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Yes, your personal belief is that it will bring some life back. It may not, though.
What works for Korea won't neccessarily work for us. Korea probably has better equipment since the game is more popular over there, for one thing. They certainly have a much larger flow of cash than NA does.
So, unless the Koreans come over here to personally code the server merge themselves, "they successfully did server merge without DevCAT, even at korea where population is much bigger than ours" means absolutely nothing, and does not reflect in any such way the ability to successfully do it over here, since the people who would most likely do the coding are the people here, who I do not trust at ALL.
Hardmuscle's "hatred" of this topic is justified; no matter how many times these requests have led to nothing (Nexon even once publically said that a server merge will not happen) people still beg for one. Its like beating a dead horse with another dead horse.
Then again, it is hard to gauge other servers that I'm not on.
On Mari, it may not be as populous as it once was, but no where have I seen desperation of people leaving en masse or talk of server merging to save everyone.
While nobody knows who will take care that kind of stuff(coding,merging server etc)
Complaining that 'this thread is old' is unfair for people who joined later - not everyone has been around here forever. Also, things change, like *cough* population of game.....I bet 2017 is definitely very different from 2009.
I already know suggesting anything to Nexon is beating a dead horse. I don't expect anything but I do support this.
No I don't hate this game I just don't like having not enough people all the time ^^ You don't have right to tell someone to play different game. Your point is only legit....if there were enough people to make server completely full. I'd understand if you were only against mega server.
Woah, don't put words in my mouth. I've played this game since 2008. I don't despise it, quite the opposite in fact. It's probably my all-time favorite game. I have so many amazing memories on this game, I love it.
I just don't think it's in a good state right now, and I want it to be the best it can be. I have never once said I dislike it.
plural noun: forums
a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
You assumed that I hate the game, even after I said I don't.
Other people aren't here to serve or cater for others. However, this is MMO that certainly needs party play at some point- and gives penalty for playing solo. They made this game that people 'require' other people to enjoy contents. Therefore large playerbase is desirable because it helps to find people with same interest.
That certain time period when server feels active does exist- but it's not that long. For having players from various time zone, various life style (not everyone lives same), this feels very limited. I know game server is in North America, but it does not mean that they shouldn't care for others. That's why people are so angry with Watermelon event.
If those 'offline players' you are mentioning plays enough to count in 'visible userbase- (regardless of whether 'I' see them or not)' yes they are contributing in 'active players meter'. If they don't, I don't know why you are caring so much for those who 'quit' and probably not come back for god knows when- whether it be now,tomorrow, a week from now, a month, a year, or forever. The one who plays matters.
And no, channel merge will massively harm playerbase and bring no good at all;
1. There aren't barely any players to gather from other channels.
2. Lack of farming/training place
3. Sale of daily limited item from npcs (Ducat shop, Cooking dungeon pass, etc)
4. Dragons and field bosses - they only spawn one in one channel. You're asking those servers to have one dragon each per day.
5. Some people like playing in other channels because they like playing solo/ less lag/ training skills etc. If they wanted people to play with they'd switch to busiest channel. Merging channels will just force bring those who don't want other people. Not to even mention anger and frustration generated from lack of space....
6. When channel crash happens, people have option to change channel and play the game. If there's only one channel per server, they don't have option to cc.
7. Changing channel solves most of the glitches. (Fighter glitch, Location glitch, Npc glitch, Dressing room glitch)
People would have to log off if they didn't have option to cc.
Obviously merging all channels to 1 would bring all these problems + possibly more.
Aw, I'm so sorry I don't have a good computer/internet like you, princess.
" People who put a lot of time and money into the game Vs People who just want to see other people with a merge because the game is dying.
I have characters on all servers but Mari
Alexina is fine within its own right. most toxic people, much traffic, its fine as is. it doesn't need to be pushed with someone.
I could say the same for Ruairi it has some sort of balance to it. I still see new players come in and stay in for the most part, old players just come in, and leave back out for another year
Tarlach is often the best for new players in my opinion, hell some people gave me a starter kit axe,armor and a few other things. most kindness anyone has shown me in-game.
I don't have knowledge on Mari to tell you about.
i think if anyone has to merge its Mari and Tarlach-- We don't need a mega server just 2 servers that need a pick-me-up. Mari needs to merge with someone
I can see where people are coming from when they wanna keep everything they have, i get that-- i also get that people want to see some new faces instead of old. Im not tec savy and seeing how it would work-- I want to say yes on a server merge -- No to a mega they just need to do something about peoples items and the name and blah blah.
I'd say that i'm For servers merge but i think the game doesn't need it now, I mean it does. They'll need to tell us whats going to happen if we ever had one first then go by what the community thinks
No on merge and no on Mega
I remember back in 08 when i could barely log in sometimes because events crazy times.
Many people in the world would've gotten nowhere if they stopped when they were told no.
I can agree to this. Obviously, if population were a serious issue, then the servers would've already been merged and threads like this wouldn't exist. Even if, somewhere down the line in the future, the servers will have to be merged, I'd rather it be with two servers merged into one, rather than a mega server, which, looking at the amount of complaints about lag and the like, especially from those not living in NA, does not seem as plausible. For now, there is no need for a merge. As @Hardmuscle has said, Nexon has the numbers, and Nexon KR has the final word, and if they have said no, they said so for a reason.
Relax dude, there was some confusion on my part. I tagged the wrong person, people make mistakes. Look, I fixed it, so don't burn me at the stake, mkay?
I'd be upset if I lost everything because Nexon decided to merge the servers. Of course you could get everything back, but it would take billions of gold and most of everyone's items would be deleted. Nexon would surely have a lot more work to do because people would complain their ears off, not to mention, there are thousands of players out there.
A transfer is probably the best option. It gives people the option of consent and to know the price on their hands before they make a decision.
I believe that if any server merged with Alexina will only end badly, this is because the economy of it is already expensive (greedy people), and for people to be moved into it will probably stuggle since the price difference can be quite significant. for 2 smaller severs it's the same but the prices may not be as bad but still have to adjust and pretty sure things will go wrong. then there's the last server, either way 3 servers merged would be too much, but more being in alexina will also be hectic and horrible.
I think if people had to start over with new characters and no items, gold, or pets it would make everyone more upset and more players would want to leave. I mean you could always create a new character on a different server, but that basically means starting all over again. With the merger, we shouldn't have to go to such extremes and instead keep what we have and change what server we are accessing. I'm not sure if its something in the code that could be replaced, but I'd imagine it would have to be changed on all items, pets, and characters making it a lengthy and difficult process. I imagine it like find and replace in microsoft word where you search pages after pages for the server name to replace it with target server name. Now repeating that for everything would take a lot of time and work. Hopefully, there is a faster way to automate it and make it easier on everyone so the transfer to another server can seem hassle free and seamless.
Another concern I had was the amount of lag caused by combining servers to hopefully bring more active people together. Merging servers would also mean bringing over inactive players as well such as those who haven't logged in for a very long time or those who afk for events ect. More people means more traffic hitting the server which increases the overall lag felt by everyone. The servers would need to be changed to handle the higher traffic that this merger would put upon them. Best to address the issue of lag and how to remedy it before the merger causes more problems.
I personally would rather it be voluntary if people move or not. Give players a choice if they wish to transfer from their current server to another one. This would be limited to once per character/pet but give them the chance to relocate if they feel their server is inactive or whatever the reasons maybe. Transfering a large number of people all at the same time would cause a lot of delay and potential problems if errors occur while data is being moved over. If the players are given a choice they can pick when and if they want to move so it won't be so sudden and in mass numbers. It will cause less stress on the servers trying to send and receive the data as well.
I said that months ago in theoretical situation, thought I didn't imply it then. That post was for the original un-edited opening post which has changed.
At this time I still stand by what I said Here
Basically merging servers are not needed, despite what -some- people think or believe.
Stop derailing thread by calling out people trolls. If this 9-year old topic wasn't supposed to be here it would have been deleted already. You shouldn't attack people because they support something or they disagree with you. Any more harassment -calling out someone as something- will be reported.
To be fair, you're doing the same thing he is, only difference being that you're supporting the viewpoint opposing his.
The reason being, the game isn't optimized, and everytime they add new stuff they don't take the time to make sure it is cohesive with old content. The problem becomes, them doubling a server's population without any underlying groundwork being done.
They are going through content renewals, which is nice, but the base of Mabi needs a facelift. I don't see a server merge fixing any problems, but I definitely see it adding some.
I would love to see Mabi be more active, but I don't want the game to be crippled in the attempt. There is also the consideration that the server side of Mabi may not even be compatible with newer server technologies, and the load required to get it there might as well result in some form of Mabi2, instead.
Also, as a former Combat Arms player - I can attest to the success or failure of Nexon related server merges - in that regard, I would absolutely avoid it if at all possible. Server merges, unfortunately, chase away more players than it retains.