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Server Merge


  • LifeguardLifeguard
    Mabinogi Rep: 420
    Posts: 9
    Simple, merge all the servers and just have 30 or so channels. I have friends that are on other servers I would really like to play with but can't.

    Or at least let us pay to switch servers? Please?
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    I got suggestion...

    Merge the Server Merge threads.
  • OpalthiraOpalthira
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,595
    Posts: 943
    Can't wait for these to become hourly threads instead of monthly...
  • KageitoKageito
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,310
    Posts: 13
    Nah. You could just make a new character for x server to play with your friends instead. Sure, you'd have to redo all of your stats and skills, but there's AP training to help you do that. Surely those friends would probably help get you level up. If people would quit whining for server merge and just do a new character, rather than waste time playing a character on a server they dislike, they could have already been stronger than they currently are, just without the same gear they had, of course. Personally, if a server merge were to happen, I feel everyone should start from scratch, fair and square. As if the game had just come out. ;o
  • ArlekielArlekiel
    Mabinogi Rep: 325
    Posts: 3
    Kageito wrote: »
    Nah. You could just make a new character for x server to play with your friends instead. Sure, you'd have to redo all of your stats and skills, but there's AP training to help you do that. Surely those friends would probably help get you level up. If people would quit whining for server merge and just do a new character, rather than waste time playing a character on a server they dislike, they could have already been stronger than they currently are, just without the same gear they had, of course. Personally, if a server merge were to happen, I feel everyone should start from scratch, fair and square. As if the game had just come out. ;o

    Its not just about levels, its about time spent, and even money. Stuff like lifeskills, limited time pets, or even gacha stuff like a star bags... not to count reforges or even outfits...
    Basically there are people, like me who have been playing since BETA, it is not easy for us to "just make a new char" ...

    I dont see why a server merge would have the need for everyone to start from zero... if a server merge happens, then we are all under the same conditions, which is "we all merge"... assuming Nexon does it right, no one would lose anything...

    Plus its not just about "if you wanna play with ur friends, make a new char"... The issue is that we do have servers that are dying on our hands...

    I am in Ruairi... never have seen the server so empty, and Ive been here since the beta. We need a server merge urgently before this becomes ghost town, except for Alexina.
  • MbotMbot
    Mabinogi Rep: 100
    Post: 1
    Kageito wrote: »
    Nah. You could just make a new character for x server to play with your friends instead. Sure, you'd have to redo all of your stats and skills, but there's AP training to help you do that. Surely those friends would probably help get you level up. If people would quit whining for server merge and just do a new character, rather than waste time playing a character on a server they dislike, they could have already been stronger than they currently are, just without the same gear they had, of course. Personally, if a server merge were to happen, I feel everyone should start from scratch, fair and square. As if the game had just come out. ;o

    It's more like I have 15 pets in a specific server I'm not going to buy more for another one it's fkin stupid at this point... Just make server more enjoyable by maintaining people in them or else ghost town is inevitable.

    The merge is necessary if they care at all I'm honestly not going to stick around much longer. If they didn't merge in 1 year from now I give up completely this game. A shame honestly...
  • SLAmboSLAmbo
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Post: 1
    edited May 1, 2018


  • ZanatanZanatan
    Mabinogi Rep: 320
    Posts: 7
    edited May 1, 2018
    Not everyone wants a server merge though. There is also the fact that names are a per server thing, for example I could use my IGN across servers. If a merge were to happen ,and someone from the mari server had the same name as someone in Alexina, who would get to keep that name? Some might say the one who has been on Alexina, but the one moving would probably feel they should get to keep the name. There could be other issues with a merge too.
    I think it's best to just allow those who want to transfer a way to do just that, rather by item in the cash shop or just a a service where you just pay nexon to move your character. The two issues I find with this though, Is pets and if everyone moves to alexina , then that causes problems with the other servers.
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,860
    Posts: 790
    edited May 1, 2018
    Append the server name to the new usernames. Example: Ruari and Alexina merge into Behbinn server. Two players with the same name become "Thiccthighs [Alexina]" and "Thiccthighs [Ruari]" on the new Behbinn server.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    Didn't one of the foreign installations have the ability to transfer servers by using whatever their equivalent of NX is? If that was implemented here then the folks that don't want to merge can stay where they are and the folks that do can at least move to a "bigger" server. The added bonus is now folks who want to move to a "smaller" server can.
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    Helsa wrote: »
    Didn't one of the foreign installations have the ability to transfer servers by using whatever their equivalent of NX is? If that was implemented here then the folks that don't want to merge can stay where they are and the folks that do can at least move to a "bigger" server. The added bonus is now folks who want to move to a "smaller" server can.

    Actually, KR has a much larger crew with multiple teams. So unlike NA, they do indeed already have a server change product.
    As for the forced server merge for NA, it's still under some debate.
  • TehxTehx
    Mabinogi Rep: 600
    Posts: 8
    Yes pls
  • KaidiskaKaidiska
    Mabinogi Rep: 775
    Posts: 12
    They should put this item in store, i have a lvl 17300 elf in Ruairi and i would really want to join alexina. :( nexon please put this on the webshop soon
  • KaidiskaKaidiska
    Mabinogi Rep: 775
    Posts: 12
    nexon should put this item asap
  • ValkaryValkary
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Post: 1
    edited June 7, 2018
    I know this has most likely been talked about, forgive I am new to the forums.

    please make server migrating a thing...players on dead servers are becoming so discouraged to play the one game the truly enjoy, and too start a whole new character after putting so much time into their current one. (8 years for me) And It would make the game so much more enjoyable if we could all just play with the rest of the community, it honestly hurts knowing that the one thing players want is a server migration and that is the one thing we never get notified or updated on. I love this game, but I personally have thought about quitting myself due to the lack of players in Tarlach compared to ones such as Alexina, You guys have no idea how much it would be loved by everyone if we could all just play together without having to make a brand new character.
  • BronzebreakBronzebreak
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,940
    Posts: 489
    edited May 30, 2018
    Valkary wrote: »
    I know this has most likely been talked about, forgive I am new to the forums.

    please make server migrating a thing...players on dead servers are becoming so discouraged to play the one game the truly enjoy, and too start a whole new character after putting so much time into their current one. (8 years for me) And It would make the game so much more enjoyable if we could all just play with the rest of the community, it honestly hurts knowing that the one thing players want is a server migration and that is the one thing we never get notified or updated on. I love this game, but I personally have thought about quitting myself due to the lack of players in Tarlach compared to ones such as Alexina, You guys have no idea how much it would be loved by everyone if we could all just play together without having to make a brand new character.

    Yeah there's a new one every month or so, for the last few years.
  • ValkaryValkary
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Post: 1
    Valkary wrote: »
    I know this has most likely been talked about, forgive I am new to the forums.

    please make server migrating a thing...players on dead servers are becoming so discouraged to play the one game the truly enjoy, and too start a whole new character after putting so much time into their current one. (8 years for me) And It would make the game so much more enjoyable if we could all just play with the rest of the community, it honestly hurts knowing that the one thing players want is a server migration and that is the one thing we never get notified or updated on. I love this game, but I personally have thought about quitting myself due to the lack of players in Tarlach compared to ones such as Alexina, You guys have no idea how much it would be loved by everyone if we could all just play together without having to make a brand new character.

    Yeah there's a new one every month or so, for the last few years.

    Well maybe they should possibly consider doing it then. I am not about to spend money on pets and stuff again just to play with people, it's ridiculous, and I already know half the people are going to say "suck it up" but it really is retarded how dead servers are becoming and they are doing little too nothing to fix that.
  • BronzebreakBronzebreak
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,940
    Posts: 489
    Valkary wrote: »
    Valkary wrote: »
    I know this has most likely been talked about, forgive I am new to the forums.

    please make server migrating a thing...players on dead servers are becoming so discouraged to play the one game the truly enjoy, and too start a whole new character after putting so much time into their current one. (8 years for me) And It would make the game so much more enjoyable if we could all just play with the rest of the community, it honestly hurts knowing that the one thing players want is a server migration and that is the one thing we never get notified or updated on. I love this game, but I personally have thought about quitting myself due to the lack of players in Tarlach compared to ones such as Alexina, You guys have no idea how much it would be loved by everyone if we could all just play together without having to make a brand new character.

    Yeah there's a new one every month or so, for the last few years.

    Well maybe they should possibly consider doing it then. I am not about to spend money on pets and stuff again just to play with people, it's ridiculous, and I already know half the people are going to say "suck it up" but it really is -removed- how dead servers are becoming and they are doing little too nothing to fix that.

    Might wanna clean your post before you lose the ability to.

    If you want the counter-points that have been hypothesized by people of yore, I'd suggest giving the thread a good read. I personally 100% believe that a merge would be fantastic, but I know lots of people think that it's a wipe & reset or leave as is scenario, although the reality is none of us know.
  • KaidiskaKaidiska
    Mabinogi Rep: 775
    Posts: 12
    In korea Server's they have an special Name change card and Server Change Card we should be able to get it too if NA just listen to us about this topic.
  • Professor_QProfessor_Q
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,580
    Posts: 30
    edited July 11, 2018
    Can we have some server merge so more people can be active? I'm pretty sure Alexina don't need to be touch since it super popular but the others need to merge into one or have all the less people in that severer to be merge all together. So it can be just two server or three.