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List of things that annoy you in the game.
Umm the cause of lag is more due to how they coded the networking part. This game is designed for South Korea where the majority of their players live in an area half the size of California. Due to the small area, and infrastructure they intended the game to be played in they didn't bother coding a better system to deal with lag which way more complex MMO's like WoW, or GW2 has. In all honesty I've seen similar issues in other Korean made games where MMO's from other countries seem to think ahead about global sales..
Now what royally annoys me is when you are gathering herbs gather a few from a patch it then says you are too far away...
Other things that annoy
Low gacha drop rates
Trash in gachas
New hairstyles being in gachas with low rates
just to name a few
Become a Demigod.
Fight the King of Gods himself.
Fails to fill a jar with water.
2. Skill training requirements that give you 0.004 experience and need to be done, like, 4000 times. Alright, so you're only worth 16 exp in the end? You mother-puncher!
3. Mythril gets its own ore deposit, but the other metals don't. That's really annoying when you're mining in the Underground Maze and you're dowsing for ore. You find the ore pile and you're like, "Yes!" Then, you see it's mythril (when you need iron, and you're trying to train Mining, Refining, and Blacksmithing...and you've got limited inventory space and can't even refine mythril yet...) and you go, "Oh, sonova--"
4. When you're training an AOE skill somewhere in the field, and someone rolls up and starts stealing your kills. That's bad manners, especially because enemies that naturally group together well can be a pain in the neck to find and not everyone has earned Enthralling Performance yet (or has a buddy who has who's readily available to help). If someone else has gone through the trouble to agro a bunch of enemies at once around them, they're probably training. If they're just sitting or standing while the enemies circle, they're probably regaining Stamina or waiting on a cooldown for the skill they're training. Act like you know.
5. The durability mechanic. Just...all of it. I'm not a big fan of durability as a mechanic in games in general, but Mabi takes the cake by adding max durability loss and 100% success rate repair price gouging to the mix. I understand the need for a gold sink, but there are better ways to do that than breaking weapons (for instance, having healing and recovery services that charge you based on your current max HP, MP, and Stamina). And enchant failures taking max durability from your gear is just plain wrong, Platinum Hammers or no Platinum Hammers.
6. Lag. Lag kills. Lag is the main reason I'm not messing with Archery. Lag is a menace to society. Burn it at the stake.
7. The fact that people still insist that Magic isn't a good choice for a starting talent. Are you kidding? It's great, especially for elves! Just make sure to get Meditation and Inspiration as early as possible for an easy way to offset mana costs and restore mana without a potion, train at night to further offset those mana costs, concentrate on getting one bolt spell and its related elemental mastery to rank B at a time (then rotate training after that), buy a mace as a secondary weapon to train Windmill and fend off enemies at close range with (two if you're a giant), if you're a human or an elf get a Magic School Uniform and get it some basic upgrades (Lining Attachment 2 once, Lining Attachment 3 twice)...and the shoes from the Magic School set too if you can get a lucky drop from one of the bears by Dunbarton, don't forget to learn Healing and Bolt Mastery, and hang on to that Beginner Ice Wand for dear life because it's super cheap to repair compared to most other magic weapons. Do this, and Magic will be your best friend. It's super easy!
8. Going back and forth to the Shadow Mission board when training. Sure, it's a relatively minor inconvenience, but it's the main reason why I always try to exhaust all of my available options for training in the field and dungeons before resorting to training in Shadow Missions. Something about the rhythm of it (especially after a tedious mission like "Their Method") makes it really tiresome for me for some reason.
9. Those bags from the general store that cost 100k but only last a month.
10. The fact that the bank has a fee for depositing gold instead of for withdrawing it. It kind of makes you feel like the bank is stealing your money...
11. BONUS ROUND!: The fact that the book you need to unlock Musical Knowledge costs 80k. Really, guys? Really? And you need both Composing and Musical Knowledge to level Playing Instrument past a certain point because the random songs stop working for the "Successfully Use the Skill" requirement and don't work at all for the requirement that involves using the skill to grow crops faster. Whoever priced that book must have a permanent troll face...
^ Thing is, I kept encountering this type of people every time I train life skills...
Everyone who plays on tarlach knows what I mean.
I'm from Mari and 100% know what you mean. kek
what do you even mean, so im collecting stuff and suddenly im stuck on the spot and its my fault?
Oh god... So rude and edgy.
Gotta represent, I do call myself Honest Alex.