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Chocolat wrote: »
Is the voice acting added only for the Memory quest? I could have sworn I haven't seen any voice acting before, it surprised me.
Somewhat on the Laighlinne Partner, and there may have been other instances of VA that I don't re…
Squee wrote: »
I still feel rather strongly that one playspace is ideal over multiple (even multi-platform, which is more relevant for non MMOs); I think a final merge sets up the game the best in order to then address those issues, with…
I could be wrong but no-one else has said anything in the past two weeks, but wouldn't this be best done in the corresponding Marketplace forum?
Cool premise, in any case, though your 'art examples: ' is blank.
May 19th edit: well, guess this …
Crimsọn wrote: »
Can we definitely not have april fools events that require real days to complete next time? It should have been in-game days and not this aggravation of only getting a few actions done per day. We don't even know if all this waiti…
I think the potential issue and reason why they haven't done it is because they could be argued to be both staff and knuckles (and probably have the in-game tags saying so).
Maysar wrote: »
As I do, I've been gone for a long time and recently came back to the inclusion of Pet Expeditions. I really like the addition, buuuut i'm a little lost. What pets count for the expeditions?
Most do; any with the typing in the Pet…
Crimsọn wrote: »
Sherri wrote: »
Awwww ;_; i love darrigs
Darrigs look like they were ripped off from something I can't place my finger on.
Presuming you're not being facetious, they're axlotl-like.
Helsa wrote: »
Stuff stored in the VIP tab remains there after VIP/Premium expires; it is not destroyed. Gold storage stops functioning; I tried that one myself, long ago. Although the storage is shut down, anything stored in it can be taken out…
Katherz wrote: »
Now's your chance to wrangle the new Red Flame Fire Dragon! Brave the Uladh Dungeon and Shadow Missions to collect what Meiling needs to craft the dragon. Or, log in every day to make this majestic pet your own! You can also earn …
The_Biggest wrote: »
I've been reading guides and getting help from friends, but have been getting a lot of conflicting information about the following:
A) March song: Some people say it helps speed up everything, others say it's useless on horse…
I don't have any suggestions but that is hella cool and I've never seen it before.
Too bad it can't be traded otherwise I'd be willing to take the problem off your hands.
Pip-Boy wrote: »
Timefall wrote: »
Wait, so the skill change is random? I thought the entire point of this event was to get a combo card of your own design. If the skills are random, then it's far far worse than just using advancement badges. I …
Timefall wrote: »
Ah, most notably, these combo cards can be customized with non-Dan skills, such as Heat Buster and Hailstorm.
Also, you could always try and get your hands on a Permanent Combo Card Coupon, to make a combo card last forever, a…
'bout time we got the Reforging Tool of Memory, lol.
Not a terribly big fan of the packages having different contents but I suppose it's nice to have the option for people who actually buy them anyway.