Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Thoughts On G21? (Content And Story)


  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    Alshian wrote: »
    Field raid is a total bummer, spawns are random, no time to tell when they will spawn, and what channel they will spawn in first.

    I do not like channel hopping for a single boss that will die in under 5 minutes.

    They aren't random at all, just the channel they spawn on.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited June 17, 2018







    Wallpaper you guys may enjoy.

    Courtesy of this blog, which is the source for all of them for me.

  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    Buffalos wrote: »
    tl;dr 4/5 because screw waiting an hour to walk through a freaking door.

    Speaking of structural components, I do not like the wooden planks in the ruins that I cannot walk on. What kind of barrier is a plank of wood!?
  • Gaby5011Gaby5011
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,965
    Posts: 714
    I like the lag fix, current events, new raids, erg system.

    I don't care about the story. Too much stuff to read, I just spam click.

    I hate how much the erg system costs especially in the long run, no time table for raids, I hate how everything has to be in multiple parts (apparently Erg is capped at level 5 and the story will be in 2 parts as well).
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    Gaby5011 wrote: »
    I like the lag fix, current events, new raids, erg system.

    I don't care about the story. Too much stuff to read, I just spam click.

    I hate how much the erg system costs especially in the long run, no time table for raids, I hate how everything has to be in multiple parts (apparently Erg is capped at level 5 and the story will be in 2 parts as well).

    Uh, erg isn't capped at all you just need to do the specific items it requests. Erg isn't even that expensive until level 35 ish. DLRB5aj.png this only has a .2% chance of working btw. Bolded materials are lost 100% of the time. Enjoy burning 3 wood boards, 3 finest fabrics and 3 minerals every time you fail. 500+ wood boards sounds fun to farm.
  • CiriCiri
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,185
    Posts: 63
    I actually enjoyed how we delve into characters more tbh.
    The part when we get trapped and we see the "ghosts" of our pasts before Talvish pulled us out intrigued me with a bit of chills considering our character is a witness to their passing, something I haven't felt in an mmo's plot in awhile.
    The down side is how I hate the environment collision or the structure since I almost got stuck behind a ruin during a mission. I do wish too we can fly in the new zones, But I can understand if they won't give it.

    Thing I'm kinda 50/50 feeling about is the raid just because they are spread out but it does remind me of FFXIV's hunts and the lack of timer blows, but they might add it not too long from now.

    Total: 3/5. The fight during the story made my hair pull on certain occasions and I admit I'm a filthy casual barely into the late-game levels..I swear to just felt kinda 'cheap' that made me wonder if I even stood a chance. In the end, I finished it but I just legit felt drained to enjoy the accomplishment.
    Raven in the Ruins seriously made me wanna wish to just cut off Hasadim's legs with his cheap dashes and high injury rate
  • GTCvActiumGTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    Guys you need to remember that they are watching their past and past selves along with you. In Altam's case he started using spike on himself (the image of him impaled with spikes is actually him, his present self). If they are in their modern armor, then that's their present selves. In Avelin's case she finally pieced together the truth about her past. It's a bit iffy, but it seems like Avelin had her suspicions but refused to listen to herself because she failed her brother and keeping the hairband anyways. She wanted to smite herself because the hatred is inward.

    In all G21 is great for giving their characters depth. Though the Knights have always been written with conflicts and turmoil and how they overcome them. To say I like them alot more than I do with the Aces.
  • KingofrunesKingofrunes
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,515
    Posts: 119
    edited June 18, 2018
    Currently I'd give this current generation 4 stars. It adds a lot of pretty things. I don't like the Erg system though and wish they instead found a way to make spirit weapons more powerful instead of this power creep grind garbage.

    The new Field raids though I really like and Avalon is an absolutely gorgeous area. Music is also A+++ as usual. I also love the new knight they introduced Llywelyn. He's close to topping Talvish for me, close, but not quite. Just something about his smug nature that I find appealing. I also like Kaelic. He has that mischievous look about him but I think he's a cinnamon roll. Would 100% protect.

    We'll see what Part 2 brings but having more Apostle raids is always welcome, it's been very empty having just Girgashiy there since G19 was introduced. I do hope there are ways to make the materials for the Divine Tribolt more accessible than waiting for your squires to come back with the coins you need to farm the Intermediate/Advanced Boxes.

    I do hope they add timers for the new Avalon Field Bosses though, that would be a very welcome addition.

    Story wise, I wish they gave me more dialogue options. The options for things I could say this time around felt lacking compared to G20. Other than that I thought the story flowed very well together aside from the long wait times. However I think the wait times were justified as it felt like the Knights really were deliberating on what they should do about each situation. Without the wait times that would have felt hollow. I do hope they give us more information about Talvish's and Llywelyn's past though. All they gave us was Altam's and Avelin's. At least now I know why Avelin is the way she is and I have a new found dislike for Brilluen.

    There are some improvements I'd like to see to the prompts for some of the less obvious parts of G21 like using Defense Skill instead of Shield of Trust on the Dragon.
  • YianKutKuYianKutKu
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,700
    Posts: 60
    I really like the aesthetics of Avalon, and the music is just great! Tbh, I know most people hate the music in MMOs, but a game's soundtrack can make or break a game for me, and the music here is actually something I can listen to. I also got stumped by the Sylvan Dragon quest, but once I figured that out it was smooth sailing.

    The wait times were annoying, but I've been catching up on my Shakespeare quests so I've come to terms with it.

    I got so annoyed with that last fight with Hasidim that I resorted to CC Firebolt spamming to just get it over with and I still died 20 times thanks to a combination of Hasidim's lunge attack and Brilluen's Thunder. Not a fun mission. x .x


    I got to slap Altam. That automatically makes this the best generation despite the flaws.
  • 3rdy3rdy
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,705
    Posts: 187
    YianKutKu wrote: »
    I really like the aesthetics of Avalon, and the music is just great! Tbh, I know most people hate the music in MMOs, but a game's soundtrack can make or break a game for me, and the music here is actually something I can listen to. I also got stumped by the Sylvan Dragon quest, but once I figured that out it was smooth sailing.

    The wait times were annoying, but I've been catching up on my Shakespeare quests so I've come to terms with it.

    I got so annoyed with that last fight with Hasidim that I resorted to CC Firebolt spamming to just get it over with and I still died 20 times thanks to a combination of Hasidim's lunge attack and Brilluen's Thunder. Not a fun mission. x .x


    I got to slap Altam. That automatically makes this the best generation despite the flaws.

    you monster.

    i hugged him :(
  • KingofrunesKingofrunes
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,515
    Posts: 119
    3rdy wrote: »
    YianKutKu wrote: »
    I really like the aesthetics of Avalon, and the music is just great! Tbh, I know most people hate the music in MMOs, but a game's soundtrack can make or break a game for me, and the music here is actually something I can listen to. I also got stumped by the Sylvan Dragon quest, but once I figured that out it was smooth sailing.

    The wait times were annoying, but I've been catching up on my Shakespeare quests so I've come to terms with it.

    I got so annoyed with that last fight with Hasidim that I resorted to CC Firebolt spamming to just get it over with and I still died 20 times thanks to a combination of Hasidim's lunge attack and Brilluen's Thunder. Not a fun mission. x .x


    I got to slap Altam. That automatically makes this the best generation despite the flaws.

    you monster.

    i hugged him :(
    I also hugged him. He's not my favorite but poor boy has been through a lot D:
  • KouyioueKouyioue
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,130
    Posts: 443
    edited June 18, 2018
    Is this the gen where we finally get those paladin-esque apostle transformations that cheaters were reportedly running around with a couple months ago?
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    Kouyioue wrote: »
    Is this the gen where we finally get those paladin-esque apostle transformations that cheaters were reportedly running around with a couple months ago?

    what? It wasn't even patched into the client a few months ago.
  • YianKutKuYianKutKu
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,700
    Posts: 60
    3rdy wrote: »
    YianKutKu wrote: »

    you monster.

    i hugged him :(
    I also hugged him. He's not my favorite but poor boy has been through a lot D:

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I should've figured people would take that the wrong way. I like Altam, I really do, but I'm not the hugging type. I see the "slap" option as more of a tough love "pull yourself together, man!" slap. Not an "I HATE YOU, DIE!" slap. But okay, I'm a monster.
  • LongSlyLongSly
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,210
    Posts: 86
    Ciri wrote: »
    Total: 3/5. The fight during the story made my hair pull on certain occasions and I admit I'm a filthy casual barely into the late-game levels..I swear to just felt kinda 'cheap' that made me wonder if I even stood a chance. In the end, I finished it but I just legit felt drained to enjoy the accomplishment.
    Raven in the Ruins seriously made me wanna wish to just cut off Hasadim's legs with his cheap dashes and high injury rate

    You are not alone! I'm still struggling to get past that part! >.<
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    YianKutKu wrote: »
    3rdy wrote: »
    YianKutKu wrote: »

    you monster.

    i hugged him :(
    I also hugged him. He's not my favorite but poor boy has been through a lot D:

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I should've figured people would take that the wrong way. I like Altam, I really do, but I'm not the hugging type. I see the "slap" option as more of a tough love "pull yourself together, man!" slap. Not an "I HATE YOU, DIE!" slap. But okay, I'm a monster.

    I hit him because I could. I'll take any opportunity for that tbh.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited June 19, 2018
    3rdy wrote: »
    YianKutKu wrote: »
    I really like the aesthetics of Avalon, and the music is just great! Tbh, I know most people hate the music in MMOs, but a game's soundtrack can make or break a game for me, and the music here is actually something I can listen to. I also got stumped by the Sylvan Dragon quest, but once I figured that out it was smooth sailing.

    The wait times were annoying, but I've been catching up on my Shakespeare quests so I've come to terms with it.

    I got so annoyed with that last fight with Hasidim that I resorted to CC Firebolt spamming to just get it over with and I still died 20 times thanks to a combination of Hasidim's lunge attack and Brilluen's Thunder. Not a fun mission. x .x


    I got to slap Altam. That automatically makes this the best generation despite the flaws.

    you monster.

    i hugged him :(
    I also hugged him. He's not my favorite but poor boy has been through a lot D:

    I think Avelin's story is more sad than Altam's. After all, his Master should have stopped him training the moment when he started to whine like a small brat, but he didn't, so that's his own fault. Also i wanted to freaking skip that part because the Altam was keep on screaming at Master and his past self, even though he should have figured out that it's a flashback and that they can't hear him since he shouted A LOT, even Milletian was calling him and saying that it's not real. Was really happy that i had a slap option, but i would have preferred an option to ass whoop him for being so annoying. Don't understand how being a cry baby can be attractive to fangirls.
  • KingofrunesKingofrunes
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,515
    Posts: 119
    edited June 19, 2018
    YianKutKu wrote: »
    3rdy wrote: »
    YianKutKu wrote: »

    you monster.

    i hugged him :(
    I also hugged him. He's not my favorite but poor boy has been through a lot D:

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I should've figured people would take that the wrong way. I like Altam, I really do, but I'm not the hugging type. I see the "slap" option as more of a tough love "pull yourself together, man!" slap. Not an "I HATE YOU, DIE!" slap. But okay, I'm a monster.

    Oh no don't misunderstand. I didn't mean you were a monster. I was just saying I hugged him as well. Sometimes someone needs a good slap to pull themselves together.
    Greta wrote: »
    I think Avelin's story is more sad than Altam's. After all, his Master should have stopped him training the moment when he started to whine like a small brat, but he didn't, so that's his own fault. Also i wanted to freaking skip that part because the Altam was keep on screaming at Master and his past self, even though he should have figured out that it's a flashback and that they can't hear him since he shouted A LOT, even Milletian was calling him and saying that it's not real. Was really happy that i had a slap option, but i would have preferred an option to ass whoop him for being so annoying. Don't understand how being a cry baby can be attractive to fangirls.

    I agree. I did think Avelin's story was much more depressing and I feel so bad for her. Altam is a big cry baby, I won't deny that. I personally prefer Talvish and Llyweyln and want to know what their backstory is. We haven't heard of it. They are full of mystery those two.

    I just don't like slapping people. I'm more of the supportive hugging type ya know.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited June 19, 2018
    I agree. I did think Avelin's story was much more depressing and I feel so bad for her. Altam is a big cry baby, I won't deny that. I personally prefer Talvish and Llyweyln and want to know what their backstory is. We haven't heard of it. They are full of mystery those two.

    I just don't like slapping people. I'm more of the supportive hugging type ya know.

    Yeah, the new guy is very interesting, i'm actually really curious to know him more. Talvish is a mysterious guy too, wondering if Dev's did this on purpose or they just assumed he doesn't need any story and decided to concentrate in useless character like Altam.
    Now that i remember, i think someone was cutting onions far away because i almost shed some tears when reading Avelin's story.

  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited June 19, 2018
    Greta wrote: »
    3rdy wrote: »
    YianKutKu wrote: »
    I really like the aesthetics of Avalon, and the music is just great! Tbh, I know most people hate the music in MMOs, but a game's soundtrack can make or break a game for me, and the music here is actually something I can listen to. I also got stumped by the Sylvan Dragon quest, but once I figured that out it was smooth sailing.

    The wait times were annoying, but I've been catching up on my Shakespeare quests so I've come to terms with it.

    I got so annoyed with that last fight with Hasidim that I resorted to CC Firebolt spamming to just get it over with and I still died 20 times thanks to a combination of Hasidim's lunge attack and Brilluen's Thunder. Not a fun mission. x .x


    I got to slap Altam. That automatically makes this the best generation despite the flaws.

    you monster.

    i hugged him :(
    I also hugged him. He's not my favorite but poor boy has been through a lot D:

    I think Avelin's story is more sad than Altam's. After all, his Master should have stopped him training the moment when he started to whine like a small brat, but he didn't, so that's his own fault. Also i wanted to freaking skip that part because the Altam was keep on screaming at Master and his past self, even though he should have figured out that it's a flashback and that they can't hear him since he shouted A LOT, even Milletian was calling him and saying that it's not real. Was really happy that i had a slap option, but i would have preferred an option to ass whoop him for being so annoying. Don't understand how being a cry baby can be attractive to fangirls.

    Exactly what I thought. Altam did not so much as cause his death as warn his mentor; his mentor ignored it, and subsequently paid the price. That being said, next to a waterfall, really?

    You did not expect a teensy bit of pushback, especially since you are essentially advancing a child prodigy without much caution?

    The flashback yelling is also why I sympathize with Avelin a bit more, who figured out as much she could not undo the past, but was instead feeling immense guilt and regret, and decided to commit suicide as recompense, and to prevent more harm to her comrades. That, and her reasoning originally was for wrathful ends instead of more scrupulous goals.

    Altam tried to lulz bind himself. Like really dude, really?