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How many more years do you think Mabi has left?


  • Member Sylek
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,100
    Posts: 166
    Daktaro wrote: »
    anyone who says 'mabi's population is not declining' is in denial, it definitely is :\
    idk how long the game will survive though. imo NA mabi needs some TLC to feel 'healthy' again.

    Though I did say the game felt alive, player retention is an issue. I did leave the game for a while and am trying to get back into it. I feel like what we need isn't rehashed events and end game content. We need stuff for all players for anytime. The Mafia minigame was rather popular when it was released, and people can still play it anytime. Fiesta also allows players to play through old events. Stuff like that can be nice if people would actually do them.
  • Member Shaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    edited May 28, 2017
    As long as Nexon keeps their core cadre of whales happy and paying, with plenty of shiny things to indulge their neophilia on, the game's financial standing should hold...for a while. The game's player base continues to shrink 3-5% a month, though, and that can only continue for so long. New content brings a spike of people back temporarily, but fails to retain them, as most people still around are pretty much in "AFK until new stuff" mode, and it seems new things to do are just a distraction from AFKnogi so they blow through it as quick as possible so they can go back to having nothing to do again.

    TL;DR: The NA servers will last as long as there are enough people paying to not play and leave their character sitting AFK in Dunbarton/Belvast with the newest shiny things, and no longer than that. The KR/JP servers will hold out a few years longer than that.
  • Member Zarozian
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,900
    Posts: 275
    We need Peria Chronicles to come out already.
  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited May 28, 2017
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    The first time I saw this thread was in 2009.... *hint-hint*

    What a coincidence! Me too! =P
    [Deleted User]
  • Member Sebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    edited May 28, 2017
    2 weeks.

    Jokes aside, probably not any time soon.
  • Member TheDumbOne
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,790
    Posts: 342
    it be nice to have "content" - but we have a lot so far.... maybe remove festia tickets so the content is constantly open for players. or .... USE FESTIA FOR EVENTS!? -... i mean you do that like vacant spots for events... and even if its just for a joe to stand their... (ahh that must be what the new tail event for, jk its a gacha)
  • Member Namiri
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,700
    Posts: 112
    Zarozian wrote: »
    We need Peria Chronicles to come out already.

    Why's that? I mean I used to have hope for Peria Chronicles as well. But then the developers for that game went and confirmed it's going to be absolutely nothing like Mabinogi. Instead they said it would be more like Minecraft. So if Minecraft happens to be your thing then great I suppose.
  • Member Worstnoobeverz
    Mabinogi Rep: 955
    Posts: 104
    The game already dead since they aren't focusing on release new contents. It just the players that want to keep play Mabinogi since they spend quite a time on it. Even if old player quit, there'll be new player.
  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited May 28, 2017
    Namiri wrote: »
    Zarozian wrote: »
    We need Peria Chronicles to come out already.

    Why's that? I mean I used to have hope for Peria Chronicles as well. But then the developers for that game went and confirmed it's going to be absolutely nothing like Mabinogi. Instead they said it would be more like Minecraft. So if Minecraft happens to be your thing then great I suppose.

    So...I can't be a jack of all trades? PASS!!!

    Mabinogi for lyfe! <3
    The game already dead since they aren't focusing on release new contents. It just the players that want to keep play Mabinogi since they spend quite a time on it. Even if old player quit, there'll be new player.

    YES THEY ARE. G21 is just down the road for KR and then eventually us. You are blatantly ignorant.
  • Member Opalthira
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,595
    Posts: 943
    Namiri wrote: »
    Zarozian wrote: »
    We need Peria Chronicles to come out already.

    Why's that? I mean I used to have hope for Peria Chronicles as well. But then the developers for that game went and confirmed it's going to be absolutely nothing like Mabinogi. Instead they said it would be more like Minecraft. So if Minecraft happens to be your thing then great I suppose.

    Watching the like alpha footage or w/e that was it looked like some kind of pokemon card game combat where you can run around and hit things. Honestly i haven't looked in to the game since that. All i know is its a sandbox game where you can create your own worlds, quests, minigames, etc.
  • Member Sheena
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,515
    Posts: 381
    1-5 years UNLESS they change the damn engine and turn those polygons into high quality anime models, ITS 2017!!! COME ON!!
  • Member Namiri
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,700
    Posts: 112
    Sheena wrote: »
    1-5 years UNLESS they change the damn engine and turn those polygons into high quality anime models, ITS 2017!!! COME ON!!

    Well I do know some people would say otherwise and feel fancy nice looking graphics are the most important thing when it comes to a game. But I personally feel like the gameplay is what truly matters most. Because in the 4 years between me quitting Mabinogi and eventually returning I played a bunch of different MMORPGs that ultimately didn't stick with. One of which being FFXIV which I feel is a great example here. It looks darn nice but the combat gets rather stale eventually and the whole being forced along a linear path throughout the game in terms of progression kills any sense of freedom. That and despite how nice it looks the amount of character customization options in that game are downright pitifully small. Add to that the fact that despite being a Pay to Play MMORPG they for some reason claim that implementing dying separate parts of an outfit would be impossible for them to implement. Even though an old game like Mabinogi has been doing it for a decade now.

  • Member Aeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    Sheena wrote: »
    1-5 years UNLESS they change the damn engine and turn those polygons into high quality anime models, ITS 2017!!! COME ON!!

    Yes, and square enix is remaking FF7 by using the same game PS1 engine and hardware. Same with Tomb raider, its the same game engine, just better graphics. Sequels are like mods, but they are just tweaks to the engine. No money or time is needed to do any of this. Just make Mabi have a better engine and put in super-realistic graphics because graphics is the most important thing in any video game, just like The Order 1886. Best game ever, 10/10. DevCat is holding back and could have upgraded the game. Its as easy as pushing a button. Its like they hate the fans

  • Member Twelie
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,850
    Posts: 272
    edited May 29, 2017
    Namiri wrote: »
    Zarozian wrote: »
    We need Peria Chronicles to come out already.

    Why's that? I mean I used to have hope for Peria Chronicles as well. But then the developers for that game went and confirmed it's going to be absolutely nothing like Mabinogi. Instead they said it would be more like Minecraft. So if Minecraft happens to be your thing then great I suppose.

    I love the idea of a game you can build/player made quests etc, but the Kirana/card game thing.... Not happy.
    Sai wrote: »
    Twelie wrote: »
    I thought there would be more of an option instead of 1 to 5 years :^( that doesn't really give an accurate idea of what people think imo.

    Like 7 years, 4 months, 15 days, 22 hours, and 6 mins.. err 5 mins?
    Like 1 to 2, and then 3 to 5. I'd like to see how divided that 1 to 5 is. The other categories don't bug me that much.
  • Member Nilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    To be honest, every time someone says Mabi will die, it feels like some magical curse activates and makes Mabi live another year out of spite.

    Could say similar for a lot of MMOs actually.
    You can even find topics like this for ones with giant, thriving populations.

    Gotta learn to appreciate what you have.
  • Member Archmagick
    Mabinogi Rep: 745
    Posts: 22
    edited May 29, 2017
    I quit mabi in 2012 after the hacking and PAKE because I thought the game was dying for sure. Here we are, 5 years later. If Pake didn't kill Mabi, it'll be up for some time to come. There are a few things that need to be addressed though - first and foremost that a lot of content is outdated or unrewarding (like all the Shadow Mission loot tables need to be updated), and secondly the metagame is pretty constricted (what the were they thinking with the race updates, also FH and Bash overshadow other options, but I'd prefer buffs to other stuff rather than nerfing content.). Reforges are mostly fine, outside of a few outliers; most character power is from stats. There are some issues. Every game has issues. But acting like it's some <text removed> is intellectually dishonest.

    Edited by Morbious17: Please refrain from using profanity.
  • Member Kouyioue
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,130
    Posts: 443
    The in-game report button hasn't worked in over 6 years.
  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Archmagick wrote: »
    I quit mabi in 2012 after the hacking and PAKE because I thought the game was dying for sure. Here we are, 5 years later. If Pake didn't kill Mabi, it'll be up for some time to come. There are a few things that need to be addressed though - first and foremost that a lot of content is outdated or unrewarding (like all the Shadow Mission loot tables need to be updated), and secondly the metagame is pretty constricted (what the were they thinking with the race updates, also FH and Bash overshadow other options, but I'd prefer buffs to other stuff rather than nerfing content.). Reforges are mostly fine, outside of a few outliers; most character power is from stats. There are some issues. Every game has issues. But acting like it's some <text removed> is intellectually dishonest.

    Edited by Morbious17: Please refrain from using profanity.

    Holy **** Morb still exists!
  • Member Sylek
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,100
    Posts: 166
    Sheena wrote: »
    1-5 years UNLESS they change the damn engine and turn those polygons into high quality anime models, ITS 2017!!! COME ON!!

    The engine could probably use a bit of work. But I actually like the graphics as they are. No, they're not the super realistic, or high quality stuff you find in your state of the art FPS, but it doesn't need to be, even for 2017. One of the reasons I stopped playing RuneScape forever ago was because they started changing around the graphics. Of course, it wasn't the final nail on the coffin for me, but it was the start of things. What Mabinogi has for graphics is fine and works for them. Just give the engine the work it needs before we have to replace it and we'll be good.
  • Member Liberate
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,360
    Posts: 142
    At this point it's impressive how long this game has lasted, and will seem to go on lasting.