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Welcome to the new Mabinogi website! Please report any major issues of the new website in this forum thread.
1. I'm not keen on the permanent bold the forum font gives. Makes everyone look like they are talking big.
New font bold test Lets see what bolding the bold font does
Edit : It doesn't seem like using bold on the forums does anything. This make me think the default font may already be in bold.
2. Advanced guide is currently blank of all contents.
3. The talent page could use a background box around the text. Currently it just has the text overlayed on the standard background of the new website. It doesn't quite look as professional as everything else.
Overall, I'm mixed on the new design. From a new user standpoint I think it's great. It's much cleaner, gets the point to all our players, and feels more user friendly. On the other hand, I already miss the old site. It's just growing pains though, I'm sure I'll grow to love this new layout and site as well.
Continued Edit : points 2 and 3 are working on mobile just fine.
It could be intentional, but I thought it would show a list of what is in the gacha.
Tested in Chrome and Edge.
Text content suggests the user to "Click through the Talents to see more information then select the one you think fits your character best." However, there is nothing to click through. Looking through the console, though, the Talents Page State object seem to have been created properly.
Here's one item from that object:
Just tested again and now the page doesn't work at all. A brief view of the what I saw before shows for half a second before displaying a blank document (although the Nexon top nav bar is available; id="gnt") and I get the following error in the console:
But I do like the guides tabs and that there is a direct link to the wiki. The shop page is okay.
But I do like the guides tabs and that there is a direct link to the wiki. The shop page is okay.
The news page is just too large, icons and text both. And I'm not too hot on the pinkness
But I do like the guides tabs and that there is a direct link to the wiki. The shop page is okay.
The news page is just too large, icons and text both. And I'm not too hot on the pinkness of the top bar, just a personal distaste. But I'll get used to it.