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Server Merge


  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    edited August 23, 2017
    The fact you are argueing with me in every thread I post to spread negativity makes me think you just want to close this because if done right it could benefit people by allowing them to relocate to a better server with more friendly people where they can be happy. I would think Nexon would like to make their players happy and giving them a choice where to go rather than just throwing them together. It would be better for everyone in the long run. I have a theory you are against me choosing my server because I would be able to chose the server which certain people who constantly target me do not belong. Its the reason my thread was attacked and the reason you keep attacking me now for my suggestion to let people pick where they go. Hey if your happy where you are stay there, but if people are unhappy why not let them move to somewhere they can be with less competitiveness and more cooperation? That is the purpose of my desire to pick the server I will be in if this merger happens. Im sure others would share this desire as well to be in a better enviroment of active people that work together instead of attacking people because their ideas are different from what they want. I hope my suggestion to make it possible to pick the server is considered along with this because it is something we all need and would benefit from to be with friendly and supportive people even if that means changing servers entirely.
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    I dont see any on topic descussions in your post other than you telling me you want things your way and not to give people a choice to pick their server so they can be where they feel most comfortable and will have the best chance to make supportive friends. Its not like people own the server so you saying stuff about moving into someones house is irravant. In fact if you want to make that kind of analogy I'll put it this way I am moving out of a house that has been hostile and inactive for quite awhile to a house in another town (server) so I can be away from people causing problems. This should be a choice for me as well as everyone to pick where they want to be if the merger happens which hopefully it does to allow more activity. So argue all you want but I will hope Nexon thinks this through and helps make this happen in a way that benefits all the players involved.
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    As there is no one else posting right now kind of looks like targeting me like you did before, but believe what you want. We shall see what happens and hope that all suggestions are considered not just the negative ones. There are good things that can come of this if you would open your mind to the possibilities. What if you have a friend on another server and they are given the chance to change to your server as a result of the merger. Wouldnt you want your friend to move over to the same server as you so you can play the game with them? That is only one example of many how the community can benefit from bringing friends together by letting them pick the server after merger happens. I would make a poll to see what the community wants but I already know how that would go so I'll see how this thread turns out instead.
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    As I stated before no one owns the server so you suggesting someone has the power to deny another from transfering to a server is irrlavant. If you are given the choice to transfer say to Alexina is there a gate keeper standing there to refuse you and say you have to pick somewhere else? That is what you are implying that people will be rejected by certain individuals if they try to join a particular server which to me would be bias towards the gate keepers opinion of people. Everyone is able to join whatever server they want and everyone should be able to transfer to another server if they want to (nexon could make a huge profit just from selling transfer tickets alone) but if merger does happen the transfer can be an option as a result. Why not present people with the new servers and ask where do you want to go? It would be much easier if people pick because there wouldnt be a sudden flood of people into one place and logically people would be spread out over what options we are given. What if the two most popular servers are combined and then the lease popular ones are. One server would be heavy with activity while the other would likely be more inactive so there should be balance. Balance comes from giving people a choice so some can go one place and others can go elsewhere.
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    I have not seen an admin come here to say this has been rejected and to me it looks like it is open for opinions or why else would you be here arguing over it? I think its because you want this thread closed as well. I will await the official decision which is up to Nexon to consider all the comments negative and positive to see if this is something that would help the community. Since it is constantly being asked about it seems like something people want. I feel bad for all the supporters of this who are constantly being shot down by negativity so they are stuck where they are at and cant be with active people who still play and do things frequantly.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited August 23, 2017
    Samuelalex wrote: »
    I have not seen an admin come here to say this has been rejected and to me it looks like it is open for opinions or why else would you be here arguing over it? I think its because you want this thread closed as well. I will await the official decision which is up to Nexon to consider all the comments negative and positive to see if this is something that would help the community. Since it is constantly being asked about it seems like something people want. I feel bad for all the supporters of this who are constantly being shot down by negativity so they are stuck where they are at and cant be with active people who still play and do things frequantly.

    They are not obliged to talk about future updates or plans related to the game's development. Especially NA developers.
    [Deleted User]Sherri
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    If what you say is true its pointless for you to even be posting here because your negative opinion along with certain other people who constantly harass me over having an opinion that benefits others and not them specifically doesnt even matter. The fact is you already said no so trying to force your opinion on others is a bit overstepping. People can show their support without you harassing them over it. You said your peace now its time you leave unless you plan to get this persons thread closed to because you dont agree with what they want. Seems like a reoccurring theme with you to close threads for things you dont want by causing drama there. Like I said if this is rejected Id think an admin would inform us as such and you are not an admin so its not up to you to decide what threads get support and what ones dont. Flooding threads with negativity looks bad on you and Id think would violate the TOS as you are constantly instigating arguments because people dont agree with you.

    I'm sure this will likely be locked by hardmuscle reporting it as he did mine to prevent us from having something that would help the community and give people a chance to relocate to a better server. They are sabotaging this so that people are stuck on inactive servers instead of opening their minds to other options besides their own. People obvious want this to happen otherwise they wouldnt keep bringing it up. If you dont then state your disagreement then go on your merry way instead of lingering here to cause drama and lock threads because you dont like the subject people are talking about.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited August 23, 2017
    Samuelalex wrote: »
    If what you say is true its pointless for you to even be posting here because your negative opinion along with certain other people who constantly harass me over having an opinion that benefits others and not them specifically doesnt even matter.

    Show me in bold where we posted negative opinion and we didn't even harass you at all. Your ignorance proved to us that you only care about your thoughts and opinions alone.

    Samuelalex wrote: »
    You said your peace now its time you leave unless you plan to get this persons thread closed to because you dont agree with what they want. Seems like a reoccurring theme with you to close threads for things you dont want by causing drama there. Like I said if this is rejected Id think an admin would inform us as such and you are not an admin so its not up to you to decide what threads get support and what ones dont. Flooding threads with negativity looks bad on you and Id think would violate the TOS as you are constantly instigating arguments because people dont agree with you.

    Wow... really?
    >You post your opinion.
    >I posted my opinion after i saw yours.
    >You continued to post proving that your opinion matters the most here and you still ignore the fact we told you.
    >Hardmuscle explains that Nexon said "No." and we all heard them saying this in one of their streams which they made recently.
    >You continue to play victim here saying that we are posting negativity and we somehow "harassed" you. Like in every thread you do when someone posts opposite opinion of yours.
    >You also blame us for causing drama, but actually you are the only one making it by doing the step above i just mentioned.
    >The thread gets locked because you derail it yourself by acting innocent victim who got somehow attacked. lol

    Dude, just stop. You are ruining A VERY important thread now. No one cares about you boo-hooing how your server is toxic or how you get harassed a lot there. It's your fault alone for getting yourself involved into such things, but please not mention such things EVER in these forums. If you have any issues with players who bully you in game, keep that thing to Nexon Support. Please, JUST PLEASE. Stop constantly replying to people who have different opinion than you. We are not targeting you. You make yourself as a target by triggering others about nonsense. I don't want to get in trouble because of you so i'm not going to reply you anymore in this thread since i don't want it to get it locked because of your derailment.

    Greta out.
    [Deleted User]AtaraxizLeineiSherriPlatinaKokiZurcishereYokkaichi
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    Looks like more highschool drama to me. If HardMuscle has to stop commenting, so do you. So would everyone, because everyone is going to disagree with someone. If he has to stop commenting because he disagrees, you'd have to stop commenting if you disagree with him. You're being overly territorial over a public forum post where anyone has the right to comment and make a statement, even to argue with you. This isn't even your thread, how do you think it makes you look?

    If they locked the thread, there is no doubt in my mind you'd just make another one.

    Can we not have a day where someone just doesn't have to have the last word like some high school freshman? Can we not be civil here? It's obvious who has the issue just by reading the claims you both make.

    You don't have to reply every single time he disagrees. That's your decision. He's just trying to explain what he's been trying to tell you for days now, and you're still closed minded to other people's opinions, as you always were. You act like your word is best for everyone, when the reality is not everyone has the same perspective as you or wants the same things as you.

    It's not even about what he wants, it's about him trying to explain the facts to you, who refused to listen or even look it up and try to find the facts behind his truth. There is always a reason someone believes in something, and it's not always a twisted conclusion you make up off of the top of your head without any proof.
    Greta[Deleted User]SherriPlatinaKoki
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    edited August 23, 2017
    Hey you and your friends started drama just like in my thread so it would be closed because its not what you want. It doesnt benefit you and the truth is your scared if people are given the choice where to go they will chose a server your not on so you cant defame them and harass them anymore. Glad to see your targeting yet another thread for closure because you think you can decide what gets approved and what doesnt. Take note of this everyone if any of these people disagree with you they will spam your threads with negativity so they can report it and get it closed. Its happened several times now. Also you need to stop with this strikes system you made up because your not an admin and dont get to punish people for being different from what you want. Thats exactly what happened before I am constantly targeted and harassed because I want something that would help me and my friends move away from abusive people and have a great time without them sabotaging us. I wont stand by as people attack me over and over. The fact is is the second thread this has happened in shows you are all stalking me and other people will suffer for it like all the people who want this to happen that you are making sure it never will. Good job not helping the community get something to improve the game and make it better for them.

    Also notice ones attacking me are same ones who voted no and continued to post to try and force that opinion on others. Its same thing they did before. Either they get their way or the thread gets spammed by negativity so they can report it and make it close.
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    A server merge was never proven to make the game better. The public doesn't get to choose these things, Nexon has to have the time and money to make it possible.

    You seem to overlook actual fact and take it as an opinion, when it's really the obvious conclusion.

    This isn't up to the public, even if the public wants it. This is up to the company, and the company already said "No". You're the one who dramatizes everything, you can't say " Okay, I disagree, but that's okay we all believe in different things."

    You've been acting like you're forced to comment back and make things worse, like it's impossible for someone to simply disagree or have information you do not.

    No one targets you. We've been trying desperately to tell you something for months, and you're still stuck in the same endless spiral.
    [Deleted User]GretaSherri
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    edited August 23, 2017
    Sorry but your friends attacked me along with you several times because I have ideas you dont want. Reoccurring theme here either you get your way or close the thread so no one does. You want this killed so people cant move off Mari but the fact is Mari may not even exist anymore after this. Stop acting like your in a position of authority and get to decide things for people. If its not up to the public what happens then why have threads to gain publics opinion. Sorry but you are incorrect and the purpose here is to get feedback to help decide what is best for all not just a select few who dont want it.

    You have all spammed this thread enough and need to leave it now. We want to get actual opinions and feedback not more of your nonsense like you putting strikes on someone when your not an admin just because they dont want what you do. I know they are going to keep derailing this topic and force it to close so no one can get help with their topics and Im sorry to the thread owner and the supporters who wont have their opinions heard or considered because of these people.
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    Oh your finally leaving great for the rest of us who actually want to get input and feedback here. Maybe this thread can actually get back on track now. Stop spamming topics because you dont agree with it and want to overshadow everyone else's opinions. Lets focus on actually getting opinions about server merge so we can see what the community really wants to happen.
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    Super faceplant

    Show me where I have built this special strikes system? Where is the negativity that you claim we've brought here? Where did I once say I had authority or am an admin? Where did we once say we wanted the threads closed? All we've said is the following:

    1. Nexon said No.
    2. The thread keeps popping up like bot spam because people keep remaking them.
    3. You've been territorial and telling people they can't comment just because they disagree. It's in the Code of Conduct that you should respect the other person's opinion, but you've been telling us to leave like YOU'RE the authority and WE do not have the RIGHT to disagree with you.

    We haven't told you to leave. We haven't degraded you. We haven't harassed you. If anything, you're harassing us as you do everytime we disagree. You pull of the victim act, and to tell you the truth, listening too you on and on, over and over has made people really upset with you.

    Greta, Hardmuscle, and I do not always agree. Do we talk it out? Yes, because we choose to be adults and move on, no hard feelings towards each other. You, on the other hand, demand people agree with yoy, and if they do not, you DEMAND they leave.

    Us acting like we're in a position of authority? Pfft. Please. You're the one spamming the thread with your unruly demands. You're just upset because we do not agree with you, but rather we know why it won't happen, but you can't accept a simple explanation.
    [Deleted User]GretaSherri
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    edited August 23, 2017
    I will wait for Nexons official post to confirm or deny if this going to be considered even though I know,you and your friends are heavily against it which is bad for the supporters here. You are not a member of nexons staff and can not speak on their behalf what threads are approved or denied so stop acting like a moderator when you are not one. Since you are continuing to derail this thread after you have been asked to leave it alone and let people post something relavant to the subject I can only assume you are targeting me to harass me and get this thread closed because it is something to benefit me and get me off the server I am experiencing very similar problems from very similar people. Let Nexon answer or let other people post now instead of forcing your opinions on others through hostility and threats.
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    Where have you once seen Nexon themselves confirm anything through a forum post? If there were any commentary over this, you can find it in a stream, where they directly have said "There is no news of a server merge." That means they put in the request to Korea, and Korea said "No." If you would just put a little effort into it, you'd find out for yourself without causing drama here.

    Also, just pointing this out, Nexon producers and other employees are not allowed to display information regarding updates. They can only tell you if there is news or not, to which they have already answered with a "No." How difficult is that really to understand?

    One more time. Nexon North America, meaning THIS PART OF THE COMPANY, is NOT large enough or prosperous enough (meaning they cannot produce due to no time or money due to the size of our community) to complete a server merge. If they've said "No." when our community was bigger 8 years ago, they'll say it now because our community is smaller. Do you honestly think Nexon KR is going to give us permission to spend money we do not have and put Nexon out of business just because of a reoccurring thread? It's really rediculous to believe that.

    This thread is for OPINIONS. Why you like the idea, why you do not like the idea. Just because there are 10 pages of commentary here, does not mean it's going to get "approved". There is also no evidence this would make Mabinogi BETTER. For all we know, it will make it WORSE. This also means we have the right to post here, where as you claim we do not simply because we disagree.

    If you really, so desperately want your voice heard: Be my guest to write to the director of Nexon KR and tell him you want a server merge so bad. Be sure to let us know what you find out if you find out anything at all. I'm sure he'll care so much about a dozen opinions from another country about his game.
    Greta[Deleted User]SherriYokkaichi
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    edited August 23, 2017
    Samuelalex wrote: »
    If that freedom was given before it can be given again allowing people to go onto a more friendly server and one that has activity and people willing to help out. Its not as big of a deal as you all are making it out to be but like I said theres probably personal reasons you want me stuck in the place I am (I know what they are too). Im sure there are others out there who would like to move to a different server too so the merger would be the perfect time to give people that choice. People are more welcoming towards ideas where they are given a choice rather than having thing thrust upon them. I have a theory which servers will be merged and if it does happen that way Ill want to move even more because problems will become worse instead of better.

    You. Do. Not. Get. To. Choose. When. Its. A. Server. Merge.

    You. Do. Not. Get. To. Choose. When. Its. A. Server. Merge.

    You. Do. Not. Get. To. Choose. When. Its. A. Server. Merge.

    Why do you have such a hard time grasping such a SIMPLE concept?
    Samuelalex wrote: »
    If you dont support that its fine but dont interfere with others showing their support and opinions. Unless maybe you want this thread closed too? Your no vote is only one among all the rest and if nexon is actually considering this based on popularity and what the people want they should consider the positive along with negative and take into considerations suggestions people make to help improve things. We will have to see if there is more yes to support this rather than negativity to discourage people from it. I believe it was stated before that this has been going on 9 years so if thats true it is an issue the community has been collaborating on to try and solve a problem which recently has gotten worse with less activity and less over all people in the game. Maybe people quit because they dont have friends to help them so if they saw more active servers who know maybe they would return or join up. We shall see what happens based on the overall opinion of the community not just certain people who seem to focus of the negative aspects without considering the benefits it could have towards people.

    As for your comment about the community, less than a half of a percent of players use this forum, so this topic is indicative of nothing in terms of how the overall community feels. Also, Korea has to approve of ANYTHING before N.A. can implement it. If KR has said "No" to a server merge for us in the past, what makes you think it'll come now?
    AtaraxizGreta[Deleted User]Sherri
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    edited August 23, 2017
    If nexon doesnt post to confirm in any threads then how do,you know their answer is no? Kinda sounds like you are assuming things and are trying to speak for them when your not a nexon employee or staff member. If they reject it Im sure they would let people know and until that happens I hope everyone ignores all this spam and continues to post relative and feedback.

    There is no set rules how the merger will take place which is way nexon gets feedback to see what the people would want if it was to happen. Saying you dont get to choose is your opinion and may not be what actually happens. Its up to nexon to decide based on input from the users what they think is best. Negativity only hinders people who want things to change for the better so keep that in mind folks.

    I dont have a character for Korea to vouch for their activity or server conditions but what is happening here is separate from what happens there as far as population goes. Our server has nothing to do with theirs so the amount of people we have is going to be different from the people they do. They might not even need server merge if there is more activity for them compared to the dwindling numbers we have.
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    If Nexon really wanted to see what we thought, they'd post an OFFICIAL thread hosted by a NEXON STAFF MEMBER. This is a thread posted by a community member, meaning you do not have the right to dictate who can say what on this thread. That is not your decision, and therefore we can do pretty much anything unless Nexon or a VFM says otherwise.

    And again, we know their answer because they physically SAID IT in the STREAMS.

    "There is no news of a server merge."

    Nexon KR said "No." and they have been for years.

    Nexon is NOT a democracy. They don't do whatever we say, they base it off what they think is best for the game's progress. Asian countries are extremely popular for this method of running businesses and companies .
    [Deleted User]Sherri
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    edited August 23, 2017
    This isnt your thread either so stop acting like your opinion is the only one that matters here. If you want to keep spamming go ahead just looks bad for you because you are forcing your opinion on them instead of letting them express how they feel and what ideas they have.

    You never know things could have changed between now and then. More popularity to this thread can help change their mind so maybe they will consider it someday. Isnt that the purpose of suggesting something because its not implement and it is sometime people would like to be? Just because you dont support it doesnt mean you can harass people who do. A simple post expressing why you dont want it is fine which you all already did so we know you hate this idea and are working to make sure it never gets approved (by spam, threats, and harassment towards those who want it). Oh and since you claim to know there is no plans for this in the future why are you here constantly arguing about it if you claim to know the answer is no already meaning you get what you want but maybe not what everyone else does.

    I dont know why you bring Korea and Asia into this when they have nothing to do with NA Nexon or their decisions? Companies want happy clients because happy clients pay them money and keep them going. Implementing something the majority is in favor for makes majority happy with the few who dont want it. You cant please everyone but if you can please most you will be okay. So the question is where the majority lies in the situation for or against which Im sure influences Nexons steps forward. If majority view it favorable it may get added which is why you are filling this thread with negativity so it wont be considered. See how that works?