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Trying to make this samba set looks better....
By the way, how do you improve the game's graphic performance?
I had everything set on highest yet I can still notice jagged edges whenever i zoom in.
Running on Nvidia GTX970.
I've gotten really fond of the recent Patissiere outfit recently.
The dark browns and reds give it a real... artisan look? You could imagine the apron as a painter's smock, too. It's a shame the idle gets old after a while, and I'm not exactly that fond of the set's hat / wig / shoes.
hoping to get a duster off those hot spring monkeys eventually for the ultimate artist look lolWhat outfit is that? I have never seen anything like it. Then again, if I did, it'd be hard to match it given that this one is dyed all black.
Sturdy Ox Armor (F). There are also male versions. The set includes Sturdy Ox Boots, Sturdy Ox Gauntlets, And Sturdy Ox Helms. They go for like 2-3 mil. Maybe more since demand is low.
I have been trying, but to no avail.
From my experience, smaller is better, and so is slower.
Post gifs here
FWIW even way back in G2 I always thought flashies were tacky as tacky can be. I was MORE then happy to sell the ones I would get from RBing to people for a lot of gold
I'll try dig up such an outfit later
For my signature outfit: