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Charles Grey? He really needs a tailcoat, but there isn't anything in the right style, as far as I know. I've bought a Magus, and I may end up dying that for Grey.
Just dropping this here.
Back in the good old days of Talvish
Well almost.
Ok went full red for the lulz. I kind of like it.
Here is my curious kitty look~
Where do I sign up for a kawaii green waifu?
as of recently this is the outfit i find myself falling back on. sometimes different shoes, but for the most part pretty close to this.
basically anything white + pink is my jam
I've been digging this outfit for some reason lately. But normally I dress like...
I keep it black, white, and tidy.
I really like the new Otherworldy Hanbok.
But I always seem to go back to my Music Club Uni/Classic Couple Dress
But I also really like the Ladeca robe,,,
but lately I've been wearing my new hanbok since my friend was nice enough to snag me one! (no pic atm since I dont wanna log rn i jus woke up LOL)
ohmygod I really like this one my heart hnng
Ah the classic oreo look.
Why thank you~ I tried to do schemes everyone else does but I got tired so I went full pastel LOL
Though I do admit finding wings is hard since they are never the right blue ~__~
♫Japan Style♪
i really fond of this hair, not gonna change it in near future