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Oh, for sure. Nexon goofed. I'll always agree with you there.
Oh, for sure. I don't expect suggestions of merging to just stop, because people are going to continue to believe what they believe and some people don't pay attention enough to realize that it's been rehashed 1000 times.
But, that's not what I was pointing out. I wasn't criticizing the repetition of the request; I was criticizing the belief in the repetition of the action. You see, there's nothing harmful in replaying a conversation about merging due to ignorance of history; there is a harm to be done in replaying the same actions that caused the problems that occurred after the first merge, due to ignorance of history, which are being encouraged by the replayed conversations as was what caused the first merge. Actions can be prevented. And let's just be honest, here: If the goal wasn't to get the second merge to occur, then people wouldn't still be rehashing the conversation. My purpose in being here simply is to do my part in making sure that does not happen again.
100%. I'm with you, here. I'm glad more people are suggesting a change to events for them to be made to encourage more actual gameplay and activity.
youre so mad lol