding wars trying to sell things if every single person is trying to buy it like new outfits or limited hair coupons. I would rather be able to pick which server I want to go on so I have a better chance of making nice and supportive friends.

    I know people on other servers who have told me they have a much better time where they are and have even invited me to make a new character and join them but then Id lose all the items and hard work I have on my current character who is ttl 13k and finished all the generations. Dont want to lose my skill ranks either which would take a very long time to obtain and retrain. Let us have a choice where we end up so we can be with our friends and have a great time in Mabi.

    Both server transfers and server merges are just bandages on a wound that can't heal with a simple bandage. Based on the thread of yours that you continually wish to mention, file a harrassment ticket, and maybe you'll get a transfer. I can guarantee you that you won't get a transfer by posting in the suggestions forum.

    You don't get to choose in a server merge; otherwise, the goals that were planned to be made with said merge would be rendered mute if people got to choose.

    You don't get to choose in a server merge, and no amount of "support" will change that.
    [Deleted User]Greta
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited August 22, 2017
    Samuelalex wrote: »
    Just because you don't mind where you end up doesn't mean others might not want option to pick where they go. What if they have more friends on one server and want to go to be with them for example. Nothing wrong with giving people a choice rather than throwing them all into one place where it will be really laggy and highly competitive. Imagine the bidding wars trying to sell things if every single person is trying to buy it like new outfits or limited hair coupons. I would rather be able to pick which server I want to go on so I have a better chance of making nice and supportive friends.

    I know people on other servers who have told me they have a much better time where they are and have even invited me to make a new character and join them but then Id lose all the items and hard work I have on my current character who is ttl 13k and finished all the generations. Dont want to lose my skill ranks either which would take a very long time to obtain and retrain. Let us have a choice where we end up so we can be with our friends and have a great time in Mabi.

    Both server transfers and server merges are just bandages on a wound that can't heal with a simple bandage. Based on the thread of yours that you continually wish to mention, file a harrassment ticket, and maybe you'll get a transfer. I can guarantee you that you won't get a transfer by posting in the suggestions forum.

    You don't get to choose in a server merge; otherwise, the goals that were planned to be made with said merge would be rendered mute if people got to choose.

    You don't get to choose in a server merge, and no amount of "support" will change that.

    To be fair, even old games like WoW added in a server transfer service after a long time of checking specs and upgrading things.
    It's understandable to see why a gamer who may not know just how old Mabinogi is both in NA and KR would feel entitled to this option, but it would still be a paid service just like it is in KR due to the technicalities and difficulty.
    There aren't many NA Nexon staff capable of reading or speaking Korean, so decoding the system themselves isn't something they can do.
    If by any chance Nexon KR is denying the possibility of server transfer service for NA, which may not happen with their ongoing business partnerships, then it is probably due to the fact that there's not as widespread of a popularity of Mabinogi in NA due to all of it's current competition and the decline in approval of the gachapon model.
    Maybe Korea just sees a possibility where the servers will be needed again, because the devs are continuously testing and releasing new content as of late?
    No one really knows why NA differs from KR other than a three month waiting period between gachapon or content releases, and it might just be because of the vast imbalance of KR flourishing in profit and business partners while NA continues to question the best way to use the server funds.
    With the current tech, a megaserver or server transfers may not be the best of ideas if Nexon NA profit is falling, and KR has been rather...uncooperative when it comes to giving NA devs information or answers.
    I would like to say that turning Mabinogi into a Global Version would be the next best step in faster localization, but the devs would run into the same issue as before of transferring characters, data, and names.
    However, it would improve the translation and testing speed, which means there wouldn't be a waiting period for content releases.
    The problems with Mabinogi right now are so big, that it really is difficult to pinpoint the right solution(s) for both NA and KR Nexon.
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    Samuelalex wrote: »
    Just because you don't mind where you end up doesn't mean others might not want option to pick where they go. What if they have more friends on one server and want to go to be with them for example. Nothing wrong with giving people a choice rather than throwing them all into one place where it will be really laggy and highly competitive. Imagine the bidding wars trying to sell things if every single person is trying to buy it like new outfits or limited hair coupons. I would rather be able to pick which server I want to go on so I have a better chance of making nice and supportive friends.

    I know people on other servers who have told me they have a much better time where they are and have even invited me to make a new character and join them but then Id lose all the items and hard work I have on my current character who is ttl 13k and finished all the generations. Dont want to lose my skill ranks either which would take a very long time to obtain and retrain. Let us have a choice where we end up so we can be with our friends and have a great time in Mabi.

    Both server transfers and server merges are just bandages on a wound that can't heal with a simple bandage. Based on the thread of yours that you continually wish to mention, file a harrassment ticket, and maybe you'll get a transfer. I can guarantee you that you won't get a transfer by posting in the suggestions forum.

    You don't get to choose in a server merge; otherwise, the goals that were planned to be made with said merge would be rendered mute if people got to choose.

    You don't get to choose in a server merge, and no amount of "support" will change that.

    To be fair, even old games like WoW added in a server transfer service after a long time of checking specs and upgrading things.
    It's understandable to see why a gamer who may not know just how old Mabinogi is both in NA and KR would feel entitled to this option, but it would still be a paid service just like it is in KR due to the technicalities and difficulty.
    There aren't many NA Nexon staff capable of reading or speaking Korean, so decoding the system themselves isn't something they can do.
    If by any chance Nexon KR is denying the possibility of server transfer service for NA, which may not happen with their ongoing business partnerships, then it is probably due to the fact that there's not as widespread of a popularity of Mabinogi in NA due to all of it's current competition and the decline in approval of the gachapon model.
    Maybe Korea just sees a possibility where the servers will be needed again, because the devs are continuously testing and releasing new content as of late?
    No one really knows why NA differs from KR other than a three month waiting period between gachapon or content releases, and it might just be because of the vast imbalance of KR flourishing in profit and business partners while NA continues to question the best way to use the server funds.
    With the current tech, a megaserver or server transfers may not be the best of ideas if Nexon NA profit is falling, and KR has been rather...uncooperative when it comes to giving NA devs information or answers.
    I would like to say that turning Mabinogi into a Global Version would be the next best step in faster localization, but the devs would run into the same issue as before of transferring characters, data, and names.
    However, it would improve the translation and testing speed, which means there wouldn't be a waiting period for content releases.
    The problems with Mabinogi right now are so big, that it really is difficult to pinpoint the right solution(s) for both NA and KR Nexon.

    I could totally go for a huge server like that. It would probably have a million channels but it would be nice to interact with so many new people.

    You are correct about profit, NA just doesn't make the funds as other popular servers. They would also have to dedicate a lot of time and money into this, which they just do not have the staff to complete this.

    You are also correct about needing the servers and about the language barrier. You make very good points in your post, wonderful job.
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    I'm not sure how or which servers would be merged but Alexina seems to be the most populated now from what I've heard so if another server joined them it would be bigger, but what about the two remaining would they join into one leaving only two servers to pick? Combining all into one would cause massive problems considering the number of users this game has plus alts so having at least two servers to pick from would help mediate some of the problems I'd think. Maybe the most populated and least populated can join into one then the two remaining can join into one? That might help balance things out a bit.

    If this ever does get approved I dont see the problem with giving people the option to select where they want to go so they can be with their friends - that is my main concern is having the option to choose where to join as part of the merger. Like when they login it can have a prompt saying here are the new servers please select where you want to login from for now on.

    At this point, we can wait and hope something happens down the road as this seems like a very popular topic and something that would likely help the community with more active people coming together.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    Samuelalex wrote: »
    I'm not sure how or which servers would be merged but Alexina seems to be the most populated now from what I've heard so if another server joined them it would be bigger, but what about the two remaining would they join into one leaving only two servers to pick? Combining all into one would cause massive problems considering the number of users this game has plus alts so having at least two servers to pick from would help mediate some of the problems I'd think. Maybe the most populated and least populated can join into one then the two remaining can join into one? That might help balance things out a bit.

    If this ever does get approved I dont see the problem with giving people the option to select where they want to go so they can be with their friends - that is my main concern is having the option to choose where to join as part of the merger. Like when they login it can have a prompt saying here are the new servers please select where you want to login from for now on.

    At this point, we can wait and hope something happens down the road as this seems like a very popular topic and something that would likely help the community with more active people coming together.

    This topic has been whined about for nine years.

    Nexon has said "NO."

    What part of the word "No" is so hard for people to understand?
    AtaraxizGreta[Deleted User]Sherri
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Merging four servers into 2 or so is not worth it. What if one of these servers will end up dying again and they will be forced to do another server merge. Also choosing which server you want to merge with is impossible and not worth it at all.
    Ataraxiz[Deleted User]SherriZeo
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    If you were to be too late telling your friends what server you're now on, it would be the same situation: someone would have to find a way to get moved manually, which is impossible.

    And if two servers are "merged" you'd still be stuck following where your server is "merged" too. You'd literally still have no say what so ever.
    [Deleted User]Zeo
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    edited August 23, 2017
    In that case I would suggest people pick wisely and plan ahead. If they know the day it will occur they can communicate to their friends where they plan to go so they can all move together. As I said before Ill only support this if I get to choose where I go because my current server has caused me a lot of problems and those wont be resolved by it becoming bigger. I would rather move to new server and make a bunch of nice friends to have fun with. I dont understand why everyone is so against giving people the freedom to pick where they will be sent to if the servers are merged unless theres a personal reason they want to keep certain people in a certain place.

    Global server might be interesting. I know another game with a server basically anyone can access no matter where they are from so you meet folks from all over which is cool. Sometimes timezones makes it hard to meet up for things but for sure activity and population is there. In addition to this there would be regional servers with channels for specified purposes like one designated shop channel to buy and sell good then specific channels for beginners to meet up with people and get help then theres pvp tournement channels and quest channels. Basically its broken up to help people get assistance with what they are trying to do so might be something to consider too.
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    edited August 23, 2017
    If that freedom was given before it can be given again allowing people to go onto a more friendly server and one that has activity and people willing to help out. Its not as big of a deal as you all are making it out to be but like I said theres probably personal reasons you want me stuck in the place I am (I know what they are too). Im sure there are others out there who would like to move to a different server too so the merger would be the perfect time to give people that choice. People are more welcoming towards ideas where they are given a choice rather than having thing thrust upon them. I have a theory which servers will be merged and if it does happen that way Ill want to move even more because problems will become worse instead of better.
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    If you dont support that its fine but dont interfere with others showing their support and opinions. Unless maybe you want this thread closed too? Your no vote is only one among all the rest and if nexon is actually considering this based on popularity and what the people want they should consider the positive along with negative and take into considerations suggestions people make to help improve things. We will have to see if there is more yes to support this rather than negativity to discourage people from it. I believe it was stated before that this has been going on 9 years so if thats true it is an issue the community has been collaborating on to try and solve a problem which recently has gotten worse with less activity and less over all people in the game. Maybe people quit because they dont have friends to help them so if they saw more active servers who know maybe they would return or join up. We shall see what happens based on the overall opinion of the community not just certain people who seem to focus of the negative aspects without considering the benefits it could have towards people.