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Why nobody uses these forums (any more...)
Time to gather survey-results...
My guess is forums like these are becoming outdated when there are more convenient ways to discuss things about the game with other players. I am probably one of the few that actually doesn't use Discord that much mostly cause I am old fashioned. Forums work just fine and I don't see any reason to stop using them until they 100% die. Things change, back in my day in the 90's the only mobile computers we had were a gameboy and everyone used forums when going online. Now everything is mobile and we have 5 year old kids using cell phones that are basically mini computers. Checking the Mabinogi forums on my phone is a lot more work than just checking Discord or Reddit from my phone. Things are changing and now I feel ancient, technology really has improved dramatically over the past 30 or so years.
Sadly Discord took up all of the community for anyone to bother coming back.
I started noticing login issues around the time the forums and main website had their look updated. This issue was only affecting my access to the forums and I could still login to the main website and report the problem. However whenever support messaged me back they said they couldn't do anything about forum related issues.
What finally fixed it for me was I messed around in my account settings and I finally tried changing my Nexon Tag in the Personal Info Tab. Once I typed in my new Nexon Tag name it gave me some new random numbers at the end and the problem was fixed. Have not had a issue since. So if you know anyone that is still struggling to login to the forums have them try changing their Nexon Tag if they can. I think some of the old Nexon Tags got messed up when they updated the main website and the forums.
Posts would often get deleted and people casually singled-out and followed around, censored here and there. On top of the one-sided (rape license type) policies where the faculty were allowed to do whatever they wanted to people and were not obligated to leave any explanations or warnings for any of the edits or trimmings they would do. In retrospect, one would think that they'd interpret those policies in a way that was sane and fair for the betterment of the forum, but instead they gladly did this stuff the heavy-handed-way and openly talked about enjoying it. The only reason the older administration behave better at all is because it is explicitly demanded of them now and not because they want to. Ala, and I quote quite directly: "figure it out loser because I'm not telling you why and I don't feel like I have to" every time a user asked the acting faculty about why they give no warnings or explanation. And there was even a policy in place where you'd get banned or heavily censored for criticizing these policies.
And like everyone else here, the funny technical forum issues with the pre-2015 forum.
Even if progress has been made, this place is pretty much 'damaged-goods' to most people and the advent of all of those other chat platforms already provided the safe-harbor from the nightmare this place was.
also too many things changed from like 2015 so i pick "because I/we have decided to quit all dialogue with people on-line" lol
not that we plebeians will ever be informed of these facts without some serious digging up of key archives... ____________________________________________________________
Many of us still remember that fiasco I see; I just assumed they were infiltrated/taken over by communists... ____________________________________________________________
Hmm. Give me a moment to look at forum-activity in each section. Hmm. Last posts from months ago. Yup. Nobody...
I peek once or twice every few months.
...first time I came across such a «ridiculous» phenomenon, from a different game before I arrived at Mabinogi, the «dogmatic» players absolutely insisted that all the «classes» in that game were «balanced» despite the fact that the «thief» class was like 90% of the whole entire damn player-base, and, the ONLY so-called «class/profession» (get a REAL job you THIEVES) that could ONE-SHOT tough opponents even with a cheap 10g dagger (NONE of the other classes had even CLOSE to that amount of DPS even with a much more expensive store-bought weapon). I have since learned that it's best for me to NOT make «friends» with those kinds of «dogmatic/argumentative» people (also because they always become «hostile» for some reason or even no reason at all) and to essentially NOT «associate» (or even interact) with them at all in any way; this also applies to both on-line and off-line by the way as it's been my experience that such people have only ever caused net-problems for my life for a variety of reasons... anyway, now that the connection-speeds here have been upgraded to fibre-optics, I might bother to login again next Sunday or one of these Sundays & see if I can't finally complete the necessary Dan-Test Requirements for Final-Rank of Magnum-Shot... Spoiler-Content : What seemed to me to be the most-impactful reason(s) for dwindling activity.
1. Fantasy MMORPGs just aren't as popular as they were. Like battle royale games, they were a trend that was going to die out until another company spends a heck ton of money advertising the next state of the art, most immersive MMO imaginable. The forums are a small segment of the shrinking/static playerbase. We aren't going to attract new players, and people will inevitably move on from Mabinogi to play other games if not have lives. It's social entropy.
2. Mabinogi is a drastically different game than it was years ago, in both as a game and its management. Past mismanagement has definitely soured many players that may have contributed to a more vibrant community in this day and age. For others, they don't enjoy Mabinogi except as a habit, and realize they should stop playing if they don't enjoy it.
3. Old games in general just don't attract much new players, especially if they are part of a past trend (See number 1 above). The shift to mobile games, battle royale, and god knows what else has help to date Mabinogi...for now. I imagine there'll be a resurgence in this genre, but I am not holding my breadth.
4. People use Discord.
Am I saying Mabinogi is dying? In a way, yes. All things do, and Mabinogi doesn't have the fortune of being associated with a franchise like Final Fantasy or World of Warcraft. I say this as someone who used to play Mabinogi religiously.
Albeit, I started playing in Middle School and now I have bills to pay and a job to do.It will die one day, and its decline will be slow and steady. I'm 26 and I am going to die one day, hopefully after growing to the ripe old age of 40.If you're worried about Mabinogi dying and you still enjoy playing it, then don't waste your time worrying. Just enjoy the time you have. I certainly don't regret my time spent here (
Except all those times I made an out of myself), and neither should you.First and foremost, I believe access to too many official social media “hangout” sites are a detriment to an online games health, once upon a time people used to login and chat in game even when other options where available like Skype and TeamSpeak, there was something about meeting up in game instead of spending all day in a chat app, maybe I am just old school at this point but something changed when Discord came around, was it that there was now an official Mabinogi Discord group? The activity? Or perhaps too many Discord focused, events and content? I don’t personally know, but what I do know is that this could draw attention away from the game itself.
Second, Discord is really bad at information retention, I cannot count the amount of times I have seen people ask the same questions that has already been answered 4-6 times a day in different Discord groups and I would not be surprised if it’s the same case in the Mabinogi Discord group, I know that some recent additions have slightly remedied this by having threads and of course the pin feature helps but it’s nowhere near enough.
Solution? I am not sure if there is one at this point, but if there are 3 things that could help remedy this issue it would be to first put some of that Discord content/event energy in game instead, second make the Mabinogi World wiki more user friendly and if there isn’t one add a easily accessible FAQ to the Wiki and third, use the current official social media platforms to give people a reason to log in to the game instead.
This, and it's also a hassle to just login that ends up logging you out frequently.
other than that, both have pros and cons.. discord has custom profile pics (something we never got
YESSS its so annoying to keep having to log in! especially with it being hooked up to my phone and all -_-
Its not like "no one" uses the forums here, though. I definitely still do, even if I don't log in every single day.
But there are still people out there, even some zoomers, who do appreciate a functional and structured conversation offered by the message board format, even if things move a bit slower now days. I respect those who still do, even if I myself might only pop in a few times in a year here between work life and my own small online communities.
Okay, I pretty much disagree with all that. Discord is much more reachable with less having to log in and out, in everyone who doesn't want to use forums defense. And you can still have "functional and structured conversations" on discord or anywhere else too. Really, I just can't actually use Mabinogi's official discord, its nothing personal against it. As for reddit and anywhere else, I simply don't want to have to make an account for it, so these forums in my case, is the easiest option to be apart of the community outside of the game.
There's a pun in there somehow.
Anyway the forums aren't "dead". Every time I make a post to the Jousting Finals thread, someone buries it within hours.