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Lets talk Japari Coin Box.
So you pretty much get 35 spins per day yea? And you have a chance to get more than 1 box per day but does that help? Sure to open straight away the next day after opening your 1st the day before...but why? Why do they punish a player's luck? Why could we not open more than one box for the coins per day with the amount of spins they had given us?
It is not like we could given all the spins from alts to our mains, its not like the spins is account wide between characters, and your limited to 35 spins per day...so why?
Do they not want us to get rewards? Do they not want us to get lucky? Or is this just the usual thoughtless decision by the creator of this event? Welp its free at least...but it still baffles me to punish a lucky player with only seemingly mediocre rewards in this event...
I mean you're already limited by there being 35 spins per day at maximum, and the boxes only give 3 Japari Coins each.
I mean on the upside, the boxes only give 3 Japari Coins, so no big whoop if you end up having too many boxes to open up during the event.
You would likely have over 30 boxes You can't open at the end of this event. Its just wasted....
We here promoting littering
This, and it's so weird.
There's two versions of the board, one with an Out a few spaces from the start, and another version with TWO Outs on the board, one literally the square before the End.
I landed on that right-before-the-End Out space twice today.
Wouldn't they just remove all leftover boxes with the maint?
Are you basing this on the other time we had a spin game board event with a once-a-day box?
Well, not like it would be helpful if they kept these boxes around, since the only thing the boxes give are 3 coins for the event-only shop.
Also this is not like Meowbinogi. Meowbinogi was way better because it had no restrictions. You could farm spins as much as you wanted. And there wasn't any limits of how many boxes you could open a day. I missed the events where you could farm items from killing monsters...
I guess we won't need to hold onto these boxes like some sort of treasure-hoarder since nothing to miss out on after-event.
Yes, I do remember though, one of these types of spin-games was such where boxes could still be opened even post-event.
Yep yep, the way this board game event is handled reminds me of... the other one you couldn't farm monsters for coins for.
Found it, Pan's Magic Game Board Event.
Just like this one, you were limited to 35 coins per real day, for logging in for a total of 150 minutes (though instead of 7 each 30 minutes, it was 5/6/7/8/9 respectively for each 30 minutes).
That one also had a "one per day" kind of thing with that board's end-space box, similar and different.
Similar in that, only once per day could you open the box and receive a Pan's Magic Game Ticket, which was that event's prize shop currency.
BUT, if you'd already opened the box that day and received your daily ticket, you could still open any extra boxes you'd received, and instead of a ticket, it was like any normal random gift box type of item, in that you'd get a random thing from a list of possibilities.
Which was all it took to give a use to any extra boxes you were lucky enough to get.
As this current event stands now, any extra boxes are just for wiggle room for bad luck days, if anything.
I wonder why they didn't treat it at least the same this time around.
Speaking of.. it feels as if that board was much more generous with its rewards, I've been getting nothing collab related from the Kemono Friends boxes
But I've also been landing on Out and -1 Spin waaay too much
Why do we even have a -1 spin anyway like what the heck? We only get so many spins to begin with... just thinking about it makes me PO'd
SAME i landed on that stupid OUT tile just before finish twice today as well. Also they say theres 2 different boards but i only ever get the board that has the out in the middle and end of the board.
the thing is having the OUT at the end isnt actually bad, it HURTS really badly when you land on it because we have a limit on spins per days, unlike its original version Meowbinogi because while ya it sucks when you land on it and get reset it doesnt sting because you just go back and farm 100 more spins off monsters and go again. there was only a limit on meowbinogi spins based on how much you can tolerate farming for the dang things.
Fun fact that Meowbinogi board i actually Still have even to this day because i refuse to spend the last spin because it keeps the Little Paw icon in the bottom right side of my Screen because its cute and i love Paws because my Char is a foxgirl.
I scrolled through the comments just to hope that someone would take the words out of my mouth. Thank you for pointing this out.
I too, miss events that had no restrictions and I actually really miss meowbinogi. It was one of the last good events before they all just became afk'nogi related. I'm so disappointed that they haven't brought back the original meowbinogi yet and instead give us these watered-down versions of it.
I've landed on OUT more times than I can count. It's rather sad.
Counting myself lucky then I guess, I've finished three times I think.
I keep getting stuck on that board with the two OUTs, at the beginning, and then the end.....Literally spent almost a day's worth of spins just trying to get past that first out, yesterday. That was EXCEEDINGLY frustrating
Now it's just afk for everything. What a fun time.
Meowbinogi was my favorite event, and they ruined it.