Honestly, the Chain Slash skills was that point for me.On top of that, the skill trees are horribly unbalanced. In ye olde days, circa G3-G8 when I really enjoyed the game, you could build your character the way you wanted to, and you'd still end up with about the same DPS as all your friends. Like so your levels only really mattered for survivability in the dungeons, a level 130 who had only rebirthed twice could go play with their level 2000 friends and still be able to deal damage and fight the fomors. This is no longer the case, if you aren't level 15000 with R1 everything in whatever the newest skill tree is, your DPS is hopeless and you are just dragged along as a meatshield and pack mule. The enemies will be too hard for you to kill, and will kill you easily. Now I main an int magic mage, and indeed I still play very much like I did in G13 and G14- the height of my character's power and glory. 1200 int, yet somebody half my level has a bare fist DPS almost 4x that of my fully charged int magic. That's not right Nexon, that needs to be fixed. People want to play the game their way, that's what made Mabinogi so unique all those years ago. You weren't locked into a play style in order to comply with meta. We've got a really bad power creep problem now that has its roots in the Alchemy of G9, but has continued to get worse and worse with every new skill tree added except Bard- which is not an offense focused skill tree.