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  • Rycecle Trash can: Function to toss your trash

    DJsanwit wrote: »
    How about... Recycle items, get something equivalent to heart stickers. Accumulate enough to convert to adventure seals?
    Umu... Adventurer Seal sound nice too...Because it can be exchange for material which is expensive or "Enchant expiration Removal" and ETC....

    To prevent abuse, limit the amounts and times someone can recycle.
    Once per game day up to 100 times a week.
    100 recycle points convert to 1 adventure seal

    ' -') Probably limit only the reward or point part but not the function it self because some fisher may still need it... i mean for cleaning their inventory...
    Helsa wrote: »
    The items would have to be irretrievable otherwise it's just an infinite sized bag. Rather than that just allow the destroy option on everything; same result. Personally, I don't mind the clutter, it fades and newer players may depend on scavenging.

    How about adding a function where another newbie player can open the trash inventory to scavenging for the item another player throw away and in exchange for heart sticker to the owner of the item?
  • Trade Unlock Potion: Unlock Allowable Trades item

    Make "Trade Unlock Potion" able to unlock/add trade count for the item with "Allowable trades left:xx" ...
    Since some of them is expensive such as "Inventory Expansion Coupon / PLUS" and some player may buying it by mistake(like me q wq goodbye 27m...) and want to resell them but they can't...
  • Auction House: Buying Item Restricted Warned

    Add a little more Item restricted warning when buying "Allow Trade count" or Race restricted equipment Such as... Inventory Expansion coupon and Inventory Expansion coupon PLUS....
  • Interactable Object Icon: Easier way to interect

    Make a Floating icon on top of the object/NPC when player stand nearby the interactable object such as crafting tools/object, Dungeon Orbs, harvest/gathering node, Raft anchor pole etc...

    Because it's hard to click when player with a expand zoom or when they are in combat and need to observe area surround them in wide range, it will make those interactable object become more harder to click, or when it got blocked by pileup monster corpse or the NPC that got mobbing up with lot of player such as event NPC.

    And adding an option to Freeze or Unfreeze the name tag on object/player/item/NPC that keep dancing around when we try to click them without needed to zoom-in every time to avoid it from dancing/moving around.

    Or simply just make the NPC name tag become more Bigger and colored for them to stand out in a group of player...
  • Rycecle Trash can: Function to toss your trash

    Add a function that will accept any item (recommended using the same UI as spirit weapon Giving item) to reduce the server Burden/lag (Maybe? XD) and preserve the nice town scenery?

    By adding NPC function on the trash\bin object or just simple Icon in the main inventory...The two different feature type is if player using the icon in they main inventory they won't get any reward from it or get less than using the NPC function on Trash can object.

    The reward depend on the type of item they tossing in them by using similar UI as spirit weapon it will become more convenient to the player to select item and press the button to give it to the Trash can and receive item as a reward, the reward is the same as fragmentation skill or less and by adding a chance to get the reward or none or get lower quality than the craft material of that item.

    And maybe don't need to add a retrieve function or less item countdown before item disappear to save server memory, for example item will disappear in 3 min if normal drop to the ground just adding item disappear in 30 sec or simpler using 30sec as item recycle item before getting a reward for reconsider/confirmation's time.