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Last Active
September 4, 1998
Personal Quote
You can do anything with a little bit of time investment
JDdmitri wrote: »
Anyone who is reading this, I can't figgure out how to ally myself to a race so I can carry a human.
Please tell me how, its driving me nuts -_-
Giants/Elves don't ally with any races, they are automatically allied to Elves a…
ThePravin wrote: »
Veebat wrote: »
I saw there was another thread just open and active on this topic but I'm too important to post in someone else's thread.
Honestly why?
Yeesh that's quite harsh, no idea what's got you in such a mood. I'm a…
Oh my god I hate this so much, at the very least make it so you can't type anymore than the limit. often times i cant even tell if it's because the server is lagging or the chat is just bugged.
I struggle with this as well, I have bad eyesight. I hope some way to scale the UI will become a thing later.
Another thing I want is colorblind modes of some sort.
I for one, am all for the idea of Elf / Giant Marriage. Regardless of lore reasons, our characters are Milletians. to a certain extent, we are exempt from the politics of the Elf / Giant feud due to the storyline. Elves / Giants being able to marry …
ThePravin wrote: »
Well the marriage thing (and rides probably) is do to the age of the code. The effort and risk involved with changing it is just to much.
With marriage it's because rather than making it that elfs and giants can't marry they …
I want Alexina to be merged with Nao. our active populus is not the same as our Online populus. we have a bunch of afkers and bots, and aren't as active as people make us out to be.
Heya! Thanks a lot for this chance can't wait to see all the stuff that comes out of it.
^ here is my character ^-^ gl on the sketches!
I don't like the fact that your limited on how much you can get with the amount that you can potentially lose. I've already seen a huge amount of multi-clienters on alexina abusing the fact that they can use multiple accounts to land on box spots an…