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Closed If this happened to gachapon
Will gachapon be considered as gambling?
A link to the source:
UK government responds to loot box concerns
Players who purchase gachapon are in a sense taking a gamble on the outcome of what the gachapon may hold. The good thing though is that the contents of the gachapon are listed for the player
but the outcome is not given and may have unfavorable results.
The player is not obligated to purchase these items and most items are useful in the game and the rest are for cosmetic purposes. The cosmetic items are deemed valuable to some players. Some of the practical items are also valuable but in the market the cosmetic items are more favorable.
I don't believe Mabinogi is purposefully shoving gachapon in the players' faces but it is the hype surrounding the
prizes give it intrigue. The gamble of getting what you want vs what you do not want is of course in the player's own choice, if they choose to buy the gachapon. However, gambling is illegal in many parts of the US (and many parts of the world) while gachapon is not yet deemed or associated to gambling law-wise - that is a gamble of not knowing.
A machine vending business usually owns and operates 100's of such machines. If they had to post the odds they would need to manually recalculate the odds every time they had to add items to it to keep it full. Doing so would add an insane amount of cost to maintaining them (and thus insanely increase cost of purchasing such items). This would obviously be cost prohibitive. No one would want to run such a business (or purchase the items) and there would no longer be such machines.
I for one like that they have items we could actually use in the game, some stuff has been made much cheaper. Few years ago the same items might been way too unattainable or too expensive. If I was a new player I'd be greatfull I wouldn't have to be stuck with battleswords.
Besides a lot, not all, of the best gear in game is still only obtainable through in-game crafting so theres that.
I agree.... they could make more fun items and cosmetics instead of enticing people with the next OP enchant that only goes on wings. Some items are ok to me, and even hamelin's tuners and puppets don't effect the game that much imo. Things like Fierce accessories and haunted / spooky enchants that you can't get anywhere else....SAO enchants...all that stuff that GREATLY effects player damage and gameplay should not be in gachas imo. You don't even want to know my feeling on spooky/haunted and fierce accessories after what this company did to me last year... let's just say I lost a lot of respect for them. The damage has already been done though. If they stop putting those things in gachas and then also not put them available from ingame content then players will just get mad because other players already have some and they're not being re-released. They would have to make them available as ingame content or something
Unless its actually making the game unplayable then yeah don't put them in there. The company does what the company wants if it really turns out to be a bad move then guess what they could go out of business. Honestly it just sounds like you're butthurt about OP items in a gachapon.
You know what I mean. Every time there is a new pet, trans, or outfit - they have to stuff it into the oblivion we know as gacha. I've already stated my opinions on this matter in another very recent thread.
Durrrr hurrr nerrr I guerse therts nert considurrred nerwww conterrrnt. Just to get that out of the way before you reply with that.
That would be great if I actually knew what thread you were talking about. My point still stands do not make blanket statements like that. Your original post could of had shopping bags and non-gachaed pets in it but no just broad real in-game content. Call me nitpicky but still don't make generalizations you'll confuse people.
R1 stuff
Reforge (credne and fine)
Powerful Enchant (SAO and Halloween gacha)
Top Gear (Celtic Weapons with R1 reforge)
Uncraftable Gear (shilien knuckle and rebis)
Set Gear (Colossus and Broken Horn)
Support Puppet
PUTTING OP STUFF IN GACHAPON is a worst decision can a MMORPG developer ever make
it ruins the game, making the game literally worse for free2play player and better for whales
Either way, I am against gachas and their cash grab.. however, I do not think there should be such huge actions taken towards it.
Personally, I think if Gacha/Lootboxes/Safes/etc. stated their % chance of gaining an item and the items were all cosmetic, I wouldn't mind at all.
Or maybe things like Mabinogi has, such as Nao Stones. Free revive, not necessarily OP in any way.
If it were up to me, we'd be back during the days of the PS2. Buy a game and that's it. No DLC, no P2W gambling crap.. Just a video game.
Ah, great times.
Yes thank you for summarizing my pains. I hate OP stuff in gacha.
Only way to be powerful and get gold is to have all that stuff, which costs real money which many don't have or can't even use. x_x
Something like we choose 3 items and Nexon pre-selects 3 items and let RNG decide what we get out of that pool. Kind of like the dye amp Ui's.
On another note~ The Enn boxes was a good step in the right direction but having Rng on top of Rng after Rnging was a facepalm.
I actually dont remember seeing any new pet in a gachu .. The last few pets i can recall off the top of my head is the fallen fairy and Mir dragon- Both of those were just sold with out a gachupon.. as for outfits- they did have one come out for Easter that wasnt in a gachupon.
no one here is saying gacha should be shut down completely. They're saying it should be better regulated and have the odds posted and things like that