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Hey, outdated textures or no, it's nice to see someone wearing one of the old outfits! You almost never see them anymore. I have a similar attachment to my Kiriusjin's Armor and Cores Boots, so you're not alone in wearing gen 1 clothes. c: And you make that old outfit look really good, too. I love the blue. c:
Speaking of retro outfits, I've been wearing my Bianca Drawers that I've had for ages the past few days! I've always been really fond of them for whatever reason. I think they're really cute! I almost never wear such bright colors, but I don't mind them on this particular outfit. (Although that might be nostalgia talking, since I had them since 2008...)
But I also got a Portia dress today, so I switched it up and went totally blue. I'm happy I finally found another dress that looks good with the Juliet Wig. I'm not usually one to wear really big wings, either (I prefer either none or my little Heart Wings), but I think they work well with the gold tones of the Portia dress. c:
it might be just me but 99% of the time i don't like it lol wow.. i'm shocked
your colour schemes are great too
Speaking of retro outfits, here's one I wore a week ago or so:
Thanks for giving me a great idea: My new Mabinogi fashion goal is to feature and mix-match old outfits that are rotting away in my closet. XD
Excellent. I do it to, in any case to be unique. I hope you find great clothing combos.
When you get gacha trash...but you actually kinda like it...not sure it actually merits being called fashion...
i don't even get any outfit from gacha
guess the luck is not on my side
*pats shoulder* I'm sorry ;-; this gacha was kinda brutal and disappointing. I got a bunch of odd dyes and butterfly wings/suit from a stack so figured why not become a butterfly. Anyone else wanna share their gacha creations?
Yes, I finally got the Crow I wouldn't shut up about. c:
Aaand the outfit I'll be wearing today for St. Patrick's Day!;
First pair of wings I will ever put up with the cardboardness for
I decided to become the sunset.
But I also recycle through:
I feel lucky.
Dropping this here.
Basically the look I wanted but couldn't get. XD So I went with the new outfit we all got.
Myself on the other hand...
I've been enjoying the more simple outfits lately.