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When the CP requirements for skill-training were removed, we thought CP gear and Tendering Potions would be rendered useless (unless you wanted the gear for reasons other than combat power)
… (more). But now out comes a monster drop event based on combat power. SMH
If you run the event on a strong character, you'll be working quite a while to collect those pages. I was fortunate enough to register the event on an alt, but even it was too strong to get anywhere in the event without these CP-modifying goodies. (less)
Does anyone else find this a little suspicious? If I copy Siyu's notebooks, this will somehow help
her study? How does this make sense? Sure, it would help me study (were I enrolled),
… (more)but her? Not so much.
And it's not just one book she wants me to copy. At least 50 a day. If I should do well, I would get the privilege to copy even more books. And I'm not the only one she's asked to do this. She's asked hundreds, perhaps a thousand or two others to do this. Let's say 1000 Milletians were to copy 100 books per day for two weeks. In those two weeks, that's 1.4 million books copied. And this is supposed to help her study? Really. She's to study from over 1 million books?
Nope. Not buyin' it.
I suspect that she works for one of those places that sells copies of research papers and exam answers. She wants us to mass-produce schoolwork for the black market. (less)