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Mabinogi is hosted on Amazon ec2 in a data center in Oregon since the "cloud" maintenance, nowhere in California, so California being on fire again wouldn't be the issue especially if you pull up a map of the United States' internet backbone. More than likely it's just routing propagation issues again, I'll save the technobabble but in short; one idiot in the fourteenth world presses a button they shouldn't and the whole internet ties its self up into a pretzel.
makes no sense, are you a professional?
Essentially, the Internet also seems to have the equivalent what are called «middle-men» out in the material-world, who pass the message from one point, to another, to another, to another, to another, so, yes, the way Internet pass-information-around protocol works can literally lead to something looking like this...
If you're «curious» as to where all of the «ping-ponging» of the information between your computer and whatever web-site you're trying to access is pathing, just get the IP-address of your source-information, then use the tracert [insert-its-IP-address-here] command in your Command-Prompt (may be called PowerShell on some Windows systems), and it should return a list of different middle-man-style relay points. It should look something like the following...
The internet is a scam.
Ferghus could be the likely cause...I mean he was suppose to be in charge of the server till I guess he tried using his trusty blacksmith hammer.
Bf said Ch3 on Nao died earlier. Not sure if it's still dead though.
Him and his party members all got disconnected.
Why are we still having these problems?
The channel 2 SM server is also down, so you have to go to ch 1 to do the wardrobe missions.
I think now maybe the game servers might've picked up a cold.
I login again today and suddenly I'm back in Dunby with items I got rid of prior, instead of in Tara next to that darn stone like I'm used to.
On the one hand, I'm kinda glad to know its not my internet. On the other, that's even more worrying XD
Here you go.
If it did have to do with fires, they would be crashing every summer and autumn.