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Mabinogi Direct Launch Ending March 16th
Oh god... totally forgot that there are still people using XP... You know that old things will get forgotten sooner or later. I swear i heard a rumor that Microsoft no longer updates/supports XP. You should really move to 7 at least.
-launch from exe or website, load the pleione engine once, play, log out and log into another account on login screen without needing to reload the engine again for quick play. can relog in quickly if u dc without needing to relaunch client.
-launch from exe, once you dc or need to change accounts you have to reload the whole client and engine, also running 250fps for me in the login screen to strain cpu and overheating
-nexon launcher, slow play button, load engine, have to relaunch client again if u dc or need to change accounts. with events now being 1 main character 1 account exclusive i am discouraged to place different server characters into one account to play with my friends on other servers so i will relaunch client often.
on top of that the engine that used to take my laptop 30 seconds to load now takes 5 minutes bc of updates to the game (to be fair i had 2.0ghz cpu) but i think thats just ugh with all these longer more-loading-time ways you have to log in now and all the needing to relaunch client over and over again for any small mishaps. this mmo is not tera online level but it runs my laptop and my patience ragged like it is. i have to take measures to make sure it doesnt destroy my cpu.
i understand that the above is probably only being done to prevent malicious player activity and this game has grown, but i am growing increasingly frustrated at all these add ons over the years and blockades that hack away at the convenience for just logging in.
tl:dr- launcher is meh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i dont mind but i got things to do. hope they make it faster.
Well that's something; was thinking about getting back into Mabi after a bit of a break so Nexon, I would like to be the first to thank you for forcing me to finally wash my hands with you. I was willing to look past your lack of any good updates to Mabi, the putting items you have to pay for again after drawing them into the gacha, or that bug that locked me out of the game during an event I was interested in with you doing absolutely nothing to rectify the situation but I know how you guys are at anything involving programing or finding outside tech with my last dealing with the Nexon Launcher having me unable to launch Mabinogi from being unable to see it after having launched from it a dozen times before. Gonna suck that I gotta put the effort into finding something cute and supports toast now.
I'm suprise people are still on XP. You would think people have moved on to 7 or up to game. Yes the rumor is true that Microsoft stop supporting XP few years back. I think now they stopped giving Windows 7 users updates and will not support it in about this year or next.
It's because it's good enough and Win10 is while all Windows cost over $100 to get so why bother going up to 7 especially when there's not really any good games still being made that are bothered that much by your outdated OS. Was bullshit how they forced Win7 users into Win10.
Actually the windows 7 updates stop completely in 2020. Windows 10 is okay but it still feels weird to use and has a few problems. I am very happy with Windows 7 and I don't think it is acceptable for any program to force itself onto a computer but luckily it is possible to block Windows 10 completely so it can't just invade my desktop. Mabi runs perfectly fine on Windows 7 and as long as mabi still runs on Steam I will keep playing.
If they're going to take away the ability to directly launch the game then they need to change the way Mabi works with Steam. I play Mabi through Steam, but I use a different account then is linked to my Steam account, and as far as I know there is no way to switch a Steam account once its locked to a Nexon account. This creates a problem when they take away my only one other way to log into the game.
None of this will stop that though.. Even if they do "weed out" those players,
been passionately avoiding it this entire time. i know someone who uses it and it was just causing them problems so i was like nope staying away from that.
how is mabi via steam like? should i do that? do i need to uninstall game first to get it via steam? o_o;;
ehhhhh this sucks
Though I feel some need to calm down. :S it's not that big of a deal.
Barring Steam, of course, but Steam likely implements it's own forms of anti-hacking and information gathering that Nexon is privy to.
Just like Steam software yet people use it.
anyway i think this happen at nexon:
NX: Valve what is our deal on microtransactions and purchasable items?
Valve: Give us (X) amount of percentage and all refunds go back to Steam.
NX: Screw you, that's our business model!
//That is how Nexon launcher was born//
I have no idea, just pops up when the launcher fails to launch.
This hasn't help mabinogi, steam never does anything to mmo and servers are still semi-dead.
Secondly, it freaking adds even more lag than this broken game already has. WHY? I already crash in every SM possible and can no longer enter taillteann and tara since at least a year ago and you've never wanted to "fix" that now freaking did you? But no, better pull this kind of a stunt. Obviously that helps everyone.
Thirdly, there have often been issues with either the launcher or the non-launcher. Having been able to switch between the two has often provided solutions to problems that should NEVER HAVE EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE, but somehow always do. Every few updates. Just like how various OSes kept getting locked out of the game for months on end.
It's only by a miracle that I may be getting a better computer soon. Without that, your unrelenting "idgaf" philosophy towards older machines (despite them being able to graphically able to handle your game JUST DAMN FINE) would probably soon cause me to be unable play the game altogether. Maybe others too. But who cares about the customers too poor to gamble anyway, right? Drop what you can't milk.
Also, yes I know, the salt is real. Try keeping the community of a neglected game active and showing your support by playing unlike a lot of others, but being constantly spat in the face and having to restart for at least 20 minutes a day for every few minutes you play, for over a year, then getting this kind of dung flung at you next.
Simply put, the Nexon Launcher is very inconvenient for sizable portion of the player and consumer base, a move like this will not only turn off current players but also put up a barrier for future and prospective players that have a interest in the game.
I've got 3 BRAND NEW PLAYERS who I advised to use Steam instead of the launcher because of the issues other friends have with it, and I can almost guarantee they'll quit if it means redownloading the whole damn thing. A simple proof positive if all of those running to Steam are ”safe” or not is honestly necessary at this point. ”It should be” just is NOT ENOUGH when it comes to Nexon. We're a group of friends irl and a few of us were going to surprise them with NX cards to use for pets, but if this is what the game is amounting to we'd be better off telling them to run while they have a chance.