Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the May Quality of Life Updates!
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Personal Quote
The pen may be mighier than the sword but the shovel is mightier than the pen.
About Me
I like Italian food.
  • Together in Erinn

    Sherri wrote: »
    my computer tends to chug a bit too, even with players nearby minimized... im hoping some optimization updates are planned in the future for us too, anything to help with this :(

    Optimization only helps with per channel lag on those channels with a lot of activity. Overall lag is dealt with by adding more channels.
    Sherri wrote: »
    yes!! i can show you my Cirno cosplay >: D

    You did meet my Nao character. I think it was in your homestead, but I can't remember what you had on. If you are giant allied though I'll be able to carry you. Feel like exploring map glitches?
  • Please merge Alexina and Nao Mk XIV

    Crimsọn wrote: »

  • Same Sex Couple Flights

    That's actually a great idea. With the new custom motion stuff a lot of the code is already written.
  • Im seeing less and less on Alexina server

    Hey @Twelie a final merge is inevitable. The only thing that can prevent it is the game dying quickly before it can happen. Although my main is on Alexina I have a character on Nao. It is vibrant and thriving so rumours of Mabinogi's impending death seem to be greatly exaggerated. As Alexina's population continues to decline, either by folks leaving or moving, maintaining a 7+ server partition becomes more and more expensive for Nexon. Nexon could stave this off by reducing the number of channels on Alexina, but the optics of that would just confirm what we have been saying in these forums. The Jousting Final is on channel 2, the Fashion Final is on channel 4, the Tara auction is on channel 5, and the Chef Exam is on Channel 3. There may be other such things on different channels but those are the ones I can think of at the moment. This puts a minimum number of channels at four, unless there is more need. Even then population will continue to bleed away until the Alexina partition costs more than it's worth, if it doesn't already. Nexon has had two and a half years since the Nao merge to discover the problems the merge created and work out a solution so that further merges need not be as troublesome. I hope they have used that time wisely and have decided to be opaque about it. I mean, the opaque part sux but I hope you know what I mean.
  • [Deleted]

    Crimsọn wrote: »
    Face your fears.
