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It is time to give Giants and Elves Final Hit
that would be great,
it is really easy to tweak, but i know this game has stop growing "properly" and i'm still looking for another game to sink into
Overlooked this but the wiki is worded incorrectly then, and if you ask any human player they'll tell you that the skill multiplier is 400%. Here is a screenshot of the skill description.
Both races can outdamage final hit EASILY.
Magic Missile is without a doubt one of the worst skills in the game.
The amount of times I can spam this skill won't even come remotely close to charging any of the intermediate skill in one cast for 5 charges. Nearly every skillset I have can arguably do much more damage, and there simply isn't a place for it via utility.
I really like this idea. Yes daggers count as swords but in nearly every other game they're used for a Theif type skillset. I don't want elves to duel wield, despite being an elf myself, because I don't want the racial differences to disappear. Elves don't have the strength of the other races, holding two swords is taxing to the arms. I don't want to see that for Elves.
However, Daggers are light and fast, just like elves. This would be really cool.
Or Rapiers, so Elves can be dashing swashbucklers who woo all the ladies.
Shakespeare has wind guard.... He has the Revamped version of it to .
o-o Final hit is fine. Elves just need final shot to last longer and not be canceled on knock down.
*cough cough* Final Stomp...
Final Shot itself could perhaps use word, but with a 20 minute buff from Shine of Eweca for what is essentially just a longer version of Final Shot, elves are in a great place.
In my head thats what i though, but i was to tired and typed smash xD would be funny to see that one.