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  • So...Keanu Reeves is some sort of Legend...

    You can make your report to Master Putin now.
    Disclaimer : I do not advocate the «killing» of others, even if they are the world's most-wanted criminals, but I do quote lines that have punch...
  • All These Expiring Event-Items Need Their Own Bag~

    For some reason I got booted/disconnected from these forums exactly at mid-night (PST) just now & it apparently didn't even save anything I had typed up earlier but let's see if I can remember the details from where I left off; basically, with all of these expiring [event-]items, whilst looking a them over-flowing out of the apparently not-big-enough bag that I had designated for all of my items that would eventually expire so that I could remember to use them up before they became useless, I couldn't help but to think that items that have expiration-timers on them really kind of belong in their own «Dimensional-Pocket» of sorts, similar to that Dimensional-Tote-Bag that comes from fulfilling the conditions of those Potentials-Levels...

    Whilst I did think that the size should be unlimited (the items are all just going to expire anyway eventually after all), I suppose, for any variety of purposes, the Dimensional Pocket-Space for Expiring Items (and perhaps also Event-Items since those now disappear after an Event has ended anyway) could start out at a default-size then get bigger and bigger and have more pages added to them as one goes about completing more events. Regardless of the Event, which in of itself could be yet another Journal-Entry (such as «Who Has Completed Over 50 Different Events During His/Her/Their Milletian-Career» whether it be as a Title/2nd-Title and/or Journal-Entry/etc), and the more participation/registrations in more events, the bigger the bag and more pages are added into said dimension-pocket.

    Now, when I say «pages» to the dimensional-pocket, I mean that in a similar manner to how one turns pages of a book, but for the dimensional-pocket, instead of having to re-allocate more space on the screen for more bags, you would just click on the page-number to get to another page/section of the bag. See following image for a more visual-example...
  • Destroying my R6 Wing-Bow by Accident...

    I was trying to Stone-Imbue my High-Lander Bow when, apparently, I accidentally grabbed the Wing-Bow, and this...
    Lesson of the day : Keep your similar-looking weapons AWAY from each other in SEPARATE bags when Stone-Upgrading.
    Otherwise you might grab the wrong one whilst rush-upgrading & not notice due to being distracted & cost you quite a hefty penny...

    Alright, everyone, now pray to the RNG-gods for me to have some sort of amazing luck-streak to more-than-recover or make up for this... X_X
  • Substation power suppression [A Guide]

    What in the world brought about a thread like this... just going to keep my response short : not everybody needs to be in a «relationship»
    Even in the «spirit-world» the percentage of the population who participate in «romantic-relationships» is still only like 2-3%.

    If your emotions are dependent upon what someone else is doing or not doing (or to be more border-line near-inappropriate-descriptive : whom someone else is doing or not doing) then you're already just setting yourself up for «problems» from the very beginning.

    Also, know this, and that is the fact that there are more single people in the world than married people, more than half of the entire world is without some sort of so-called exclusive-partner (or any «partners» at all), than there are people with «partners» and it's been this way ever since around... well, hmm, probably around the time of or right before or right after the baby-boomer generation. Alas, the greater responsibility does fall upon the man, but, unfortunately, the world as it has been for a while is not exactly conducive for boys to develop into «real men» by the time they become so-called adults.

    Men also need to be able to keep their emotions under control. If your «emotions» are dictated by what others do/say then you are simply not a man but are still in the stages of emotional-adolescence even if you are physically of adult-age. Anyway, before I end up writing a book after all, I am just going to end with saying that not everybody is/was meant to be in a «relationship» either (and for those of you who believe in astrology/horoscopes, and compatibility ratings, believe it or not, the results of any compatibility calculator are actually going to change and fluctuate from year-to-year, thus, ultimately, relationships require WORK/compromise/forgiveness/honesty/etc., to maintain and for both «partners» to essentially be on the same page...otherwise it is [probably] best to simply «friend-zone» each other from the beginning if you suspect yourself falling short of any of the elements of «relationship-material» status).
  • Vet Dungeon

    Actually, unless it was updated since the last time I had it read, the terms don't permit macro/automation/botting in terms of actions being performed through any means whether software or external, regardless of whether you are away from or even at your computer, although there wouldn't really be a way for them to detect any means of external literal Artificial-Intelligence cyborg/android-style robots that you may create in order to physically sit down at one of your extra computers playing your other characters for you, and by then we're then getting into some rather grey areas in the sense that if you have a humanoid-robot doing its duties as your maid/butler at your home, including playing other characters with you on your other computers, then they would really be considered another PERSON and not some sort of kiddie-script/botter/macro/etc. And by that point it gets rather silly to be «legislating» what people can do with so-called alt-characters if they're dedicated and sophisticated enough to come up with such an incredible form of Artificial-Intelligence (especially if it reached a stage of the humanoid-robot being self-learning such that it was self-aware and thus considered a sentient entity).

    Regarding Timefall's reference of price-dropping... I am sorry but that is simply the way of the world and the «business-environment» the way that the world in general is structured (whether on-line or off-line) happens to be a «competitive» one in the sense that «who-ever exercises the most-productive means of product-acquisition/creation» will also be the one who is able to provide the most «competitive» prices and thus dominate the «market» (a sort-of-monopoly). One of the key differences is whether that «monopoly» came about through political/legislative means or through competitive means... when it is competitive the prices will fall and even «new players» will be able to afford what was otherwise only historically available to the «elite» classes where-as if that «monopoly» is forced through regulation/control/legislation then it is an artificial «monopoly» which sets the prices so sky-high that only a select few people can even afford even a basic version of that service/good (and it is the artificial-monopoly in the off-line world which is actually the «dishonest» version of a monopoly; don't even get me started on «Wal-Mart» being an «artificial-monopoly» as you can already find plenty of documentaries detailing this if you're willing to exercise enough critical-thinking skills as to where & how to find said documentaries). it or not, they whom are often referred to as the «whales» for any corporate-published title are often the ones who «hold the pocket-book» for whether your ability to even have such a things as a «dungeon» you can enjoy for free even exists and some of them may have lots of computers.

    I do find it difficult to imagine that anybody would be silly enough to run more than one instance of Mabinogi on the same computer given how resource-intensive the client/engine is and the fact that laptops (or extra desk-tops if someone has enough space in/at their home/office) are actually quite cheap/inexpensive these days to the point where even someone working a minimum-wage J.O.B. (Just Over Broke), provided that they are able to exercise enough financial-discipline to not incur lots of unessential-expenses (such as cooking healthy food at home instead of always eating out, not subscribing to every magazine-offer that comes into their mail-box, etc) & know how to resist applying for and using credit-cards and other such financial-scams, should be able to easily afford an extra laptop or two or possibly even more within a year or less of working... decent laptops at that, too.
    Until which time we live in a world where Nikola Tesla's «free-energy» inventions are released into the public where we no longer have to slave away and spend 70% or more of our forced labour each month just to be able to put food on our plates and keep a roof over our heads and must remain part of some «rat-race» via on-going corporate-government-financial-bankster-slavery and not stray from it for more than two weeks or end up homeless and/or on-line games are designed simply for the pure-enjoyment of it rather than based on a «wealth-accumulation» mind-set we're just going to have to expect some form of «capitalism» at work... capitalism itself would actually be great IF the «financial-system» itself was honest. Unfortunately...
    «It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.» -Henry Ford

    «I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.»
    Thomas Jefferson, (Attributed) 3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)»

    Lots more on this if you listen to the Victoria Grant Speech and listen to All Wars Are Bankers Wars Documentary
    Helsa wrote: »
    Timefall wrote: »
    It's a nice thought at first maybe, but then you realize cheaters will be bringing 7 alts instead of 3, get double the rewards they're currently getting at no additional effort, and prices of drops will fall further, making dungeons even LESS rewarding for honest players. o.o

    Alts are not illegal though, that's why we can make them. One violation of the rules here is for those folks using the mod which allows multiple clients running on the same computer. If the mod alters the client or any Nexon provided files, then it's a no-no. But if you have more than one computer, you can have multiple characters logged in simultaneously, and not break the rules. Another possible breaking of the rules here would be running some kind of mod that turns your alts into bots. Since having characters standing around in a hard dungeon probably won't cut the mustard, but it seems to me, that if you can find a macro-maker that does not edit the client or any Nexon files, and twiddles how the operating system works instead, then that can't be against EULA. It'd be like if you made a physical robot to actually play a character for you, but instead here you're just doing it in software alone. Given a choice between more players being able to do the dungeon, so that they can get the items to use for themselves, versus a continued "happy time" for the few in the oligopoly getting the items to sell, the socialist in me says "go with the common people".
    A lot of what exists in the world of Mabinogi are also really more so along the lines of wants rather than needs anyway. One thing I consider to be more akin to a «need» (for most people) would be inventory/bag-space. Also, players often set the prices, and there seem to be different camps every now and then complaining about one «side» or another, such as someone saying that there's «too much inflation» where-as when I take an objective-look at the «market-prices» and «auction-house-listings» to me some of those «sky-high» prices come across to me as naught more than just being greedy unless it is a truly rare item that took lots of work/effort to obtain. Then over here in this thread we come across «dropping the prices» complaint which seems to be the opposite-end of the spectrum for which I had already responded in above-paragraphs. Did you know that some people literally spend hundreds (or even thousands) of $$$ on NX for things like Black-Dragon Summon-Scrolls and other such things...? Even I go to those Black Dragon-Raid summons (sometimes) when a whale is generous enough to do a 100x Black-Dragon summon-marathon, and of course it's going to cause prices for certain items to fall, and that's actually beneficial to an Elf like myself who can fore-see that I will eventually be able to actually afford my own Bhafel-Hunter & Bhafel-Huntress some day, sooner, much sooner, than if there weren't people who would spend the time/effort/NX in a «spam-run» of what-ever/which-ever dungeon/mission/etc., puts essential products into the market.

    Nobody even bothers to run Veteran-Dungeons any more as it is and the «reward» is considered by many to be «crap» anyway given the amount of time/effort/resources required... such to the point that people literally wait until someone has a Hall of Gems Alban-Stone and Heroic-Difficulty Alban-Stone where they can run a group on SS-Tier Difficulty. Mean-while, our «time» IS «better spent» spamming Sidhe-Runs, AAHM, Alban-Grounds, Baltane-Elites, Tech-Missions, etc., anything that is essentially NOT Veteran-Dungeon. IF, how-ever, Veteran-Dungeons were made more appealing, more of us would be able to sooner max out our Spirit-Weapon Levels & complete some of our Spirit-Weapon Quests sooner so that we could also sooner join those «end-gamers» in their runs of Phantasm-Dungeon, Tech-Elites, etc., etc. Although there are more and more people joining my contact-list who seem to have the capability/strength to even «solo» dungeons like Rabbie-Phantasm, the vast majority of the «friends» I have made on my contact-list are still amongst the more «newer» (or perhaps «casual» ?) categories where we still need super-strong people who can «carry» us through Alban-Heroic (SS-Tier), Phantasm-Mirror/Regular, etc., even though we can handle AAHM on our own.