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I wish they had a baby thunder dragon puppet too though.
* 신규 플라잉/서포트 퍼핏의 일부 파트는 염색이 가능합니다.
The puppets parts can be dyed.
Yep mentioned that. Also linked to the translated page. ^_^
I think it's practically guaranteed that the rates will be absolutely terrible. At least given their past track record with the majority of gachas they've released over the years.
Why can't they just sell them for 20 bucks each.
Then people would complain that it costs 20000 NX and compare it to fashion bags (which includes the clothing, gloves, shoes and hat) that costs only 3900 NX.
Yeah but, when we spend potentially 100's in gacha, some players don't even get it and thus wasted money. Wouldn't it make more sense for everyone to be able to own one at 20 bucks times lets says 3000 players, that's 60k per server. I imagine that the whales we have and the moderate spenders are only making half that per server for the game.
I'd still buy. People who complain about this just never bought gachapons, and for the most part, usually NX.
The timer is stated in the desc here:
Unless you mean the reforging. In which case, there's not confirmation however they would be utterly worthless compared to current standards of support puppets if they couldn't be reforged. Why not just get a belisha? They're probably cheaper than these are going to be if you want utility and don't mind 2 hours a day. I've seen them for around 1m. I bought one for 250k off housing like a week ago
Please someone prove me wrongYou are right....there are 3 versions of each puppets. Regular, support, millennium support. Regular version is purely cosmetic and has no functions. Support version shows maps and which orbs to hit in dungeon/shadow mission, but has time limit of 2 hours. Millennium support versions works same as support ones but has no time limit. Every puppets can be dyed, reforged and enchanted. None of new support puppets has attack skills or talk function like collaboration ones.
3.85% rip... Oh well I guess I will just stick with my Yui.
I hope there aren't any new features and that these new puppets are basically reskins.