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thats literally just censoring the topic... if people wanna talk about a merge they can.
welp, can't make everyone happy i guess
i just don't want to lose my names, the stress from the first merge was enough tyvm
My gut tells me that if Nexon doesn't solve the issue while they yet have the time, <sarcasm>and what are the odds of that?</sarcasm> . . . and it becomes time to merge Alexina in, that they will likely go with giving the shaft to Alexina, including to the ones there that paid for their names.
Yeah but they have been punished for almost 2 years now. I just think it's time to get this over with.
My stars what did they do to deserve that; how did they "act out"?
There's a picture of it in this thread.
No more gin for you.
Now THAT'S just mean spirited. Get it? Mean SPIRITED. I kill me.
Oh I thought we were done with the puns. I guinness not.
Wait, so... the picture of them saying "Merge Alexina" is grounds for... punishment? Am I reading this correctly?
It's just a message that will probably despawn shortly, it's made of event study desks. Unless it's photoshopped or something as someone in this thread said. In which case, it's a edited image that could have been made by a single person.
No I believe it goes back to Alexina players scoffing at the initial idea of the server merge and when it finally happened... many of them were like
Very punny; yakkity yak yak. BTW I love Guinness. Someone asked me once about what it tastes like, I said: "Take a full ashtray and mix it with water; it's good!"
Yep. I remember.
You know what?
Bleep them. I am full of hate again.
Well, of course you are; it's an election year.
Do you mean we should start a new thread calling for the merge of Alexina and Nao?
yeah I came back to mabi after quitting on Alexina server, and everytime I look for daily parties in Tail or Tara no one is there even in ch1.
Festia and everything else is dead. Like everything is ghost town even Belvast...
Legit theres no one anywhere except dunby ch1 mostly and it's the channel is not even busy most of the time.
in other channels theres like maybe maximum 20 people standing around in dunby and thats it