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Can we not immediately scream for nerfs?
The fact that it lets you do the content out of order and you did so, doesn't mean the story is not in order lol, it just means you couldn't be bothered to do things in the order they came up. It's like starting a movie series from the middle and yelling at people to not give spoilers about the beginning (not saying you said to not give spoilers). You have hard facts that the g21 story is, like everyone said, the culmination of all the past generations, weather it lets you do it in order or not.
The story gives you the timeline not the order in which the game lets you access content or not and that's just simple fact.
Okay, let's do this one part at a time. As equally pedantic as your being. No the fact that it allows you to do the content as you will simply means the storyline has a subjective timeline. One person can canonically complete shakespeare or any of the demigod quests as their starting point because to them that was where their storyline quest started. There is absolutely nothing enforcing you to begin from Generation 1, and progress through numerical order. In fact they repeatedly offer you ways in which to skip around. For example: There's neither a reward, nor achievement for completing the entirety of Generation 7 questline, it's entirely optional. Generation 8 only offers a title and the ability to actually use the rewards from Generation 9. Neither of these two even have end credits they are so inconsequential And what of the quests making up Generations 4, 5, and 6? Oh yeah, there aren't any.
Making a lot of baseless assumptions aren't we?
They didn't always have a full heavily scripted tutorial. When I began, it was basically "Here, your in the game, now go explore and do stuff" And in my instance I found myself in Cor, learning transformation and starting a questline according to you I should have had no business entering. On my first day, first hour, just a few minutes into the game even loading.
Regardless, even nowadays were STILL making prequels to series that have annual sequels, or are you one of those who staunchly wouldn't watch the original Star Wars trilogy before they came out with the prequel trilogy, JUST to see everything in an arbitrary chronological order. (Rogue One, Solo, and the Obi-Wan movies must be burning your biscuits by now then!)
A fact is indisputable, with the presence of evidence to the contrary this "fact" is at most speculation at best.
What timeline did the Divine Knights story actually entail?
For the entirety of generation 19, 20, and 21, outside of the Avalon defense system alluding to some adventures you might have done in the past, there's only two or three characters they bring back from previous questlines, that you wouldn't normally see granted you just explored the cities and towns the new tutorials bring your through.
In Generation 19 the only NPC you wouldn't have met if you didn't do any previous questlines is the loli queen near the end. She is a loli, and the queen. And depending on individual choices during generation 16 she might have a change of dialogue depicting a crush on the player, and she does have alternate dialogues if you haven't beaten the aforementioned quests, you gain a good understanding of her personality, as well as history though your dialogues within the story, and no elaboration is really needed beyond that.
Nothing happens in Generation 20 that a new player might miss out on.
Generation 21 is another appearance of Merlin, who once again even in his first appearance tells you all you need to know. He's self important and arrogant, with an never ceasing tongue and an ever constant source of annoyance. The only thing it DOESN'T tell you in the first two minutes is he's hopelessly crushing on Starlet
As for the aforementioned Avalon Defense trap cutscene? Yes it shows a few NPC from previous generations, but the dialogue is standalone, generalised, and clearly states "Yes, these are YOUR good deeds but were they really the best course of action?"
Even someone completely unfamiliar with the story can understand and fully grasp what they meant even if they had no prior knowledge of who any of these people were.
Nothing would have been lost if they had just replaced everyone with a cutscene of you Taming the Lost Cat and bringing it to Pencast like is required to reach that point, then show different possible outcomes such as Pancast abusing it, not giving head pats and calling it a bad kitty.
Except that C6 makes repeated references to your previous adventures. Nascent Divinity was even explained as all the powers you've acquired in your adventures reacting and consolidating with outworldly power. Now, here's the reason why you can do the Generations out of order: There are certain skills for talents locked within those Generations, this allows players to gain access to those skills earlier. Here's the deal, G19 starts with your character having an crisis of all the things they've done in the world, the adventures of the previous generations. Chapter 6 has plenty and I mean PLENTY of call backs to pivotal moments in the Millitian's previous adventures, it brings up those specific characters for that reason, it's used to establish continuity to those moments.
The timeline is not subjective, it is fixed with call backs and direct references to the consequences of certain actions and plots taken during those stories. It's not regulated to Chapter 6 either, chapter 5 (Saga) also references all of your previous adventures down to G1. Ruairi even muses that even then, you two are still fighting each other. Another way to look at it is that you're watching Mabinogi as a series, you can watch it in any order but if you don't watch it in order, you lose out on continuity and the impact of certain events when it makes those call backs and references. Saying that the timeline is subjective is like saying, say, a show like dragon ball Z, has a subjective timeline because you can watch any of the episodes in any order. It's the same as the main stream stories for Mabi, just because you CAN play them in any order doesn't mean its RECOMMENDED.
And yes, those are undisputed facts that they are call back to previous adventures. G19 even has a part where you retrieve quest items from previous generations and remembering all those adventures. Those were placed there with the specific purpose in invoking continuity. There's also your first meeting with the knights who explains they know about your adventures in Iria and the giant hole Ruairi ended up punching in the sky, once again, directly mentioning previous events. There is no doubt, the story directly addresses events of past generation and story elements, there IS continuity and denying that is just selective ignorance.
Sooooo much wrong here lol.
Dude, just play the game and pay attention to the storyline. The canon is C1>C2>C3>C4>C5>C6, if you merely pay attention to what you're playing (that includes reading the dialogues, yeah I know, shocker right?), they make references to your previous adventures in each of them.
Here are a few: Ruari in C2, continues perfectly from C1. In C3 you're mentioned as the conductor of the golden dragon, lots of references to C1, cichol even comments on you, etc. C4 has lots of references to C1 and C3, not to mention that you have the brionac. C5 same thing, you have the brionac, C2 is mentioned heavily. C6 is obvious, everything is mentioned in it.
So yes, they DO follow a canonical order. Allowing you to play them out of order is nothing other than a USEFUL MECHANIC.
If only there was a catchy phrase for people who blame everything and everyone but themselves when they can't beat a boss... :^)
There's hundreds of books or movie series that don't tell their stories in a singular progression
Star Wars starts in the middle chapters. Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles flips between modern times and hundreds of years prior depending on the individual chapter.
Crap, the act of starting your narrative at the ending or middle, and then moving to previous events is popular enough to provide Quentin Tarantino his entire career! And last I heard nobody's telling him to iron out the wrinkles of his narratives.
There's no difference here, it's still telling the same story regardless on how your personal narrative experiences the individual parts.
They are still a singular whole.
You don't need to eat a pizza in clockwise fashion, but if you keep chewing you'll eventually eat the entire thing anyway, does the fact that you didn't eat them in order somehow take something away from it? No, not if you don't have a crippling case of OCD at the very least.
There's more than 30 different ways to progress through the story, not just one, and also not including targeting individual chapters and ignoring the rest, which is also a valid choice.
Lore wise as well as gameplay wise, a Milletean is a creature with its own separate, distorted sense of time. A mere second is long enough for people to forget you, yet you age thousands of times faster than those around you.
Any of the pathings through the multitude of chapters can be canonically how your milletean experiences them as they are not subject to a binary sense of time like the tuatha.
They are an otherworldly existence not bound to the norms of even the world they exist in.
You'd also think that people would be more accepting of alternate timespace perception than a binary one with a story that literally contains non binary time perception.
Or did we forget that canonically:
Talvish Seals himself as well as Avalon -> Talvish speaks to Future Milletian and Glimpses Future through their eyes -> Young Merlin appears in Avalon -> Talvish trains Young Merlin for "Longer than a lifetime" in the past so he can go back to the future -> Centuries pass -> Young Merlin goes back in time -> Young Merlin returns from Training with Talvish -> Young Merlin grows up -> Milletian emerges from Soul Stream (This is where everyone starts the game!) -> Merlin and Milletian meet -> Milletian meets Future Talvish (It is still unclear exactly when Talvish emerges from Avalon to take command of the future knights.) -> Avalon is unsealed -> Milletian speaks to Past Talvish and shows them the world.
And while I assume it was just a series plucked at random, using Dragonball as an example for simple cohesive timeline is a bit of a mistake. It's more complicated than just a the straight progression the narrative presents
However where Dragonball is obviously using a communal open branching continuum, I'm proposing individualised close-looped timelines for Mabi. (Each and every Milletean can experience it in a different order, yet it still creates a full overarching narrative)
Just because it can be understood without playing it in order does not mean that it doesn't have a canonical order. Case in point, you can do C1 and then C6, but in C6 you already have the brionac, which you get in C3, you also go demigod. It literally makes no sense from a story perspective, if C1>C6 would be just as valid, as what you're proposing, to have the demigod transformation and the brionac, AND to know who Merlin and all the other NPCs are (like the giant and elf leaders).
Is the concept of CONVENIENCE that hard to understand? The fact that you can play them out of order is just that, CONVENIENCE.
This series of events is literally impossible canonically, for different reasons, but most importantly, G19 starts as a direct result of what happens in the end of Saga 2. If Saga 2 didn't happen, the prophets wouldn't have moved on with their plan and wouldn't be able to make apostles.
Also the alban knights saying that they "observed and tracked our progress" would make no sense.
Not to mention Merlin wouldn't be a "friend of ours".
Not to mention Morrighan wouldn't be able to appear in our dream because... well... we didn't save her...
It's really not that hard...
Exactly this. The Millitian has powers knowledge, abilities, friends, and even enemies that built up from previous generations are referenced and referred to, and even used as plot points. At this point Ninzerker is just actively choosing to ignore the facts. The story is built up as a single time line, it is referenced as such, and there are even world changing events that occur are used to explain actual changes in the game. For example, in saga Tarlach is breaking down the powers of the gods in Iria, which causes those powers that normally keep Iria in a specific state to fail. Ruins, graves, derelicts and even climate changes begin to occur. The Oasis in Connous is one such result. The dragon ruins are another result of this. Unlike Star Wars where the stories released out of chronological order, the story for Mabinogi came out IN chronological order. They were intended to be played as such because each story built the narrative and changes were explained by them often by world changing events that occur within those stories. Above all, they were intended to be played in that order. You can play them out of order in a case of story and game play segregation and because in part that those world changing events already occurred. So yes, what Donk3y said is completely right, the story follows a fixed timeline, and you are encouraged to follow it that way too, to get the intended experience.
They actively ignore things to get a rise out of you then try to play it off.
Honestly if it took them like two weeks to do g21 like they imply.
The deserved it whole heart idly. Theres like two weeks if not more of people telling them how to do it.
Yet they're latest post was like
"I'm an elf and all i do is use smash take me a long time to do the boss fight"
Tbh if they truly are level 10k i'm just gonna roll the
"You bought your account" meme from halo 3.
As for the whole story discussion.
Yeah you can play in any order you want but you LOSE the story regardless of your opinion on it.
This game was made to be played from start to finish.
Where as those books/movies they mentioned were made the opposite way.
They were made to be viewed in the order they were released.
Then abused the fact that they were "out of order" to pull people into rewatchability.
Essentially it was a cash grab that worked because people want the full story not just whatever is handed to them.
Well there is nothing wrong with a story being told out of order. If it fits the narrative or serves to expand on a topic of interest, some really good stories are made like that. Though that is not to say that some media do use it as a massive cash grab. But I digress, the story was made linearly, recommended to be played linearly, and released linearly.
Indeed, but gameplay convenience should normally trump lore. Otherwise, they shouldn't have locked skills and even entire talents behind Generation missions.
My viewpoint? Have certain ranks be locked till the generation is done, if there needs to be a compromise
The problem with this type of trolling is it basically boils down to
I mean sure... if it makes you feel better go ahead but "act" stupid long enough and people will just assume you're stupid and move on.
Shouldn't need to resort to pics or it didn't happen, but here you go anyways!
Nonsense, remove your shoelaces and attach 6 elastic bands to them. mark them with a color to keep track as to which chapter each should represent. Relace them. With one end being before ch1, and the other being beyond the scope of ch6.
Now depending on your placement of the elastics, counting down one side of your sneaker to the other you might get something that seems out of order, possibly something even 1 3 5 4 2 6 as an example.
Does the location of each rubber band criss crossing as you lace them change the fact it's still a singular string? Would altering your lacing pattern stop the pre-ordained progression from one end to the other? I don't think so, because the outcome is still the same, at some point you do complete all your loops, crisscrosses, wraps, and even knots, and come out at the same exact end point had you have had a straight unlaced shoelace. Where I believe people are growing confused, is simply because ch1 might be connected to ch3 doesn't mean there wasn't a ch2 in between that you simply have yet to come across.
First of all, all of the above information is given during the entirety of g21 questline. And is ONLY representing the main plot of Generation 21
Second? Which part do you believe doesn't make sense? Granted I will admit that Talvish communing with the Future Milletian MAY be after a Young Merlin travels back in time and meets him. There's nothing to really say which event came before the other that I can recall reading. But there IS evidence to connect both Young Merlin's visit as well as Talvish's cross-time long distance phone call to the Milletean happen AFTER Talvish seals himself in Avalon.
The timeline is supposed to be simplified and purposefully lacking causation (For sanity sake), in order to summarise that the plot has its own timeline yet is not as simple as past seamlessly flowing toward future. There are a few bumps here and there.
Merlin would still be a friend, as he was met when generation 18 happens, Morrighan would still be saved (Not that it ever stopped her from appearing in our dreams, as in the first time you see Morrighan is in a dream asking you to save her mind you)
As for Talvish placing the milletean under surveillance, that's because he already had prior knowledge of the milleteans coming existence, it's more accurate to say he was waiting for us to appear. (Seeing as how he spoke to the future milletian long ago he already knew the milletean will eventually exist at some point, and just had to wait for it.). With gen18's events being the excuse he needed to finally approach, as the alban knights were entering a new series of battles against the threat of the prophets.
Don't be so quick to decide, It's easy to find a multitude of your own posts, with unnecessarily sarcastic remarks, unconstructive critiques, and other inflamatory comments designed to "get a rise" out of people. Seems to me while your pointing accusingly at me, you forget that your other three fingers are still pointing accusingly back at yourself. And I still haven't completed it yet synthesising four-leaf clovers isn't something than be done instantaneously, and as that's required for replacing potions it will be a while yet still. The latency issues preventing certain attacks from being evaded does tend to make switching between weapon loadouts extremely cumbersome. Resulting in ALOT of lost time if required to switch between one loadout for damage and another for defense. For example switching from brionac to a sword and shield so you can use defense, I have to cease inputs, wait for the animation to end and the idle to begin, press the swap hotkey, wait for that animation to end and then I can load Defense skill, Why these full stops are necessary is due to this laptop only receiving inputs from one source or the other, either I use WASD and the hotbar for skills, or I use a touchpad or mouse and have to manually click everything as the usage of one kills the other for an entire half second.
while it's clear that in some youtube videos it can be done nearly instantaneously this takes significantly longer for me. Other examples include, Urgent Shot is frequently beyond the 3 seconds time limitation before it fully loads, The bar to input a second music buff for Fantastic Chorus is usually in the single digit frames, and executing a successful double bash is effectively a pipe-dream.
Still 9k, but as for how I even made it this far into the story? It's by doing the exact thing I'm being accused of NOT doing, out skilling and learning the bosses patterns and reacting to them accordingly. The largest difference in this case, is EVERY previous generation allowed you to perform the final fights at your own pace, if you do something and it ends badly you can make a brief retreat, come up with a different plan of attack, and give it a second go. All of this on the fly as the boss battle continues granted you weren't forced to exit the mission. There was no time limit. And so even an underpowered character can be rewarded for persistence, perseverance, and some creativity.
My favorite fight in this entire game is STILL the Python Knight of Generation 11, which has alot of parallels to this one. As well as throwing you into a new transformation it forces you to learn and utilise a new skill, and all the while watching out for one hit kill attacks. Comparatively the Python Knight boss hits just as hard on me then, as Talvish does now.
However, the differences being Python Knight's primary attack was interruptible with defense or counter just like any melee combat would suggest as it was a melee attack chain, as opposed to Talvish's altered Reaper Scythe attack that forces me to attempt either evasion with very little chance to dodge as the keeping a 45 degree position at two body lengths tactic used to defeat the Reaper Boss in the Shakespeare quest line is effectively pointless, or alternatively tank it with Defense
Previous generations also allow pets, and the use of divine link or even mounted combat should you wish, but outside of mashing your summons till something stays spawned long enough for you to hop onto it during the short time between the debuff refreshing. Pets are effectively not available (Even though Divine Link is of the same order of ability as Shield of Trust)
While Elves using melee is frowned upon, it's how I've attempted and beaten all prior bosses, and with sub 400 Str and alot of persistence I've succeeded every time. As was mentioned in a previous post I am mostly a support character, Bard, Cleric, Construct Alchemy, Cooking, Carpentry, (first combat talent was puppets and even then it was to provide utility with snare and snags while AI puppet comically has a field day and frolics around with summoned Golem instead of actually doing anything.)
Even with all that I would have been fine. I'd have tried, lost, replanned and competed it in the first few attempts like every other boss.
But the fact is this is under a strict time limit. It effectively penalises regrouping or changing your methods halfway, limiting what you can attempt in any singular round.
It boils down to saying to the hell with personal skill, we just want big damage numbers.
Which again, in itself isn't horrible, the Doppleganger fight was a HUGE damage sponge, and was timed, and contrary to the common consensus, I enjoyed it!
But where that differs significantly from the Talvish fight, is the length of the timer. Even in my best attempts following @Yorozuya advice of utilising not only Spear of Light but Spear of God I only managed to lower Talvish to 49%. Close, but if I'd had five more minutes it would have been completed.
Meanwhile with the 90 Minute limit of Doppleganger if I found one method simply not working I could always try a different approach, the boss's damage was more to interrupt you than outright nuke you. And ultimately it leads to you developing a tactic of applying constant damage over an extended period of time instead of sporadic large damage bursts.
If the Doppleganger fight is the Tortoise than Talvish is definitely the Hare, and with the accumulation of hardware limitations, general internet connection lag, known latency issues, as well as a character built to perform better over a long stretch of time instead of just strong arming every boss I come up against in five minutes?
Talvish is a perfect storm, a perfect melting pot where every single manageable optimisation, system customisation, and player preparation available to me all go to die.
And will most likely stay that way untill either:
A) I can learn how to stop requiring food, as well as smooth talk my way out of paying rent, or lights, or internet long enough to earn enough for a more updated computer. One that hopefully doesn't require being overclocked to the point that a cooling pad, a desk heater, and an air conditioner constantly blowing on it doesn't risk second degree burns would really help. But at this point it's both a physical as well as a social improbability.
B ) I splurge on a much more expensive business class 100+mb/s internet connection, instead of the residential norm 10mb/s. Until Google fiber decides to crawl its way up the country there's very little incentive for the local ISP to raise bit rates or lower prices to something more fair to the average mean of the rest of America, so while more plausible, it's unlikely to happen in any meaningful amount of time.
Or C) They ease up on the timer, double it, triple it, delete it completely or just add ten minutes extra, whatever. It would probably take them 10 seconds to alleviate entire weeks worth of strife without actually changing anything fundamental about the boss fight. He wouldn't get any easier, it would not negate anyones previous victories it would just have a more flexible time limit.
I can agree with that, with the exception of the brute force comment. three quarters of the videos on youtube depict characters with greater than 1200 str (as well as being able to bash three times to my one but thats neither here nor there) with the only outlier last checked being a mage, whom while their stats themselves are never divulged the results leave you questioning if the difference between a chain casted r1 and similarly chain casted dan 2 firebolts are truely several thousand damage apart, or if he has some crazy M Attack ups on his savage fire wand to make the difference
The first person I noticed that had beaten it I asked for advice to which he replied "just bash it to death", he didn't even realise that bash was being nerfed until I told him the list of nerfed skills and abilities. There were and are other answers to be sure, but plenty of people simply brute forced.
It's certainly more varied than previous generation questlines where people simply spammed life drain until everything stopped moving
They straight up ignore the things that work simply because it goes outside of their playstyle then complain saying they shouldn't have to use things that worked and then try to do things that don't.
Might as well use a handicraft kit and say its too hard.
Honestly play how you want but PURPOSELY using a weak talent for your race just because you want to doesn't mean it gonna work.
As for blaming the game on lag.
They have nearly twice the connection speed I do and I never lagged to the point it was stopping me from succeeding.
Also where'd did those like 50-80 naos stones they gave for free during the past week ago?
not averyone likes to use clouds or have pets at this point.