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Unpopular Opinion: Cancel the Legendary Item Event


  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    I have no dog in this event since my mabi rig is currently out of commission atm but the dumpster fire is hilarious and makes me less butt hurt from having to miss this event all together.
  • ServilliusServillius
    Mabinogi Rep: 745
    Posts: 57
    This isn't a lottery. A lottery would mean that players with slow computers still have a chance of getting the item, with the downside of increasing bots. There are some anti-spam methods in this event, though.

    1. To get to the carpet, you can't walk in a direct line, like a bot might. However, you can still talk to the NPC from the carpet if you are behind the fence and are close enough.

    The past three times I have tried to enrol, I have accidentally clicked a different keyword, or have pressed cancel on accident because I was in such a rush. That left me on #120+ once I talked to them again.

    2. Players who have already done the event 3 times in a day are at a disadvantage, because they have to sit through more dialogue to enrol, leaving them at higher numbers.

    3. The fact that you can't enrol until the time means that people can't set up a lot of afk alts.

    An alternative to non-tradable prize selection could be that only characters that can equip the item, or use it are valid contestants. Eg: you can't compete for the star bag if you already have one. You can't compete for the bow if you're a giant. That way, players don’t end up with a powerful weapon that they can’t use.

    The first time I did the event, I didn't know I would have to talk to the NPC agin after I finished my round. That was not mentioned anywhere on the website. I thought it would do it automatically.
  • ServilliusServillius
    Mabinogi Rep: 745
    Posts: 57
    edited April 14, 2020
    I made a quiz for Nexon.

    Is it an effort-based event?
    If yes, then it should be tradable.

    Is it a luck-based event for a powerful or rare item?
    If yes, then it shouldn’t be tradable.

    Over simplified, but should do the trick.

    If something can be exploited, it will be exploited. How much it is exploited depends on how easy it is to exploit, and the reward for exploiting it. How much people care about it being exploited depends on how available rewards become through being exploited.

    Yes, I would accept a job offer from Nexon.
    GretaNilremtakecarebeckyRadiant DawnSherri
  • KisarayaKisaraya
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,060
    Posts: 106
    edited April 14, 2020
    Even if Nexon America CMs/GMs care about our thoughts/feelings (which I am not convinced of), it does not change the minds of Nexon Korea. They are the overseers, and it has been shown quite well how little they think of Nexon america players. At the end of the day what Nexon Korea wants we get. It is what it is. Even if you had a barrel full of facts, and had hundreds of upset players behind you, this forum WILL NOT change the minds of Nexon Developers and Lead Team.

    So why do I bring this up? Because it's a piece of cheese on a chain cast thunder trap. I am more annoyed that the CMs would even pretend they could change things, or have us believe we matter. News flash, we don't. Don't believe me? Charging Strike is still borked. Puppetry and Dual Guns draw extreme aggro as opposed to say oh Advanced Magic and Final Hit.

    When you support them with your money to buy NX, then they believe they have your support. And nothing after that matters. We are numbered cogs in a money making machine. I'm about done with the forums, especially this one. Say what you want. The proof is in the results.

  • TimefallTimefall
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,505
    Posts: 146
    Kisaraya wrote: »

    So why do I bring this up? Because it's a piece of cheese on a chain cast thunder trap. I am more annoyed that the CMs would even pretend they could change things, or have us believe we matter. News flash, we don't. Don't believe me? Charging Strike is still borked. Puppetry and Dual Guns draw extreme aggro as opposed to say oh Advanced Magic and Final Hit.

    I don't believe this is true. While there are many things which need adjusted or fixed, there are also many things which have been taken care of. Small changes and bug fixes that go unnoticed because they get slipped in during content updates. Players can no longer glitch through the wall of Hillwen Mine. The 'crafting queue' checkbox was added to make crafting easier. An attempt was made to improve doll bag logic. Gathering time for water bottles was reduced. The minimap system got a big revamp. Many options were added to settings, including repeat playing instrument and disable transformation cutscenes. More hotkey slots were added. More hotkey slots were added. Creating a raft no longer costs firewood. The maximum check size and bank limit were increased. The cooldown for sakura abyss was reduced. 100% repair rate was added.

    Some problems may remain unaddressed, but all of these things are proof that changes are being made in the interest of the players.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Servillius wrote: »
    I made a quiz for Nexon.

    Is it an effort-based event?
    If yes, then it should be tradable.

    Is it a luck-based event for a powerful or rare item?
    If yes, then it shouldn’t be tradable.

    Over simplified, but should do the trick.

    If something can be exploited, it will be exploited. How much it is exploited depends on how easy it is to exploit, and the reward for exploiting it. How much people care about it being exploited depends on how available rewards become through being exploited.

    Yes, I would accept a job offer from Nexon.

    No. :trollface:

    Your procedure guideline is something that was basically already stated.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited April 14, 2020
    I honestly hate these events. Remember when DFO gave out 5000 NX prepaid, to try averting its inevitable death under Nexon's rule? YEAH....

    I am getting those types of death vibes with these "free giveaway" events, and I don't like it. I mean, if Mabinogi got coronavirus and was on its deathbed, at least tell me, Nexon. So I can say goodbye...kiss my friends goodbye...maybe share a few snapchats with ya'll. Flip the developers the middle finger, tell the NA branch how much I love them.

    You know, GOODBYES.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    I honestly hate these events. Remember when DFO gave out 5000 NX prepaid, to try averting its inevitable death under Nexon's rule? YEAH....

    I am getting those types of death vibes with these "free giveaway" events, and I don't like it. I mean, if Mabinogi got coronavirus and was on its deathbed, at least tell me, Nexon. So I can say goodbye...kiss my friends goodbye...maybe share a few snapchats with ya'll. Flip the developers the middle finger, tell the NA branch how much I love them.

    You know, GOODBYES.

    But they just added new content recently. Would a company invest money into a game it thinks is on it's last legs?
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Helsa wrote: »
    I honestly hate these events. Remember when DFO gave out 5000 NX prepaid, to try averting its inevitable death under Nexon's rule? YEAH....

    I am getting those types of death vibes with these "free giveaway" events, and I don't like it. I mean, if Mabinogi got coronavirus and was on its deathbed, at least tell me, Nexon. So I can say goodbye...kiss my friends goodbye...maybe share a few snapchats with ya'll. Flip the developers the middle finger, tell the NA branch how much I love them.

    You know, GOODBYES.

    But they just added new content recently. Would a company invest money into a game it thinks is on it's last legs?

    ...But don't you want Mabinogi to have a good funeral? :(
  • DragoneartusDragoneartus
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,240
    Posts: 60


    I don't really see the point in saying the same things over and over, and It's going off track so goodluck.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Just relax and read these walls of text bro. Or just not read at all, like me lel.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    Helsa wrote: »
    I honestly hate these events. Remember when DFO gave out 5000 NX prepaid, to try averting its inevitable death under Nexon's rule? YEAH....

    I am getting those types of death vibes with these "free giveaway" events, and I don't like it. I mean, if Mabinogi got coronavirus and was on its deathbed, at least tell me, Nexon. So I can say goodbye...kiss my friends goodbye...maybe share a few snapchats with ya'll. Flip the developers the middle finger, tell the NA branch how much I love them.

    You know, GOODBYES.

    But they just added new content recently. Would a company invest money into a game it thinks is on it's last legs?

    ...But don't you want Mabinogi to have a good funeral? :(

    I would prefer it to not have a funeral at all. But, since the sun only has 5 billion more years before it novas, then we know it eventually will have one, of sorts.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    edited April 14, 2020
    Spy wrote: »
    CMKyrios wrote: »
    Hey guys. So I don't think cancelling it an option. But, I'm down to collect your thoughts on the event. Overall reception seems fairly negative, and lukewarm at best. Am I understanding the following correctly:
    - Items are obtained too quickly. Solution: Decrease the rate, impose a re-queue cooldown maybe?
    - Alt abuse. Solution: Item bound to character?
    - Lag-inducing players. Solution: Unsure what's plausible from a development perspective here. One idea of splitting players into the channels seemed decent.

    I know that some of you may be thinking: "Just do better events next time!" but we'd still like conducive feedback on how this type of event could be improved. I like some of the things y'all wrote in here.
    The event's core design is incredibly flawed. There are solutions, but they have trade-offs that may sound off putting
    - Items are obtained too quickly. Solution: Decrease the rate, impose a re-queue cooldown maybe?
    Decreasing the rate, or imposing a cool down will only make it more frustrating for players. Instead of spending 5~30 minutes in line trying to win the item, they could spend 1+ hours in line. Waiting 5~30 minutes in anticipation and not getting a chance because the item was already obtained is frustrating. Having 600 people waiting 1h+ per item would dramatically increase player frustration as they're standing in line for even longer and still not getting anything.
    Supposing that there were 600 people in line waiting 1hr per item this would be 24 days of human life being exhausted!
    - Alt abuse. Solution: Item bound to character?
    If the item can still be trade-unlocked, this would not fix the issue.
    If the item cannot be trade unlocked, this could solve the problem of alts, but would make the divine weapons less desirable by anyone who knows the consequences.
    Currently, divine weapon enchants (e.g. Solitude) are Exclusive Enchant Scrolls (untradable) that can only be used on one specific divine weapon. The drop rates for these enchants are also extremely low. In practice, most players who have divine weapons expect that they will need to do one or more, enchanting services to get their weapons enchanted.
    For Kyrios (who may not be as familiar with the game):
    Enchanting service is when a player give their item to the person who has the enchant, they enchant it, and then trade unlock it and give it back.
    There are some alternatives to the exclusive enchants, Meteoroid and 67th Floor, but good luck finding a 67th floor (limited quantity) or multiple Meteoroid enchants (practically gacha only).

    As for what can be done in the future: Beats me. Your stuck between a rock and a hard place.
    Raffle/sweepstakes events will always bring animosity as long as alts can participate.

    Enforcing any minimum requirement, e.g. total level requirement, story requirement, etc could also block real players from participating, so that won't work. Plus people with motivation are going to meet the requirement on their alts.

    Enforcing a no-alt (not the same as the no multi-clienting policy) would not be ideal. As this would have a negative impact to the game as well. As people will lose the ability to progress faster bringing alt characters, and the market will lose a lot of crafting material. The current state of end game at the moment basically requires alts in order to get anything done in a reasonable amount of time. It also wouldn't be very practical for various reasons.

    Additionally, with the drop rate of certain event items, and the infrequency/exclusivity of such events. Alts are very common in any event with rare/exclusive items, where a single account will probably never get the item, since reward boxes are usually given out in limited amounts (impossible to grind for boxes). (I don't think as many players complain when having more alts brings cheaper exclusive event items, since more of those items are available)

    On the 67th floor enchant, they really should rerelease it.

    And no, whoeverownsSwordArtOnline can't copyright the term "67th floor".
    Sebastian wrote: »
    Sebastian wrote: »

    And the people alting for as long as they have been, probably still don't do anything for their alts. They're just used for enter events or selling/etc. That's why you see all those egg boi's at every event that gives away stuff lol.

    A lot of your counterarguments rely way too heavily on probability when we've seen these kinds of individuals prove time and time again that they'll do whatever they need to in order to gain advantages in scenarios like these.

    People are persistent, and they've proven to be persistent enough. If they weren't we wouldn't have issues like these. Yes there are alts that have nearly no levels, but there are still a large amount of people who level alts when they're bored of their mains. I know people that have done this. The difference from them is they know abusing it for events is scummy.

    If it's on a matter of relying, since you want to go by that logic, then I wouldn't be the only one who's relying on something, like saying these people are that persistent..for no word here can be taken as any real truth. But sitting here and saying it like there is truth and that it is how it is, is a bit baffling. Which is why I talk the way that I do.

    The difference being that there is sufficient enough evidence to deduce that people have been doing this for years. Ask any player who has been around long enough. That's the reason I'm stuck on you saying they "probably" won't continue. Because they have.

    This issue has come up countless times, for countless years, and for countless events. They even imposed certain total levels being required at some point, which the alts surpassed.

  • SqueeSquee
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,565
    Posts: 201
    Timefall wrote: »

    I don't believe this is true. While there are many things which need adjusted or fixed, there are also many things which have been taken care of. Small changes and bug fixes that go unnoticed because they get slipped in during content updates. Players can no longer glitch through the wall of Hillwen Mine. The 'crafting queue' checkbox was added to make crafting easier. An attempt was made to improve doll bag logic. Gathering time for water bottles was reduced. The minimap system got a big revamp. Many options were added to settings, including repeat playing instrument and disable transformation cutscenes. More hotkey slots were added. More hotkey slots were added. Creating a raft no longer costs firewood. The maximum check size and bank limit were increased. The cooldown for sakura abyss was reduced. 100% repair rate was added.

    Some problems may remain unaddressed, but all of these things are proof that changes are being made in the interest of the players.

    You MIGHT have a point if there weren't a whole page full of known issues that have been in the game for over 5 years that Nexon refuses to do anything about. Hell, there are new fights that require you to use some of the exploits some of these skills have that shouldn't even be in the game. These days, you're expected to take advantage of glitches and exploits to get anything done. Nexon knows the issues exist and yet do nothing about it, even forcing us to use them to show us they know they exist and don't care. I don't expect them to fix everything, because that would require a huge overhaul of the entire game, but overall, what little they're doing is putting bandaids on a tumor. They're not addressing any of the underlying issues. They're trying to appease the problems on the surface without having to do much work. It's not them "looking out for us", they're trying to do the least amount of actual heavy duty work to just keep the game going because fixing the real problems would be too difficult and they probably feel would not be worth the time for a dying game.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218


    I don't really see the point in saying the same things over and over, and It's going off track so goodluck.

    Yeah, be careful guys. I haven't had a thread locked in EONS around here. Someone new here isn't used to our antics. :smirk:
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Of ALL the threads which got out of hand they locked the most civil one. OK LOL.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited April 14, 2020
    Greta wrote: »
    Of ALL the threads which got out of hand they locked the most civil one. OK LOL.

    I mean we were just expressing our dissatisfaction about the crossover we got. Maybe it was ak-47's paranoia fueled comment that was posted last?

    I dunno. lol.

    So back on topic. Yeah, yeah...make the items bound. Yeah. Death to all botters. Yeah.

  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Crims wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Of ALL the threads which got out of hand they locked the most civil one. OK LOL.

    I mean we were just expressing our dissatisfaction about the crossover we got. Maybe it was ak-47's paranoia fueled comment that was posted last?

    Probably that. Or just wanted to flex power on us.

    We will see how this weekend will get. I assume it will be the same.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    I don't think it was just because of Kalashnikov. The thread ventured into present day politics & religion and the current site staff seems to be apprehensive about allowing such discussions.
  • PumpkinRioPumpkinRio
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,345
    Posts: 67
    Helsa wrote: »
    I don't think it was just because of Kalashnikov. The thread ventured into present day politics & religion and the current site staff seems to be apprehensive about allowing such discussions.

    Pretty much, it went off topic when they brought politics into the discussion. :l which sucks cause I wanted to add that I would have preferred literally any other anime BUT the one they chose for the crossover.