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Yeah well my concerns are about covid and how it's impacting revenue for this game. Has anyone stopped to think about that? They have been really quiet.
When have they not been quiet? It's Nexon.
Also people are still eating up the crossover stuff as much as they usually do. I can't count how many Japari buses I've seen. Yeah businesses are going to suffer from the COVID-19 shenanigans, but I doubt some people are actually using their stimulus checks reasonably to begin with. They're still addicted to gacha, pandemic or not. Not much has changed for certain kinds of people.
better than a egg that looks like a freshly made alt account wearing noob clothes.
Is it though, if their goal is the same? Looks don't change legitimacy. And dismissing them simply because they don't fall into this strict image of alts isn't going to lessen the problem. It's not that easy to regulate. Otherwise, again, this wouldn't be an issue.
Perhaps that's the reason you never see them go beyond eggs, because you believe it's better if they don't have them.