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0:08 over and over.
You know what, maybe treasure hunter. People love me for my puns, and while stripping I could say "The only booty I am interested in hunting...is yours." Flash a quick smile, maybe a wink, wake up to 300 million views on Youtube and singlehandedly revive Alexina with my newfound sexuality while Nao stands dumbfounded.
Aaaaand that's enough forums for me this week.
Not Edern?
My hair is as black as night, though I am too dark skinned to be Kaour, so that doesn't work either.
Damn it, is there no one else but
bootytreasure hunter?There are dark haired elves, so there can be a dark haired Edern too.
I can understand finding it cringe inducing, as you young whippersnappers would say.
Like an old person saying groovy to fit in, you know, a cheap attempt to pandering.
I don't mind, but I can understand how sex appeal overusage can put people off.
No one can resist the girth of the Bliss!
I'm not jealous of somebody who takes more pleasure out of breaking your weapon than they would take out of breaking you.
Oh you silly. Why are you mistaking real attractive actor with NPC?
And here I was, thinking Ferghus was a gentle lover.
Some people enjoy it that way though.Because I couldn't resist writing my lame comeback. lol
Except in real life, he'll break your heart.
I bet he'll still offer you a cup of brandy.
"Here, I got you some strawberry brandy. I didn't bother to get you an ice strawberry brandy.
It would have melted as soon as I gave it to you."
Also Joe said litre's not quarts, just sayin'!