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i would really like them to go back and have a look at all the old neglected skills and skill trees in the game
it makes me both mad and sad that its become the norm for the dev's to just introduce a new 'meta' skill line every 8-10 months instead of working on the current skills we have. the life skill patch kr got abit ago is probably the most exited iv been with a future patch since maybe saga season 1
Especially battle alchemy, construct is god tier in terms of utility but the damage output of combat alchemy is a joke. I remember before the first revamp it was doing literally nothing to mobs and afterwards I one shot black grizzly bears with it. The damage increase was huge, but it's still useless. We have FH and bash for single target dps and guns/chains for aoe clearing, in what situation would you prefer to use battle alchemy over literally anything else?
The tests were made and tested with nearly no lag in mind because Kr is much smaller than the Us, thus the test is a bit more difficult for us since we basically copy/paste content from Kr.
The tests aren't impossible, unless you hover above 100 ms all the time. Seriously if it's not lag then you are probably missing something or just have a bit of bad luck, these tests are for proving your mastery with the skill. Not everything in this game should be cleared on the first try with mistakes made at every turn.
I'm happy with getting enough ego food to get seven social levels and tailoring mats. Seriously I don't know what kind of drop rates people expected considering that each individual player would get thousands of traps, double or even triple that amount if you consider people that abuse alts.