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ME TOO. It's so pretty
So far i got 3 new HS items from 10 boxes. Now i feel somewhat lucky after reading this.
I got the teeny weenie flower pot.
And no, "you can put everything together because it's fantasy" is not an excuse.
How big are all the boxes you got space wise?
Here's size comparison with 17 year old female human next to Flower Box. (Sorry about my character being barefooted here, had to take off my high heels since they make your character to look a bit taller than she truly is.)
Also i noticed that they actually have an animation of flowers being wind blown gently. Looks nice.
Also opened another 5 boxes got no loot. These drop rates area abysmal i'm just gonna go for the greenhouse and probably quit.
It's 3x1. Yeah drop rates aren't that high, but hey, we still got plenty of time to get something decent out of this event.
Also wanted to comment about the movement these HS items have, glad they have a bit more "life" to them:
If you are wondering if you can go inside greenhouse or not (credit goes to @Blankeye for sharing image with me):
That and the Trellis I also posted are both 3 across and 1 deep (the boxes/trellis are two per Homestead item)
and have more than one (if your aiming for two)
I just wish I had some benches so I could make a little garden or something =(
thanks for confirming we can enter the greenhouse. it be would be totally lame having the doors wide open like that and not being able to enter it. now I am even more motivated to earn that greenhouse prop ^^ are the flowers and props inside it part of the greenhouse when you get it or do you put the other props from the event in it yourself?
Oh so you CAN go inside. :O