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this stupid minigame wouldnt be so bad if it didnt completely stop you from clicking other cards when you get a match wrong, if you have a spotty connection its like GOOD LUCK LOL
the game board coins seem to be working fine for me, but the monster drop thing for the new event isn't working at all, unless my luck is just that horrendous
"pizza making"
did you hear that? that was the sound of my soul ascending to heaven in happiness
joking aside, i'm really happy to see this and im excited to see it hit our server, whenever that may be!
aaahhh, im in love with that red riding hood outfit...i want iiiit i'm really excited now!
people are thinking of a shoujo manga when they see the red riding hood + big bad wolf outfit and here i am thinking of a particularily dark adult otome v…
i kinda stopped caring about getting the bag considering i've caught probably near 1000 traps during this event and have not gotten it once, im pretty much just going straight for the fishing chair now
i'd be all for it. even though i enjoy being an elf for the cosmetic features we have and the running speed i still feel hampered by all the combat disadvantages they have so i want to switch to a human. i've considered creating a human character an…
yeah i really don't like how they did the beauty coupons. i wish the new hairstyles were all just pon ones, even if they were more expensive (like 10 pon instead of 5) would've been passable for me, or maybe even just you get the coupon, use it, and…
im incredibly fickle so im always changing the outfit i'm wearing, like every now and then i'll just switch out my outfit, lol
as of recently this is the outfit i find myself falling back on. sometimes different shoes, but for the most part pretty …
ive always loved cooking, im going to go back and finish training it when i get to Druid
ive also always been into exploration too, i remember searching for artifacts in Iria for hours haha
i know this is just wishful thinking, but i'd love for this idea to become a reality
it'd be especially useful for those who bought the hairstyle coupons (like myself) who want to try a different hairstyle but don't want to lose their current one
i …