• Glyph Lore Rank 3

    You can skip skill ranks by using training seals. Eavan sells training seals. To skip an entire rank, it will cost 300 Second Vouchers.

    You get up to 10 Second Vouchers from completing (more)
  • Glyph help please.

    You also need a Magic Quill Pen. It's also made with the Stationary Crafting Skill. The feathers are sold at General Shops.
  • Server cannot be reached (Nao)

    On official Mabi discord, it was stated that they are aware of the issues and are investigating. For now, the login server is offline, so attempts to log in will be unsuccessful, and some (more)
  • Large Water Bottle

    Anything that makes the Huge Lucky Gather on water bottles would be a great improvement. Currently, you can get huge lucky gathers by using Phantasmal Sight on wells, and it says "Huge (more)
  • Windowed back to full screen, game text too small

    I recall seeing a checkbox in one of the options menus, possibly performance or display or something, which read "Adjust font sizes to account for resolution" or something. I don't know if (more)