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On a vanilla chrome, on 1080p screen, literally the only things visible on screen are the login bar at the top, and this massive marquee esque banner that scrolls too quickly for people to actually read, and too slowly for people to easily get the gist of.
Speaking of the marquee banner at the top, how about making scrolling through it reset the auto scroll timer? It's super frustrating to scroll left, only for it to immediately scroll right.
Now onto the news page:
Please, PLEASE give us an option to view as a vertical list. Where the DATES are in one column and names are in another. To use it as is, my eyes need to dart around the page to get a gist of the temporal spacing of the news.
Oh, and also: 117 HTML errors and 7 HTML warnings. It's clear that compliance for people with disabilities wasn't even thought of.
You guys can't even program a forum that doesn't create 10 fake posts per real post.
What makes you think your website revamp will do any better?
Stop having your web team make new things, and start making them fix old things, and start working on tech debt!