Hello! Since the Mari section was Archived, thought I'd go ahead and re-make the thread on Nao like I said

Hopefully becomes more active. Thank you for everyone who post and supports this thread.

You guys (and the awesome outfits and combinations) are what keep this thread around
Hello there! My name is Cariceci and I love fashion! I love seeing what other people wear and how they coordinate their outfits. So I'm making this thread so people can share their love of fashion or just for fun what outfit they're wearing. It doesn't have to be expensive, flashy, or rare, I want to see all styles, colors, and coordinations. Your outfit can be the most expensive on the server or the cheapest to buy. Made up of NPC brought items only or Event only, everything and everyone is welcomed!
First thing is first, take a picture of the outfit you're wearing! You can do this by screenshotting when you're in Mabinogi. Videos are also welcome! Then you upload to a sharing site, I use Imgur but there are others out there! You upload your picture from your computer onto the hosting site and then take the link (
If its Imgur, right click the image and copy the image address). If that doesn't work, when you click on the image, it should open up into another window and have 6 boxes on the right side with links. Do not use the first one which is
image link, you need
Direct Link for the image to show up.
Here's a picture of it:
After you got the link, put it in [|img]Image Here [/img] (without the straight line in front of the img haha) or click the little Photo Button (Looks like a Poloroid of a Tree) when posting a reply and insert the image link there. If your picture is too large, be sure to quote it so we can see the whole thing! There's a button to do it when posting but here's the code for it as well: [|quote][/quote] (Without the | in front of the q). Also I think that the post will re-size the picture if its too big so don't worry about quoting (I'll be testing this soon to see and will edit accordingly)
Then in your post if you didn't include your name in the screenshot/video, please include your name and server if you're not from Mari!
Alexina is welcome to come post but unfortunately will not be able to receive a weekly prize that is given out. You guys will still be featured on the main post and a thank you note will be sent for posting! Also if you are able wait to post one "Fashion of the Day" post per day, that would be greatly appreciate to be fair to the other people who posted and waited! Feel free to post as many pictures as you like in that one post though!
Also you don't have to list the items you're wearing, I do this so if someone hasn't seen an item before, they know what it is.
Everyone who posts will receive a thank you note and gift sent to them. You can only receive it once per week even if you post every day during the week! I'm sorry I won't be able to send the gift to people on other servers but I will send a thank you note for posting! There will also be random small prizes given out once per week to an outfit(s) that stand out! It can be based on an outfit coordination, silliest outfit, or color schemes! I will have several people helping to choose so I won't be leaning towards one specific outfit every time. These prizes can includes dyes that match the color scheme, clothing, or gold depending on my bank at the time. I can also take donations will which be used specifically for winner(s) each week!
Fashion Meet-Up
Here's the times:
June 22nd, 6:00 PM PST, 9:00 PM EST. PORT CEANN CH2
Exact Location:
To reach Port Ceann, you head south of Bangor and going through Morva Aisle until you reach the Port.
Please feel free to invite your friends! There will be Drinks and Snacks provided if anyone is interested. Also games but mostly just hanging out and talking about fashion
I will be there early but feel free to come whenever, will end whenever people have to go!
Feature Fashion(s) This Week
On hold for now!
Lastly thank you everyone who has been posting outfits. It makes me very happy to see more activity and more faces. I hope everyone continues to keep coming back. Also thank you for all the positive feedback about the thread! I'm so happy that everyone is having fun here.
Congrats to the Feature Fashion Winners again!
Just a side note, if you take a picture with someone, be sure to have their permission before posting it up. I know some people don't like having a picture of their character on the forums and we don't want any trouble to start up. I'm sure friends don't mind but doesn't hurt to ask if you're not sure.
Also if you see me in game, feel free to say hi. If I don't reply I might have gone afk but leave me a note or try to add me (I might not have space haha so note first DX ) and I'll reply soon as I'm back.
Here is
my tumblr if you would like to see my daily outfits (or submit your own on there).
Thank you so much to Liriope for the help with editing, the prizes ideas and encouraging me to start this!
Notice: Please also be respectful of other people's outfits, no need to bring negativity here, only positive!
Outfit: Eluned Pitch Black Uniform (F)
Headpiece: Patissiere Wig (F)
Shoes: Dashing Pirate Boots (F)
Gloves: Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
Accessories: Dominion Wings (Dyeable), Vintage Walking Cane
I'll try to set up a Fashion Meet-Up this weekend, I'll have the times and day up soon
This definitely seems like the best thread on the forum overall but maybe I'm biased.
@MissFortune Very pretty, love the colors and the little effects from the Spellbook and the butterflies.
So here's my first outfit on Nao, Premium Adventurer Newbie Wear (F). Its from an old event and I recently got one. It was something I wanted for awhile but I didn't want to spent alot on it (and I found one at a good price). Just recently pulled it out of dressing room and decided to do an outfit with it. Its been years since I used a Goggle Cap, it was one of my favorite hats when the Iria Event first happened. Been awhile since I wore the Lisbeth Boots too, one of my favorite boots as well. Since it doesn't have a pose, I pulled out my Eluned Baseball Bat (F) for posing.
Outfit: Premium Adventurer Newbie Wear (F)
Headpiece: Goggle Cap
Shoes: Lisbeth Boots
Gloves: Holiday Bracelet
Accessories: Pink Luna Fairy Wings, Eluned Baseball Bat, Colorful Kite Balloon
Head: Connous Leather Hairband (F)
Outfit: Connous Leather Armor (F)
Gloves: Connous Leather Gauntlets (F)
Shoes: Connous Leather Greaves (F)
Accessory 1: Blue Diamond Wings
Accessory 2: Fluffy Kitty Tail
"Ready to rock this summer!"
Character: Morvena
Outfit: Hawaiian Swimsuit(F)
Headpiece: Hawaiian Hair Blossom
Shoes: Special Newbie Shoes Type A (F)
Gloves: Hawaiian Bracelet (F)
Accessories: Spiral Shuriken
@Tabari Congrats on the new outfit!
@MiDZ I haven't seen that set in awhile, I don't even remember taking a picture of it LOL have to go back and check. Awesome use of the newbie shoes with it
Hello! When the Maintenance ended Thursday and Auction House was fixed, I checked to see if there was anything I was looking for on there. I wasn’t actually looking for this dress but I haven’t seen it for years since the event that actually gave it out (and I think a Fashionogi Box event). Reason I skipped getting it before was same like the Puffy Cocktail: UNDYEABLE STOCKINGS. I did however get the set’s matching shoes though (which I haven’t worn for awhile but they were definitely a favorite for ankle boots). I was on the fence whether I should get it or wait since I wasn’t sure if another would pop up. Decided not to risk not finding another one and brought it, good decision since I haven’t seen another one LOL. 3 Parts, The top with heart and the sleeves, the other part of the skirt and the collar, and the middle inner skirt and hearts on bottom. Right before the Servers went down for the merge, I went ahead and brought the Winter Royal Elegant Wig (F), the one without the Hairpiece. C: Glad I did, loving how it looks with outfits. Oh before I forget, the outfit has no idle so I was using Cup ‘o Joe and gestures for poses.
Outfit: Heart Queen Minidress
Headpiece: Winter Royal Elegant Wig (F)
Shoes: Lined Ribbon Shoes
Gloves: Holiday Bracelet
Accessories: Spring Royal Halo Crown, Pink Mini Wings, Cup ‘o Joe
Click here if the image isn't working.
I like to call this one "BIG MONEY".
Shame I'm on Alexina, or it could have won me some MORE MONEY. Character name is the same as my forum name.
Not anything special, I just really love the diamond suit, especially with this color scheme. Rarely changed since I got it.
Patissiere Wig F/Women's Diamond Suit/Enamel Pumps/Transparent Gloves
Nothing flashy. Found some nice matchy dyes for my Scathach dress and heels, and thought it looked nice.
Head: Hot Spring Wig
Outfit: Loose-Fit Knitwear and Stockings
Deku'sDetective ShoesHand: Chic Ring/Cup o' Joe
Robe: Golden Hummingbird Wings
@Iscaroit Hello welcome! Looking awesome
@konpwns Hello welcome and very adorable, I haven't see that suit worn often but I love the little motif diamonds it has
@Maelodi Hello and welcome! Very lovely, loving the teal with matching gold and glad to see more Giant Fashion
Also here I'll link your picture (I think you forgot the .png at the end which is why it wasn't showing up) I'll update the first page since they made it easier to link and post images
@roastedpig Hello again! Very awesome and chill, loving how that wig looks and shoes look with the Knitwear
Hello! I been thinking about getting this outfit for awhile and decided to go for it when I found it for a good price. My friend also found someone selling the Dowra Boots and finally checked that off my Wishlist. Loving how the boots look with this outfit (I was unsure if the boots would look okay since i dyed them brown). Also loving this wig with this outfit, very elegant. I really like the design of the outfit and the pose is pretty cool.
Outfit: Private Academy Riding Uniform (F)
Headpiece: Winter Royal Elegant Wig (F)
Shoes: Dowra Boots
Gloves: Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
Accessories: Pink Mini Wings, Spring Bloom Cherry Blossom Halo
Also setting up a Daily Meet-Up for this Saturday, June 22nd at 6:00 PM PST, 9:00 PM EST right before banquet at Port Ceann. Since Channel 1 gets full sometimes on weekends, I'll be having it in Channel 2 this time. I'll remind the day or so before in case people forget
Once it's weekend, I'm off the forums and easily forget.
Whateverland's major officer at your service.
Outfit pieces: DIamond Suit, Classic Shoes, Monocle, Hobnail Knuckle, Zeder II (all original, i.e. not dyed)
I'd like to drop in on the 22nd of June (if I'm not mistaken), and since you like pink and fashion so much, I'll suggest a new cute style for you to try on! But until then it's a secret >w<
@Musicat oh its okay, I actually haven't been paying attention to that eventually I'll start it up again. That's actually pretty neat, I don't see the male versions of that outfit being used alot (konpwns just posted the female version
Hello! Loving this new outfit haha I’m a hoodie person RL and love how the jeans look in this game (wouldn’t mind getting more too
Outfit: Everyday Hoodie (F)
Headpiece: Natural Short Twin Tail Wig (F)
Shoes: Casual Date Sneakers
Gloves: N/A
Accessories: Royal Elephant Messenger Bag, Crunchyroll Balloon
Also reminder I’ll be having a Daily Fashion Meet-Up tomorrow on June 22nd at 6:00 PM PST, 9:00 PM EST right before Banquet at Port Ceann, on Channel 2 (Due to Ch1 getting full on Weekends). Same place, check the map in the opening post but if you get lost just drop me a note in game (Cariceci+Mari) or msg me on here and I’ll try to find you before it starts