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Head: Pihne wig
Body: Snowflake dress
Hand: Tribal bird bracelet
Shoes: Royal academy slippers F
@Icemage359 Very adorable, I agree it came out really well for something just thrown together.
Hello! I actually wanted this outfit since Eweca Orb was renewed last year but because of event items, gach, and other stuff (and Eweca not being renewed for like a year), I put it off due to it being little pricer than I usually spend on outfits. But because its getting to where Eweca might be renewed soon, I rushed to make gold to get it haha. After spamming for two days with no luck (none of my friends had seen any in awhile either which was little disheartening), I saw one being sold on housing at max price but I didn’t want to note and get rejected qq so my wonderful, awesome friend Milk noted for me before I had to leave and got it for me for the price I was buying it for.
I used the Battle Uniform (F) Idle pose and then the Insect Collector Gesture(this outfit doesn’t come with a pose). Also got to take a picture with my beautiful friend after we finished Musical Math Dungeon (PLEASE DUNGEON I JUST NEED A STRING haha).
Outfit: Desert Soldier Training Fatigues (F) (Battle School Uniform Idle Pose)
Headpiece: Enchanted Bride’s Wig
Shoes: Starlet Circle Boots (F)
Gloves: Femme Bangles (F)
Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings, Fluffy Squirrel Tail
Outfit: Pinstripe Pajamas (F) [Royal Academy Casual Uniform Idle]
Headpiece: Neat Half Ponytail Wig
Shoes: Pinstripe Slippers
Gloves: Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings
Outfit: MusicQ Casual Wear (F)
Headpiece: Puppy Fedora
Shoes: Roller Skates
Gloves: Femme Bangles (F)
Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings
Outfit: Romantic Autumnal Dress
Headpiece: Nekone’s Wig
Shoes: Winter Messenger Shoes (F)
Gloves: Flowery Festival Strap (F)
Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings, Fluffy Squirrel Tail
Outfit: Battle School Uniform (F)
Headpiece: Stitched Mask/Starpin
Shoes: Special Forces Combat Boots
Glove: Bunny Parka Bracelet/Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings, Fluffy Squirrel Tail
I must admit though these two pieces make a great combination and i'm loving this new look
Outfit: Astrologer Outfit (F)
Headpiece: Pihne Wig
Shoes: Butterfly Boots (F)
Glove: Witch-In-Training Gauntlets (F)
Accessories: White Dominion Wings
Server: Mari
In the early dawn, a well dressed gentleman farmer tends to his crops.
Head: Bohemian Hat (M)
Outfit: Elegant Gothic Suit
Shoes: Vine-print Hunting Boots
Hands: Milky Way Mandolin
Oh my goodness, I was super happy when I was able to buy these wings. They are super gorgeous and so regal looking. I am surprised people are being quite kind when it comes to the wing prices, I go them for a good price. I love them
Accessory: We got married Balloon
Body: Elite Smart Uniform
Head: Wiggly Kitsune Ears
Shoes: Night witch boots
Hand: Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
Tail: Fluffy Fox Tail
Wings: Mysterious Astro Wings
@MiDz Very awesome, love the theme you used and think that's the first time I've seen the Elegant Gothic Suit being used, looks good
@FayeKaiba Congrats on the wings
Hello, so I wasn’t actually sure if I was gonna get this outfit (the yellow sash was undyeable) but I found it for a good price so I went ahead and got it. Love the pose it comes with though I was unsure how to dye it haha love how it came out though. I also brought the Kokopo Chair for Two which I think is as adorable as the actual pet haha.
Outfit: Nosuri’s Outfit
Headpiece: Nekone’s Wig
Shoes: Boatswain’s Pirate Boot
Gloves: Bohemian Flower Band (F)
Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings, Fluffy Squirrel Tail, Kokopo Chair for Two
Outfit: Winter Messenger Outfit (F)
Headpiece: Eluned Floral Fairy Earrings (Human,Giant/F)
Shoes: Starlet Circle Boots (F)
Gloves: Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings, Lunar Crystal Staff
Head: Wiggling Droopy Kitty Ears
Outfit: Atui's Outfit
Gloves: Fallen Fairy Gauntlets (F)
Tail: Perm Kitty Tail
Robe: Mysterious Astro Wings
Foot: Cheerleader Boots
Also glad to see that we can now show pictures again haha which means I need to play catch up with the Featured Fashion
Hi! So I wore this Special Newbie Wear Type C before but I’m donning it again because of these Eluned Floral Fairy Sandals (F). I dyed the metal part (which is normal dye amp) grey so that it matches the Newbie Wear. I also brought a Nosuri’s Wig before the previous gach ended and wore it with this outfit. Another staff from the MusicQ called the Angelic Monkey Staff. All its parts are metal dye only but the orb part is glowy. As you can tell, there’s a small monkey on it with wings LOL.
Outfit: Special Newbie Wear Type C (F)
Headpiece: Nosuri’s Wig
Shoes: Eluned Floral Fairy Sandals (F)
Gloves: Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings, Fluffy Squirrel Tail, Angelic Monkey Staff
Also I'm glad we can finally see images on these forums again.
Outfit: Plaid Babydoll Negligee (F)
Headpiece: William Glasses
Shoes: Starlet Circle Boots (F)
Accessories: Black Angel Wings
Top Left:
Outfit: Detective Outfit F
Headpiece: Cores' Mysterious Roswell
Shoes: Treasure Hunter Boots
Gloves: Lisbeth SAO Gloves
Accessories: Pink Angel Wings, Full Balloon, Perm Fox Tail
~The Truth is Out There~
Top Right:
Outfit: Rhetoi's Rabbit Suit F
Headpiece: Pinwheel Festival Hat
Shoes: Pierrot Shoes
Gloves: Pierrot Gloves
Accessories: Pink Angel Wings, Full Balloon, Winter Angel 2nd Title, Perm Fox Tail
I actually won a forum contest with this outfit!
Outfit: Battleborn Outfit F
Headpiece: Pihne Wig
Shoes: Bunny Dress Shoes
Gloves: Shaman Bracelets
Accessories: Twilight Glass Wings, Fluffy Kuon Tail
Top Left:
Outfit: Ruffled Halter Negligee
Headpiece: Star Hairpin
Shoes: Bear Slippers
Gloves: Bunny Parka Bracelets
Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings, Full Balloon, Pillow, Perm Fox Tail
Top Right:
Outfit: Winter Messenger Outfit F
Headpiece: Wiggling Kitsune Headband
Shoes: Winter Messenger Shoes F
Gloves: Tribal Bird Bracelet
Accessories: Stylish Astro Wings, Sky Lantern Balloon, Rhythmic Yellow Harmony Halo, Perm Fox Tail, Busking Chair (The color of the guitar changes depending on what you're holding)
Bottom Left:
Outfit: Pierrot Outfit
Headpiece: Bright Student Wig F
Shoes: Pierrot Shoes
Gloves: Pierrot Bracelet
Accessories: Pink Angel Wings, Sky Lantern Balloon, Winter Angel 2nd Title, Perm Fox Tail, Mir Dragon
Bottom Right:
Outfit: Waffle Witch Dress
Headpiece: Magus Crest Earrings
Shoes: Saber Leather Shoes
Gloves: Femme Bangles F
Accessories: Sky Glass Wings, Ghost Bomber Balloon, Rhythmic Blue Harmony Halo, Haunted Spirit Swing, Supa-Kupa Mini Gem, Perm Fox Tail
Top Left:
Outfit: Treasure Hunter Field Wear F
Headpiece: 2nd Anniversary Mongo's Hat
Shoes: Treasure Hunter Boots
Gloves: Glow-in-the-Dark Bracelet (Yellow)
Accessories: Pink Angel Wings, Perm Fox Tail, Chicken Family Mini Gem, Kokopo Pet
Top Right:
Outfit: Illyasviel Coat
Headpiece: Snowflake Hairpin
Shoes: Illyasviel Shoes
Gloves: Snowboard Gloves F
Accessories: Purple Angel Wings, Winter Angel 2nd Title, Kupa Mini Gem
Bottom Left:
Outfit: Sheep Sonata Outfit F
Headpiece: Flowery Festival Hairpin
Shoes: Rabbit Slippers,
Gloves: Tribal Bird Bracelet
Accessories: Sky Glass Wings, Perm Fox Tail, Insect Collector Gesture
Bottom Right:
Outfit: Elegant Celtic Armor F
Headpiece: Wiggling Kitsune Headband
Shoes: Elegant Celtic Shoes F
Gloves: Elegant Celtic Gloves F
Accessories: Cherry Blossom Hummingbird Wings, Perm Fox Tail, Flight Attendant Luggage (glitched out with Courtship)
Outfit: Brilluen Tail Dress F
Headpiece: William's Glasses
Shoes: Brilluen Bootie Heels
Gloves: Tribal Bird Bracelet
Accessories: Stylish Astro Wings, Sky Lantern Balloon, Rhythmic Yellow Harmony Halo, Perm Fox Tail
This is my current outfit, and possibly my favorite to date! I've had the Brilluen Dress for a while but not having an idle drove me crazy. The nerd/succubus look went better than expected. These William Glasses are amazing.
@Carlize I saw haha
I was supposed to post this yesterday but I fell asleep haha so posting it now. Happy Chinese New Years! I had this Red Lunar New Year Costume (F) in my dressing room due to it not being dyeable (It was back when I was collecting pieces for the King Collector Title) but it actually came in handy for this holiday outfit. This Patron Hat already came in red (I haven’t gotten around to dyeing it) and wore Portia Shoes since I didn’t have any red shoes and the Tribal Bird Bracelet thought went well with the gold on the Patron Hat. I took a picture with my hot pot table (thought it was fitting for Chinese New Years).
Outfit: Red Lunar New Year Costume (F)
Headpiece: Patron Hat
Shoes: Portia Shoes
Gloves: Tribal Bird Bracelet
Accessories: Hot Pot Table
Still playing catch up but the Winter Contest will be put up in a few days (hopefully) and hope people have fun with it
Outfit: 2012 Premium Winter Newbie Wear (F)
Headpiece: Rurutie’s Wig
Shoes: Lisbeth Boots
Gloves: Dowra’s Bracers
Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings, Fluffy Squirrel Tail
I really love that chair.
Head: Volume Beret
Outfit: Kyle’s Outtfit
Hand: Terks Open Finger Gloves
Shoes: Royal Academy Ribbon Loafers (F)
Hi so a friend gave me this Chickie Pantaloons and I’ve been wearing it for days haha. I really like the details on it, it has little hearts along side the chickies and a bow on the back. Its super cute, glad I got it. Also got William’s Glasses (from my partner) which I haven’t decided if I wanted to dye the frames or not. Love the Rabbit Slippers from the recent gach. The Chickie Slippers probably match better but still cute. Also got Fluffy Puppy Bag, showing how it looks on the back. There's more pictures of it on my tumblr (so I don't spam too much pictures on here haha).
Outfit: Chickie Pantaloons
Headpiece: William’s Glasses
Shoes: Rabbit slippers
Gloves: Rhetoi’s Rabbit Gloves (F)
Accessories: Fluffy Puppy Bag
Hello! So this outfit I’m actually using for a Winter Outfit Screenshot Contest I will be holding. Originally I was banning any outfits and pieces with Snowflake or Winter in it, to see what people could come up with but it was really hard for me to come up with an outfit (Little iffy on this one but best thing I could come up with) so I didn’t ban them in the contest. I know it’s a “summer” uniform LOL but the sweater vest reminded me of winter so I thought it was fitting. The hat I used was the Tork’s LittIe-brimmed Hat, kind of good for keeping the snow out your hair. Also used Chillin’ Urban Boots (F) as the shoes since its snow and well they’re boots haha. Last is the Laighlinne Unbalanced Wrist Guard to add some protection as gloves. I used a tin pot so she’s a little tiny and pictures in Iria aren’t as close up as in Uladh.
Outfit: Summer School Uniform (F)
Headpiece: Tork’s Little-brimmed Hat
Shoes: Chillin’ Urban Boots (F)
Gloves: Laighlinne Unbalanced Wrist Guard
Accessories: N/A
Winter Outfit Screenshot Contest
Hi! So its been awhile since I held a contest so I might be a bit rusty. So while its still winter, let's see what kind of Wintery outfits you guys can come up with! Orginally I was gonna ban anything with the words Snowflake or Winter in them to make it more interesting but it was really hard for me to make an outfit so LOL I'm leaving them in. So go crazy haha!
The theme is to dress up in what you think is your best Winter Outfit.
This contest will run from 2/5 11:40 pm pst / 2:40 am est to 3/5 11:59 pm pst/ 2:59 am est
- Please only one entry per participant. You may add additional pictures but only the 1st one will be judged.
- Sorry that if you’re on a different server, I cannot give you the prizes. You may still join in for fun if you like and receive a small thank you note.
- If you are doing a group or couple picture, please be aware that only one person will receive the prize, which is the person posting unless requested otherwise. Please also include the names of everyone involved.
- Please include your In-Game Name and Server so we know who to send the prizes to.
- This is important, if anyone who is entered is causing trouble for other participants and either I see it or I’m told of it, I will disqualify the person. So please be nice!
- Last thing, have fun and can’t wait to see everyone’s screenshots!
Looking For
These are the things I will be looking for in your screenshots:
- Unique Coordinate- It stands out, it’s different, etc. Just something about it pops out even if another person is using it.
- Creativity- Think outside the box, mixing and matching. Using different pieces from different sets. I want to see what you guys can do!
- Scenery- Not so much a big one but where you took the picture. Was it at a school? A grassy plain? The beach? Things like that.
- Description- We want to know why you chose the outfit you did, the scenery, the colors, etc.
- Goal- Show us your best winter outfit!
- 2.5 Million Cheque
- 1 Fixed Black Dye Amp, 1 Fixed White Dye Amp
- 5 Untimed dyes
1st Place chooses a prize, then 2nd Place chooses from the remaining two prizes, and 3rd place will receive whichever prize was not chosen.
Runner-Up Prizes:
- 250k Cheque
- Each participant will receive a Heartbeat Gateau Au Chocolat if they would like one.
Entry Form:
Screenshot: (Quote it if too big)
List of Items You’re wearing: (If we can’t see everything)
Description: (Why you chose this)
In-Game Name and Server: (If not from Mari)
And that is it haha if you have any questions, feel free to ask on here or note me in game. Please note me before trying to add, my list is full. If you need me to add you, just let me know and I’ll make room. Please everyone have fun and can’t wait again to see your entries! Again start date 2/5 11:40 pm pst / 2:40 am est to 3/5 11:59 pm pst/ 2:59 am est
Here is my example: