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But mostly I just came here to remark that I really hate the gallery format of the news page. It's too much to look at. I would really appreciate a list format option like on the old site so I can more readily see what is actually a new announcement instead of scrolling through the fuckton of large images with cut-off titles.
Plus this is just... this doesn't look good. https://prnt.sc/vlcydd
I can see why they changed over the forums/website. It allows them to do even more with it. Sadly it comes at a cost. It will take time for ppl to adjust.
Someone in management comes up with an idea to revamp the way the site looks. Developers come up with a good looking version that has all of the information neatly alligned. Manager goes "Nope, I saw this article that says having things all spread out through the site increases engagement." Developers sigh sadly, and quickly try to revamp their code for the new requirements.
The above repeats many times for slightly different requirements, until the code is an unmaintainable mess, due to fundamental changes being required on a weekly basis. The developers are exhausted, and stop caring about the quality of the user experience, they know their complaints will fall on deaf ears, so they numb themselves and resign to the idea of having a subpar experience, since that's what the all knowing management team, who likely never actually played an MMO wants.
The management is happy because "Yup, the developers were able to adapt to changing requirements, that's what Agile development means." without actually knowing what agile means.
I'm usually either on my computer or not looking at an electronic at all, but I guess I'm old fashioned now. I personally prefer the old website design, but if this is what catches new players' attention and gets them to download Mabinogi, then I guess it's a good thing.
Please do fix the perma-bold and forum glitches, though! That's the only thing that I really think needs to be changed. The rest is just my own preference.
This website design is too feminine. A potential gamer would view this page and think there is no combat.
Man this sentence sound ridiculous. People still think females can't engage in combat games...
I don't think the point was that women can't enjoy combat games. All the pink and flowers would mostly catch the attention of people who like feminine things, a.k.a. fashionogi. There's nothing wrong with those things, but if the game wants to continue the vibe of being an adventure fantasy game, it'd be best if they continue to keep the blue/green/orange color scheme they had going.
As it is now, the average gamer will look at the homepage and may assume it's a fashion game like Second Life or IMVU. While fashion is a big part of the game, it's not the main focus. It's a fantasy adventure and slice of life hybrid. Combat is still a big part of the game. It would be best to go for a more neutral design rather than being overly feminine or masculine, because this is not a pure slice of life game, nor is it purely an action game either.
That's always a good start.