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If you want a close-knit community you can join us on Tarlach [channel 7 is the market channel]. (:
You get several character cards, so you can make characters on different servers if you want to see what they're all like.
The most popular places that people hang out are Tir square, Dunbarton square, and Belvast. There's also usually quite a bit of people lingering at the Tail and Tara altars (where you do shadow missions).
Good luck & welcome to Mabinogi!
OKAY SO i know this is a really minor detail but I loved the ghosts and their stories so much MY FAVORITE WAS KYLE (EVERYONE'S FAV HUSBANDO) and I found it reallyyyy adorable that he hinted at having a love of sweets.
I tried to give him basically every baked good and unfortunately he never accepted any BUT STILL HIS DIALOGUE WAS CUTE
Anyway lately my William partner began giving me this dialogue and i just..!!
I found these little details extremely endearing and really hope we get more of these boys in the future! TY Nexon for adding in such cute things about the characters we love!