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It went from highest pop to Mari to Tarlach really quick hasn't it?
OMG, you poor fellow. You remind me of this guy.
Yeah been there before the server merge on Ruairi.
Not sure if you don't understand what FUD actually is or i'm just too laid back and don't see anything to be afraid/doubtful of a bunch of chairs that leave messages or inapproriate symbols or whatever.
What kinda FUD is for dinner tonight?
The FUD up kind.
That's the part where folks say F.U.(A)D.
I was there briefly. It was one guy using some glitch to place a mannequin, logout, login, place another mannequin etc. Please just make a new character on Nao or ask for a "server change" option like the name change one. I honestly can't believe the last merge happened with the same ten or so people begging and spamming on the forums.
It happened in large part from their 2018 "Campfire" that was attended by around 400 people.
I hate to ask but is there a source on there being around 400 people? 400 for a 1-day event that was only on the west coast sounds like a stretch but I wasn't there so I don't know. Even then, making a decision like this from a one day event sounds even worse.
Does that even matter? They're never gonna undo the merge. There are characters that were created on Nao that would have nowhere to go. Most Naowegians like being Naowegians and would not want to go back to their empty little servers. If Nexon decides to do another merge they can and they will.
It matters because a small group of people shouldn't be trying to manipulate a narrative that "all the servers are dead so we need a merge"
At this point, it's about trying to prevent the same issues from happening again. The last merge was terrible. Lag, rollbacks, bugle spam, and name-sniping for weeks is too much to deal with. The Mari server was fine at the time but if you're saying Alexina is empty, why not ask for a server change service so all twenty of you Alexina players can migrate.
That's not how it happened. This was something that was clamored for many years and it was something that was going to eventually happen. They decided to release that news that it was going to finally happen during the Campfire event. It was definitely not something decided at the event like it was some dark sinister convention with people who think they have control.